1778 May 1 (Friday). A peculiarly Difficult time with me, it being very Stormy and my Sheep so unruly, breaking into [not only?] my own Clover, but into Mr. [Newtons?] [forced to Shut?] them up in the Barn, and keep them on Hay and Stalks, though it makes them waste, and dirty.
Month: May 1778
May 2, 1778
1778 May 2 (Saturday). [Illegible] arising continued. And Elias though [illegible] of little [Service?] to me. I strive in my Preparations but accomplish little. Mr. Forbes, the Representative here and acquaints me with what the Court has done.
May 3, 1778
1778 May 3 (Sunday). I preached once more on Mat. 17.4. Administered the Lords Supper. A Number of Hopkinton Members were with us at Sacrament. May God graciously accept us! Mr. Barrett and his Daughter Nancy dined with us. P.M. preached on Ps. 27.4, but used that passage for my text in Ps. 73.2[6?] to p. 20. Breck went to Southborough after meeting, on some military Business.
May 4, 1778
1778 May 4 (Monday). Busied about our gardening. Visit and pray with Mr. Adams; and the widow Bigolow who is Sick. Old Mrs. Mary Woods dyes about 5 o’clock p.m. She was born Oct. 31. 1678. Mr. Joseph Harrington here at Eve to acquaint me with it. Old Mr. David Maynard being about to remove into Northborough comes to take leave, and is very affectionate on this Occasion.
May 5, 1778
1778 May 5 (Tuesday). Preached at Mr. Levi Warrens on 1 Cor. 15.57 previous to the burying of old Mrs. Woods, whose Funeral I attended, and prayed — that is, at Mr. Daniel Forbes’s: and gave an Account of her Death, for publication, to Col. Wheelock.[1] N.B. Mr. Levi Warrin opens to me the Beginning of the Difference at Adams’s.
[1]Massachusetts Spy, June 18, 1778, p. 3.
May 6, 1778
1778 May 6 (Wednesday). Mr. Lamson at work for Breck, on his new Additional Building. I rode over to Mr. Whitneys, dined there and preached the Lecture, finishing the Discourse I began March 18 last from Mat. 17.4, which may God graciously accept and bless. N.B. Mr. Sumner was there, who preached at Worcester to the Criminals last Lords Day a.m. on Luk. 15.13, p.m. on v. 18.19. Returned home at Eve.
May 7, 1778
1778 May 7 (Thursday). Hear that Several of those who were inoculated and are at the Hospital, are very bad — particularly [Abner?] (Son of Jonathan) Bruce. P.M. I walked up to Squire Bakers with a View to put off my Oxen; but did not succeed. Walked over to the [illegible] the sawyers Mr. Rider’s [illegible] the Pastures, Hills, Meadows, etc.
May 8, 1778
1778 May 8 (Friday). Much Interruption by [very troublesome Creatures?].
May 9, 1778
1778 May 9 (Saturday). Breck and Mr. Lamson [illegible].
May 10, 1778
1778 May 10 (Sunday). Preached a.m. on [illegible] 30. P.M. finished my Repetition of Sermon on Ps. 17.4 but with [various?] alterations. May God grant His Blessing.
May 11, 1778
1778 May 11 (Monday). Mrs. Adams Wife of Daniel junior came here in the morning — and dined here likewise. Suse Divine waited on her. Her sore at her Throat is healed up — but she wears a plaister and Muffler for Defence. Her mind is not strong. She in somewhat loquacious. It is of Gods great Mercy She is so well as she is. She seems sensible of it. Mr. Lamson and Mr. Jonathan Batherick are at Work with Breck, in boarding the Sides of his additional Building.
Squire Whipple, about to move to New Braintry, came to take his Leave of us. Parting is not Pleasant. He desires for himself and Wife Dismission from this Church to New Braintry.
Sent Elias to Mr. Whitney with a Letter inclosing Mr. Smiths Request to the Church of Marlborough for Dismission from his Pastoral Relation to them, and from his Relation to them as a Brother of that Church, with Recommendation of him to the East-Church in Sudbury. Both which I have certifyed were complyed with in Presence of the Ecclesiastical Council then Sitting there, by full Vote of the Church of Marlborough. At Eve our Singers have, as usual, their Meeting.
May 12, 1778
1778 May 12 (Tuesday). James Hicks drives four young Creatures of my Son Baldwins, and four of my own, to go to Pasture, At Brookfield. Elias was obliged to go with him to Farrars in Shrewsbury, to help him along with them. My Son Alexanders Cow is so weak, yet heavy that She daily to be lifted up: and often times by other Help than our own.
May 13, 1778
1778 May 13 (Wednesday). I visited Mr. Isaac Parker, who is Sick. Went to Mr. Greens — borrowed Firmins real Christian there. Visit Mr. Potter and Family who are lately come to live at Squire Whipple’s, and Mr. Charles Newton and [Family who are come?] to live in the same House. With this latter Family I dined. When I returned home found sister Cushing at our House. She dined here. She brought a Letter [from?] Mr. Stone of [Southborough?] desiring half of Mr. Lorings Diary as his own whereas it ought not to be [illegible].
May 14, 1778
1778 May 14 (Thursday). Elias goes to Cambridge, the Vacation being up. His Brother Breck goes with him, and they have Mr. Barnabas Newtons Chaise. I was much in the Garden. Received a large Letter from Mr. Quincy. This Evening Mr. Hannaniah Parker, Constable Paid me 60£ and 6d L.M., it being the first that he has paid me this Year.
May 15, 1778
1778 May 15 (Friday). I was taken up the most of the Day with variety of Petit Affairs, of the Garden, and of the Cattle. Our daily Trouble for Some time has been, Alexanders Cow: but to day Mr. C. Harrington delivered her and us: for he drew from her a fine Calf. N.B. Mrs. Winchester and her Daughter Maynard were here to See us.
May 16, 1778
1778 May 16 (Saturday). Wrote to Mr. Stone about Mr. Lorings Diary [illegible] that our propriety in it is a joint propriety: and that it can’t be divided. Mr. David Stow of Grafton here and dines. I give him Salt for the sheep, and Rum against the washing of them. To my great Regret I was continually taken up with the Small Affairs of the Garden, the Cattle, etc. etc. Breck returned from Boston and Cambridge late at night.
May 17, 1778
1778 May 17 (Sunday). I rode to Northborough and preached there on Jer. 8.21.22 to the End of page 22. Which may God graciously bless! Mr. Whitney preached here a. and p.m. on Isa. 33.6.
May 18, 1778
1778 May 18 (Monday). [P.?]M. Mr. Thaddeus Warrin is (through great Difficulty) obtained. Plows my East Yard; and helps me in planting a few Potatoes.
May 19, 1778
1778 May 19 (Tuesday). Mrs. P_________ rode with me as far as Capt. Maynards to See her Kinswoman who has been ill of late. I proceeded to Northborough, it being the time of Ministers Meeting at Mr. Whitney’s. It is noticeable that Mr. Stone, though weak, was there. So was Mr. Smith though he has given up the Pastoral Office. In my returning I brought Mrs. P______ to see old Mrs. Kelley. [Came?] home at Eve. Found that Breck had worked for me [plowing?] and planting at the East End of the House, and plowed at the East End of the Barn. I have Several little Pieces of Ground to Plant, but can’t get even them done.
May 20, 1778
1778 May 20 (Wednesday). No body to work for me but [illegible] who is [illegible] to do what he can. My Wife, [illegible] down to [illegible] to Capt. [illegible] Mr. B. Bradshaw here Yesterday while [blot] was absent.
May 21, 1778
1778 May 21 (Thursday). Capt. John Wood here desiring that I would marry him to Miss [blank] Pomoroy of Hadley, upon only [illegible] being published in Westborough only, and not in Hadley.
May 22, 1778
1778 May 22 (Friday). A Town Meeting (among a Number of other Things) to receive the Report of Committee respecting a Constitution of Government and to Choose a Representative. Dr. Hawes is chose. N.B. Deacon Wood was here, and I freely spoke to him of his son Johns Request. N.B. Mrs. Dolly Rice here — mournfull on the sorrowful Affair of her Daughter Adams. Sorrowful News of the Sudden Death of Mr. [blank] Knowlton of Shrewsbury by a Barrell of [blank] rolling upon him.[1] N.B. I paid Mr. Caleb Harrington 28 Dollars for Elias’s Breeches.
[1]Not in Shrewsbury Vital Records.
May 23, 1778
1778 May 23 (Saturday). Sophy is so ill as to lye by. And sister Champney has much Pain in her Arms and Hands from Day to Day.
May 24, 1778
1778 May 24 (Sunday). A.M. on Ezek. 18.30. Those words chiefly, “[Repent and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; So Iniquity Shall not be your Ruine?].” Which may we be made truely to understand and deeply comply with! P.M. repeated sermon on Act. 4.12 to the end of p. 8, which was followed with an Address Specially with reference to Conduct on the ensuing Election-Day. N.B. Read a Petition of Deacon Fay of Southborough requesting a Contribution, he having lately Suffered by the Burning of his House and much of his substance. N.B. This Petition came first to our Select Men.
May 25, 1778
1778 May 25 (Monday). Sophy is better, and goes about again. May God be praised! Mrs. Scott (of Charlestown) works here for Mrs. P________________. At Eve received a Letter from Elias who informs me that he has missed of the Waitership.
May 26, 1778
1778 May 26 (Tuesday). James Hicks leaves us, and goes to Cambridge. I wrote by him to his Mother. We are Alarmed with the Report that [the?] small Pox has broke out at Capt. Jonas Brighams. They are [illegible] and Miss Polly Martyn, that [illegible] Hospital from thence.
May 27, 1778
1778 May 27 (Wednesday). Unusual for me [illegible] I am at home on this important Day. I hear that Mr. [Payne?] of Chelsea is to preach to the General Assembly. It is a Day [of?] Joy on Consideration of the Privileges we enjoy — but it is a Day of Darkness [illegible] on Account of the [War?], which continues and distresses us. For, There have arrived Some bad News of the kings Troops Surrounding and taking a Regiment of our Soldiers at Warren-Point.
May 28, 1778
1778 May 28 (Thursday). Mr. Joseph Farrar, of Lincoln, preaching at Grafton, from sabbath to Sabbath, upon a gratuitous Contrabution; calls here in his Way up, and brings a Letter from my Son Samuel who informs that he is better of his Lameness, and is purposing to return to live at Boston.
May 29, 1778
1778 May 29 (Friday). Elias came home from Cambridge, and rode his Classmate Hastings’s Horse. He came now by reason of his being distempered. His Chum is gone home on the Same Account. Master Samuel Crosby was here, and received his Guthrys Geography. Ensign Aaron Warren came in to see me, and being lately come into this Town to live here, asks me to his House. Capt. Fisher borrows Brainerds Life.
May 30, 1778
1778 May 30 (Saturday). Mr. Maccarty, on his Journey from Boston, came, and has Reprieve for the Criminals, to July 2. He desires me to preach at Worcester tomorrow: But it was inconvenient. I could not be prepared, nor would my Circumstances allow of it. Elias Bryant and his Brother Timothy arrived and lodged here.
May 31, 1778
1778 May 31 (Sunday). My Cares and Avocations through the Week prevented my making due preparations so that I preached again on Act. 4.12 a. and p.m. to p. 20. Mrs. Maynard, Winslow Brigham, and the Bryants dined here. I read a long Address of Congress to the people, and we have Contribution for Deacon Fay of Southborough. A Letter from Mr. Moore of May 25. He has a son William born Apr. 27.