June 1, 1775

1775 June 1 (Thursday).  The Convention by the kind indulgence of the Congress, were favoured with the Meeting House, but that we might the less incommode them in their important Business, our Meeting was at 8 o’Clock in the morning.  Mr. Stevens preached on Mat. 24.46.47.  May it be followed with divine Blessing!  After Exercise a Number of Ministers met together to ripen a Proposal made for Supplying the Army for Some time gratis, with Preaching by Rotation (as it was termed) but I could not attend it.  I was obliged to go to Cambridge.  But before I went, I made Opportunity to Speak with an Officer who came Express from Ticonderoga, or thereabouts, with a Message to the Congress concerning the royal Forces at St. Johns and other Stations in Canada, purposing to make an Attempt to retake the Forts which the Connecticut People had Seized.  I also Saw Mr. Thomas Adams of Medfield, who brought me Several Books according to agreement, viz. Bostons 4 fold State; Mason of Self Knowledge,[1] Life of Mr. Whitefield.[2]  Dined at Cambridge at my Kinsman Barrett’s.  I hastened to the Camp, where a Number of the Westborough People were in Tents.  I was also at Capt. Wheelock’s Chamber, where were divers of the Officers of his Company besides, and several Westborough Neighbours.  Was at Dr. Langdon’s — and thence I went to Head Quarters and saw Mr. Secretary Ward.  I spoke of a Pass as I was going down to Charlestown Ferry, but he said there was no need.  Yet I was Stopped by the Guards one time after another before I got into that Town.  But there I met with an ingenuous young man, Mr. Caleb Swan, a friend of my son Samuel who greatly assisted me in sending a Letter to my son and getting a Return from him.  He also did his utmost that I might lodge Comfortably at his F’s House, though he could not as he desired, the Family and Goods being removed.  I Slept there.  Memorandum.  I took a Walk to the North, over the Bridge, and down long Wharf, much affected with the Sorrowful Sight of empty Houses and solitary Streets!

[1]The first American edition of John Mason (1706-1763), Self Knowledge, was not published until 1789 (first Worcester edition; Worcester, 1789; Evans 21,942).

[2]John Gillies (1712-1796), Memoirs of the Life of…George Whitefield (New York, 1774; Evans 13,298).