1778 April 23 (Thursday). I rode up to Worcester [torn] to [torn] the Tryal of the Murderers of the late Mr. [torn]hua [torn]pooner. Was very kindly received by Mr. Richard Pratt and his Wife. The criminals (Viz. William Brooks, James Buchannan, Ezra Ross and Bathsheba Spooner but Dux Femina Facti) were arraigned in the Afternoon; and then remanded to Jayl.
N.B. I visited a.m. Mr. Maccartys Mother, Mrs. Bridge, at her son’s Mr. Samuel Bridge’s. I dined at Mr. Salisbury’s, where was his Mother, Mrs. Salsbury; [and?] Mrs. Leonard, widow of the late Dr. Leonard, with her Brother, Mr. Nat. Green of Woodstock. At Court saw my Son Ebenezer who tells me he has Sold his place at New-Braintry. At Eve I returned to Mr. Pratts, who was So very good as to take care of me and my Horse.