October 5, 1773

1773 October 5 (Tuesday).  Mr. Joseph Harrington calls at Brecks Shop and takes his Book: for though it is so gross and outrageous there are not wanting those who (unhappy men!) too greedily Swallow the Strange stuff which it contains.  May the Lord be pleased to convince and forgive  the injurious Author, or authors of it, and those who are infected with the Contagion it contains!  And may I have Grace Patiently and Meekly to bear the groundless Reflections upon me and numbers of other Ministers, which are slandered therein!  P.M. I rode with Dr. Hawes to Mr. Artemas Bruce’s to see his Sick Child, and prayed there.  In returning took Opportunity to talk with the Doctor about his and his Wife’s joining with the Church.  My Kinsman Bradshaw from Brookfield here and lodges.  Breck has returned from Mendon from the Vendue of the Wilder goods.  Lucy Fay marryed to David Mathews.