June 1, 1782

1782 June 1 (Saturday).  Breck has hired Mr. Thomas Kenny to digg a Cellar for his (designed) New House; who begins this Morning.  P.M. came my Samuel Parkman, and with him two of his Children; viz. Samuel and Sally.  Mr. Cushing also from Concord — takes his son Henry with him and goes to Shrewsbury to preach there tomorrow.  But what was most Surprizing was, Mr. Maccarty, his Wife and Mr. Thadeus Chamberlin (who waited upon them) came this way from Boston, and dined here.  Mr. Maccarty is evidently Consumptive, yet bears up wonderfully — has preached to the Convention — his Text was Act. 20.24.  P.M. they proceed on their Journey.  N.B. Am informed that Rev. Henry True of Hempstead dyed lately, and suddenly: also that Rev. Mr. Thomas Haven of Reading is [also?].

June 2, 1782

1782 June 2 (Sunday).  I now first began the public Exercises with Singing Ps. 95.X.  Preached a. and p.m. on Deut. 10.12.13.  Mrs. Maynard dined here.  P.M. began the public Exercise with singing Ps. 100.  Admitted Mrs. Lydia Morse into the Church.  Am informed that Ensign Jabez Snow expired this Morning.  Mr. Brigham at Evening read Flavell Fountain, sermon 39, and he prayed.

June 6, 1782

1782 June 6 (Thursday).  Mr. Adams changes Dr. Owen on the Glory of Christ (and which hath in it the Doctors Life and Letters) and with this Dr. Colmans Incomprehensibleness of God.  He leaves these two for Bacchus’s History of the Anabaptists.  He goes to Ashburnham to See his Daughter Hill.  I rode into the South and dined at Mr. John Harringtons — and with Mr. Noah Beeman of Marlborough likewise.  Visited old Mrs. Thurston; Lieutenant Bowman, Messrs. Benjamin Ball, Isaac Adams — was at Mr. Jonathan Batherick’s House, but no body at home — called at Mr. John Balls and at Mr. Martyn Pratts.  N.B. Mr. John Harrington paid me 20/ Lawfull money.

June 9, 1782

1782 June 9 (Sunday).  The Singers did not come Seasonably to begin the publick Exercise as proposed.  Preached a. and p.m. on Deut. 10.12.13.  Mrs. Maynard dines here.  At Eve, Mrs. Scott, being very ill, I prayed with my Family, and rode down to their House, discoursed and prayed with them.  I returned home.  Mr. Brigham read in Flavell’s Fountain.

June 11, 1782

1782 June 11 (Tuesday).  Breck has Nine Hands at work, on Cellar, Frame etc.  Rev. and aged Mr. Thomas West of Rochester here, going to Charlestown No. 4.  Also Coll. Baldwin, who is come from Cambridge where his son Isaac lies Sick of a bad Fever.  They dined with us and p.m. left us for Worcester and Brookfield.  I wrote to Mr. Maccarty for his Convention Sermon etc.

June 12, 1782

1782 June 12 (Wednesday).  I had appointed a Lecture to be this Day — wrote again to Mr. Grosvenor to preach it and Sent the Letter last Week, by (I Suppose) the Safe Hand of Deacon Batchellor — But was again disappointed; for he did not Come, nor have I any Lisp of Reason Why.  I preached my Self on Deut. which may God bless to the few who came!  After Meeting we had, to see us, Cousin Sally Brigham and her son in Law, Dr. John Gott from Wenham.  Also Mr. Belknap and his Wife, and Mr. Hazzletine.

June 16, 1782

1782 June 16 (Sunday).  This compleats the 58th Year Since I gave my Answer to the Town of Westborough.  I preached a.m. on Mark XIV.14.15 and Administered the sacrament.  May the Long-suffering of God be magnifyed!  May he graciously accept our Offerings!  P.M. on [blank].  Mrs. Maynard and Mr. Samuel Barrett (of Hopkinton) Dined here.  At Eve Mr. Brigham read Flavells Fountain of Life, Sermon 41 and prayed.

June 17, 1782

1782 June 17 (Monday).  Mr. Lyon came from Southborough and dined here.  I Catechized at the Meeting House above 30 Boys a.m. 36 Girls p.m.  Met with Mr. Aaron Fay of Southborough and talked with him about his Mother in Law (who was [blank] Bradish) — So abandoned to Drinking, that tis feared his [sic] Case is desperate.

June 18, 1782

1782 June 18 (Tuesday).  I rode to Mr. Bridge’s, East-Sudbury, it being the Time of our Association.  Mr. Bridge prayed at the Beginning and I did it at the concluding of the Meeting.  Mr. Whitney asks the Association to meet Next at his House.  Then riding to my son Williams and passing over a Bridge near one Mr. Ephraim Abbots, my Horse took a bad Fright, Set to running — and, threw me off, wounded my Head, tore my Cloths, my Coat and Jacket especially.  But Mrs. Abbot, and her son, were very kind.  The latter (when the Storm of Thunder and Rain which arose at that time was over) took his Horse and rode with me a good part of the Way to Williams where I arrived and lodged Safely.  Am informed that the [Excellent?] Capt. Charles Miles is Sorrowfully sunk into Melancholly and Dullness — as his Brothers were.  O that God would bless to me the Great Favour I enjoy in having my Understanding and May it please Him to continue — But would [?] beg His almighty Grace to improve Life, Reason and the Gospel, while I enjoy them.

June 19, 1782

1782 June 19 (Wednesday).  This is the Day of the Great Solemnity of the Instalment of Rev. Mr. Ebenezer Grosvenor at Harvard.  May God be among them!  I can’t be among them as I hop’d.  I rode home.  Billy, my Grandson rode with [me] to Col. Weeks; where we dined.  I call to See Mrs. Blackden at Mr. Jonathan Loring, who lies in a low Condition, and prayed with him.  At Mr. George Williams’s.  At Mr. Jonathan Bruce’s, to see Mrs. Beeman who is yet alive, but not able to converse: and at Coll. Brighams.

June 20, 1782

1782 June 20 (Thursday).  We expected Mr. Whitney of Brookline in Connecticut from Harvard: but his Horse had got away, and therefore he came not but Mr. Peter Whitney and his Wife came and Spent the p.m.  The World is at this juncture in Tosses about Mr. Eli: who heads a Mob in the County of New Hampshire, and who was put into Springfield Jayl, but was last Lords Day, forcibly let out, and absconds.

June 21, 1782

1782 June 21 (Friday).  A.M. came Mr. Johnson of Lime and his Lady from Boston, and dine here; as do Mr. Aaron Crosby and his Lady also, from [blank].  After which came the Widow of the late Mr. Abraham Knowlton of Shrewsbury.  But I was obliged to go to Mr. Nathan Maynards who raises a New Barn, and there I supped.  Thanks to God there was no Evil Occurrences.

June 25, 1782

1782 June 25 (Tuesday).  Mr. Brigham goes to Boston.  Wrote by him to Mr. Quincy.  Hear that Southborough have elected Mr. Lyon.  There were votes for divers Others, viz. for Messrs. Killbourn, Millen and Wolcott.  I visit Deacon Woods Wife, who is ill.  Mr. Jonathan Forbes and Mr. Joseph Grout meet me on the Road, and want to discourse about Mrs. Adams.  Mr. Benjamin Fay likewise is very Strenuous about his Difference with Mr. Thomas Whitney, and Says he is willing to leave the whole to Men mutually chose.  I design and attempt to visit Sarah Newton but met her in a Chaise riding out.  She grows worse.  N.B. Sophy has got Mr. Lambson to whitewash part of the House. Sundry Visitants.  Mrs. P________ [blot] is much exercised with grievous Pain in her Back.

June 26, 1782

1782 June 26 (Wednesday).  I preached Mr. Whitneys Lecture.  My son Ebenezer went to Northborough with me.  Mr. Sumner and his Wife were with us there at Dinner.  Mr. Sumner also prayed before my sermon.  The Text was Ps. 73.26, middle Clause: “But God is the strength of my Heart” — which may God succeed!  I Returned in Safety.