October 25, 1776

1776 October 25 (Friday).  I took leave of my Children and Sophy accompanys me as far as Lancaster; we had a comfortable Time of it.  But N.B. We called at Mrs. Winchesters who was very ill and full of Pain by Rheumatism — of her I borrowed Dr. John Morse’s Serm. Vol. 1.  On the Road overtake One Morse and his sister in Law, from Otter-Creek: he relates the same bad News.  We called also at Mr. Paysons where we dined, at Mr. Gardners, where we were agreeably entertained.  Reach Lancaster at Evening.  Sophy went to the Widow Wilders.  I repaired to Mr. Harringtons where was Mr. Quincy, who was waiting for my Coming.  We Supped and Spent the Evening together with mutual Delight and Profit, as I humbly hope; and I lodged there also.