1775 September 5 (Tuesday). John has had a worrying, restless night. Breck who has been confined for 8 Days, goes to his shop to day. I visited Mr[s?]. Belknap who is very bad; as is Mr. Joseph’s Child. Prayed with them as I did at my Neighbour Harringtons. Their Child nigh Death. P.M. visit at Deacon Woods to see Matty. Mr. Ware ill of a fever [illegible] the same House. Prayed with them. Called at Mr. Springs. [torn] little Son much recovered: before this time Mr. Caleb Harringtons Child has departed;[1] and Mrs. P. laid it out. [torn] Brigham (who has lived here ever since last [blank]) watches with John to night.
[1]Caleb Harrington of Waltham mar. Sarah Miller, 3 May 1774; Westborough Vital Records, 166. Although the birth and death of this child are not recorded in the WVR, the births of eight subsequent Harrington children are recorded.