1775 June 29 (Thursday). I rode to Southborough to a Fast there. Mr. Bascomb, of Murryfield, providentially there, began with prayer, Mr. Peter Whitney preached on Ps. v., shewing in his Application great Warmth with respect to the Times. Mr. Stone prayed P.M. and I preached on Isa. 63.9.10. May a gracious God in His great Mercy pardon the Sins of our holy Things, and accept our Humiliations and Supplications, bless the word delivered and make it Savingly profitable to us! Returned [at Evening?]. In my Way called to See and Stirr up Mr. and Mrs. Haskill to their Duty etc. My Son Samuel and his Wife sat out for Newbu[torn] he designs to go as far as Pownalborough. My Son Cushing came; and he lodges here [torn] in Coming, was to see his mother Cushing, who has been ill for Some time: and to see his Brother John Parkman, who Still lies in a weak and low state. N.B. My little Grandson Samuel is put out to Nurse at Mrs. Springs.