October 26, 1776

1776 October 26 (Saturday).  In the Morning went to Capt. Greenleafs (where Mr. Quincy lodges) and received a Volume of Sir William Temple’s Works, which I have borrowed of Mr. Quincy, and promise to Send him that judicious Writers Essays.  I thence went to Mrs. Wilders, who regaled me sumptuously.  Made an early Dinner on Salmon etc.  Left Sophy there with the young Ladies.  N.B. wrote from thence to Mr. Goss of the next Ministers Meeting to be at his House — and came to Mr. Barny Bailys — Mr. Jotham Maynards and delivered him the 40/ L.M. which I had of Capt. Maynard and made a memorandum of it on the Brim of my Hat.  Called at Mr. Whitneys in my hasting home.  Here arrived in Safety and Joy, finding my Family all well, as God had upheld me through the Journey, and no Evil has befall’n me; but have been favoured with moderate Weather, though so late in the Year — for all which Goodness and Kindness of a gracious God I desire to praise His Name, and would look upon my Self as under peculiar Obligations to glorifie Him, as I have engaged, by His Grace to do.  N.B. My Grandsons Ebenezer and Elias, the wife also of the former, from Brookfield, were here last Tuesday, and went from here this Morning.