September 22, 1775

1775 September 22 (Friday).  Breck to Lancaster about Johns Affairs.  [torn] [yesterday morning] dyed Mr. Elijah Hardys Daughter Hannah, past 6 years old;[1][torn] dyed his son Ephraim Brigham in his 11th.[2]  This Day they were [buryed?] in one [grave?] and in one Coffin.  I attended, and prayed — though it was very rainy.  [torn] of their Children still, little [Prudence?], of nigh 6 years, is also thought to be dying.  [torn] the God of infinite Compassion Show them His [torn] and Mercy!  Hear that Mr. Solomon Miller [torn]ld of Six years lies dead:[3]  and that Mr. [Fishers?] Family are greatly distressed.  That Miss[torn] of 22, has expired; and divers others of them [crossed out] are sick.

[1]Hannah, dau. of Elijah and Martha Hardy, b. June 20, 1769; d. Sept. 20, 1775; Westborough Vital Records, 57, 241.

[2]Ephraim Brigham Hardy, son of Elijah and Martha Hardy, d. Sept. 20, 1775; Westborough Vital Records, 241.

[3]Loas, dau. of Solomon and Mary, b. Oct. 12, 1769; d. Sept. 23, 1775; Westborough Vital Records, 75, 247.