1775 June 24 (Saturday). All our Case is gloomy — but John continues alive. The Public state is Dark. Mr. Nathan Fisher who was in the late Action at Charlestown, is full of Thanks to God for his preservation — and the rest of Westborough Company. Breck who went to Newport a few days since, and carryed Dr. Stiles his Watts on the Glorys of Christ,[1] returned, and brings Me the Doctors Discourse at the Installment of Mr. Hopkins.[2] Mr. Levi Wilder is with Breck and lodges here.
[1]The first American edition of Isaac Watts (1674-1748), The Glory of Christ as God-Man, appeared in 1795 (Boston, 1790).
[2]Ezra Stiles, A Discourse on Saving Knowledge: Delivered at the Instalment of the Reverend Samuel Hopkins…Newport, Rhode-Island…April 11, 1770 (Newport, 1770; Evans 11,871).