1778 April 25 (Saturday). I was kindly found and spoke to, in the Dark, at the Meeting-House Door, by the friendly Mr. Richard Pratt; and when altogether at a Loss what Course to take, or what to do with myself; this benevolent, hospitable man invited me to his House to lodge there the rest of the Night; and [illegible] me there. Mr. Maccarty [torn] me, but I was left forlorn. [torn]ly went to P[torn]atts and Slept there. In the Morning repaired again to the Court (which sat at the Meeting House). The Criminals were brought. The Jury brought in their Verdict, Guilty! Upon which the awful and Shocking Sentence of Death was pronounced — and they were remanded to Jayl.
I returned to Mr. Pratts (where my Horse was kept also) and rode to Grafton, to Mr. David Stows, with whom I agreed to Pasture my Sheep. 12d old tenor per Head per Week. Dined at Old Capt. Drurys, and hastened home. At Eve came Elias, on foot, from College. Mr. James Miller junior and Dr. Hawes, with their Relations, to be read tomorrow. Elias came home from Cambridge.