October 1, 1773

1773 October 1 (Friday).  Blessed be God who upholds me from one Month to another.  May I have Wisdom and Grace Suitably to improve my Time; this rich Talent!  Mrs. Prudence Rice, Wife of Mr. Elijah, from Hennecker, and her sister Miss Lydia Hardy, dined here.  Cousen Maynard made us a Visit.  Mr. Joseph Belknap brings his and his Wife’s Relation.  At Eve Neighbour Newton with his Oxen, assist in plowing, and a Number of Neighbours in levelling the Knoll at the back of the House.  But Breck went to Lancaster.

October 4, 1773

1773 October 4 (Monday).  In the morning came Capt. Samuel Wilder of Ashburnham, Mr. Levi Wilder of Lancaster, and Miss Polly Cook of Providence, who had been at Lancaster; all in their way to Mendon, and Breck goes with them.  P.M. Mrs. Beeton to See her Mother who is much exercised with Rheumatism.  Miss Hannah Fish drinks Tea with us.  At Eve the Committee of the Church who visited Mrs. Eunice Rice, met here.  Viz. Deacon Bond, Mr. Nathaniel Whitney and Capt. Benjamin Fay.  They draw up, 2 of them Sign the Return of what was done; and they leave the Paper for the Church.  N.B. [Last?] Eve Mr. Joseph Harrington lent me again the Second Neighbour but injoining to return it by Elias when he goes next to School.

October 5, 1773

1773 October 5 (Tuesday).  Mr. Joseph Harrington calls at Brecks Shop and takes his Book: for though it is so gross and outrageous there are not wanting those who (unhappy men!) too greedily Swallow the Strange stuff which it contains.  May the Lord be pleased to convince and forgive  the injurious Author, or authors of it, and those who are infected with the Contagion it contains!  And may I have Grace Patiently and Meekly to bear the groundless Reflections upon me and numbers of other Ministers, which are slandered therein!  P.M. I rode with Dr. Hawes to Mr. Artemas Bruce’s to see his Sick Child, and prayed there.  In returning took Opportunity to talk with the Doctor about his and his Wife’s joining with the Church.  My Kinsman Bradshaw from Brookfield here and lodges.  Breck has returned from Mendon from the Vendue of the Wilder goods.  Lucy Fay marryed to David Mathews.

October 6, 1773

1773 October 6 (Wednesday).  Mr. Bradshaw to Boston and carryed for me 2d and Third Vols. of Burroughs on Hosea to Dr. Samuel Mathers.  Mr. Sumner came and dined with me.  Preached my Lecture on Cant. 1.7.  May a gracious God add His Blessing!  Stayed the Church at the Request of the Deacons, who wanted to acquaint the Church, and did so, with the Legacy which the late Deacon Tainter left the Church, of 50£ Old Tenor and which was let out to his son Benjamin Tainter, now the Time of the Note being up, they want the Church Should direct what they would have done with it; but don’t desire the Church to act anything upon it immediately.  They choose it should be deferred to next Lecture Day.  Mr. Waters here after Meeting — and tarrys here over night.  Squire (or Capt.) Samuel Wilder returning from  Mendon, came and lodged here.

October 7, 1773

1773 October 7 (Thursday).  Several letters from Mr. Moore.  The Dates, Sept. 27, 28, 30, and Oct. 4 by the way of Boston.  P.M. Mr. Solomon Bakers Wife makes us a Visit: also her Sister Tabitha Brigham from FitzWilliam here.  Dr. Samuel Curtis of Marlborough came in.  By him I returned the Life of Dr. South to his Mother Woods.  Mr. Nathan Townsend here with his Relation.  Mr. Ballard, Capt. Larnard and one of their Neighbours who had been a long Journey to Kenebeck, call in as they are returning home to Oxford.

October 10, 1773

1773 October 10 (Sunday).  Read Amos 9.  Preached on Ps. 55.22, which may God bless to our divine Consolation!  Admitted Joseph and Esther Belknap, and Nathan and Sarah Townsend.  Administered the Lord’s Supper.  Omitted Reading p.m.  Preached on Mat. 6.12, to page 10 to the bottom, but with many omissions and alterations.  At Eve came Mr. Willard of Mendon and lodged here.  N.B. He gave me some Account of Mr. Balch, late of the South Parish in Mendon, and the unfitness of his leaving them.

October 11, 1773

1773 October 11 (Monday).  Mr. Willard returned home.  Mr. Stone of Southborough came from Mendon, but from Mr. Frost’s Parish where he kept sabbath.  Mr. Sprague of Boston (Doctor’s Son) preached for Mr. Willard.  Memorandum.  Mr. Stone received of me Mr. Lorings loose folio leaves of Collections on the Bible; except on the Revelations which I detain a while.

October 12, 1773

1773 October 12 (Tuesday).  Mr. Nathaniel Whitney informs me that Mr. Samuel Fay (whom he has been to See of late) is not only poor, but expressed himself concerning me, his Pitying Friend, as if he was out of Frame.  Mrs. Martyn and her Daughter in law, Mr. Richards Wife, made us a Visit, and dine here.  Wrote to my Son Baldwin about my Cattle, and to Alexander.  Mrs. Martyn took the Care of these Letters.

October 13, 1773

1773 October 13 (Wednesday).  My Kinsman Bradshaw came from Boston and from his Fathers.  He brought me Reynolds Gods Revenge against Murder and Gods Treasury displayed.  N.B. I delivered to him 60£ old Tenor to be delivered to Mr. Forbes, and for it I have his (Bradshaws) Receipt.  He dines here as do Dr. Joslin and Mrs. Cotton from Hopkinton.  The Men go to Grafton, Mrs. Cotton tarrys with us.

October 14, 1773

1773 October 14 (Thursday).  I rode to Grafton Lecture.  Called to See Joseph Grout junior.  Dined at Mr. Daniel Grosvenors Lodgings, viz. at young Mr. Merriams.  Mr. Sumner preached on Deut. 32.47, which may God bless and prosper for our Saving Good!  We retired after Meeting to Mr. Jonathan Wheelers and drank Tea.  We also stepped in to see Mrs. Hutchinson, her husband being gone to preach at Colrain.  I returned home at Evening.  Though Jonathan Maynard had laid aside the Design of our Husking to day, yet he undertook to get Hands together and they cut up, carted in the rest of the Corn, So that at Eve about 30 Hands came and husked it out.  We got ‘em a supper, and had Mr. John Harrington to tend and Mr. Thaddeus Warrins Wife to Cook.  Dr. Joslyn and Mrs. Cotton here, but the Doctor went with Dr. Haws to lodge.  Mr. Benjamin Webb, School master, among the People; and he returned Thanks.  We Sang part of Ps. 65, v. 2 and v. 8 to the End of 11.

October 16, 1773

1773 October 16 (Saturday).  The Painter and Others are finishing the colouring, tarring over [illegible] etc. the Roof of the Meeting House.  P.M. I was at the Funeral of Mr. Artemas Bruce’s Child, of about 2 Months old.  Rode to Grafton and lodged at Mr. Joseph Merriams (the Deacons Son’s).  Mr. Daniel Grosvenor, Candidate, to Westborough.

October 17, 1773

1773 October 17 (Sunday).  Preached at Grafton, a.m. on Mark XIV.14.15.  Administered there the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, and dined at Mr. Jonathan Wheeler’s.  P.M. preached on Ps. 139.23.24.  All Success depends on God.  I implored pardoning Mercy, His gracious acceptance and Concurrence!  The Vows of God are upon me: O that I might perform them!  Returned to Mr. Merriams at Eve, and lodged there.  The Deacon and his Wife came there to Supper.  Mr. Grosvenor (having preached at Westborough a.m. on Phil. 3.19 and p.m. on Prov. 13.7) returned,  and Lodged with me at Mr. Merriams.  N.B. Lieut. Phinehas Leland lies dead: am informed that he dyed (hopefully) in Christ.  And Blessed are the Dead that dye in the Lord!  By desire, I appointed the Funeral.  O that we might be followers of them that through Faith and Patience inherit etc.

October 18, 1773

1773 October 18 (Monday).  Mr. Grosvenor and I broke Fast at Deacon Merriams.  N.B. I committed Mr. Hall of Suttons Book, Mr. Burroughs on Hosea Vol. 1 to be delivered safely to Mr. Hall.  In returning, called at Mr. Benajah Brigham’s, who and Wife are newly come to their place among us, to make them a Visit.  At home find that Breck has hired Mr. Jacob Snow to work for him, in building a Pew in the Meeting House.  With him Joshua Chamberlin: and here they diet.

October 19, 1773

1773 October 19 (Tuesday).  Both those workmen here.  Breck (p.m.) Sets out for Boston.  I send by him Mrs. Melvilles Book, viz. the Translation of Sir Thomas Mores Utopia, which I have read.  An happy Common Wealth no doubt!  But with great Defects!  [Here a Greek word.]  It is the Day for the Association to meet at Mr. Bridge’s at Sudbury: but I am unable to attend.  My Horse being sold, I tryed in Vain to get an Horse.  It was also very rainy in the early Morning and the Journey so great as to require very early Setting out, so that after my Disappointments yesterday, there was no time nor room to [illegible]; though it was to my great Trouble.  Employed in Mr. Lorings Diary.  It takes up much Time to read it so as to make the Table of Contents; but affords Quickening and Instruction.  God grant I may be profited by it!

October 20, 1773

1773 October 20 (Wednesday).  Mr. Joseph Pope is this Day to be ordained, at Spencer.  May he and the people he is to be set over, and those Servants of God that carry on the Solemnity, have much of the divine Presence with them!  And I wish they may have lasting peace and Joy!  May I ever remember the Solemn Charge which I have received!  May I be humbled under a  sense of my unfaithfulness and unprofitableness this long time that the Lord has continued me in the work; for which Patience of God I would bless His Name; and entreat Grace that may be sufficient for me the little Time I may be still endured.

October 21, 1773

1773 October 21 (Thursday).  Capt. Peter Coffin of Cape Ann, and his Son in law Mr. Nathaniel Smith going up to Brookfield, came, and dined here.  It is supposed that his son Peter (who has been sick) is so recovered as to be gone up to be marryed.  May a gracious God extend His Favour and Smiles, and may my grand Daughter, as well as the Bridegroom, be espoused to Jesus Christ!  Mr. Harrington, Chamberlin and Champney dined here.  At Eve came Messrs. Hezekiah Taylor, Benjamin Guild, and Amariah Frost, made me a Visit and lodged here.

October 22, 1773

1773 October 22 (Friday).  The young Gentlemen left us.  The workmen did not lodge here, and Except Mr. Harrington (being two of them now at work for Lt. Baker) did not come to dinner here.  Mrs. P________ not well.  At Eve Breck returned from Boston, says he saw the poor Criminal hanged.  The Crime was Burglary.  His name was Levi Ames.  O that others might take Warning!  Hear and fear, and do no more so wickedly.

October 24, 1773

1773 October 24 (Sunday).  Read the book of Obadiah and preached a.m. upon it.  P.M. Read Ezek. 35 because of its Illustrating what we have been upon in the morning.  Repeated Sermon on Mat. 6.12 from p. 10 to 18.  I humbly ask divine Concurrence.  Stayed the Church to communicate to them the Return of the Committee which was Sent to Mrs. Eunice Rice, and since she sends word that She can do nothing more, the Church concerns them Selves to get the Copys of the Evidences against her.  Vote that Mr. Tainter go to the Secretarys office for them.

October 27, 1773

1773 October 27 (Wednesday).  Too wet to go abroad.  Can’t visit Mr. Thomas Frost who is sick.  Read Expositors on Jonah and Dr. Fullers holy State.  At Eleven o’Clock or past, came home Jonathan Maynard, having been out the night before beyond any of our Knowledge.  I give him some monitorys, and he returned me [monitorys?] of his going where he might have leave if he could not here, to be out as he saw Occasion.  I let him know that as he had promised me at our first Agreement that he would observe the Order of my House, so I expected it, and that he that would not be orderly Should not live in my House.

October 28, 1773

1773 October 28 (Thursday).  Visited, discoursed and prayed with Mr. Thomas Frost, who is Still confined by Sickness.  A Letter from John of his having sold my Horse to Mr. Ezra Bowman of Oxford for 14£ lawful.  P.M. was engaged in my preparations.  At Eve came Mr. Tainter and wife.  But especially Capt. Coffin, his Son Peter and his new-marryed Spouse, my grand Daughter, his son William and Daughter Hannah, his son in law Mr. Nathaniel Smith, Miss Sally Hill, My Son Ebenezer and Kinsman Bradshaw.  Four lodged here, viz. Mr. Peter and his Wife, his Sister and Miss Sally Hill.  Three went to Deacon WoodsEbenezer to Brother Bonds and took Mr. Bradshaw with him.

October 29, 1773

1773 October 29 (Friday).  Great Interruption by the Company, who breakfast here, and bid adieu.  Mr. Morse here and pays me the 16 Dollars which I lent him for the Towns Service.  I was obliged to assist in preparing for the work designed this Evening.  Went to Mr. Newtons and Deacon Woods etc. to ask my Neighbours to come.  Accordingly a Small Number were so kind as to assist me at Evening in drawing off the Gravel from the Knoll behind my House.  Deacon Wood with a yoke of Oxen, Mr. Barnabas Newton with his Plough and oxen, Mr. Jonathan Grout with a large Gravel-Drag (except the Tongue), Mr. Spring, Wheelock, Several of the work-men from the Meeting House.  However, there were in all, but a few for such a Work — neither Breck nor Harrington nor Caruth nor Snow, could be with me.  Yet a good Job was done.  Their Treat was Drink and Bread and Cheese.

October 31, 1773

1773 October 31 (Sunday).  Read Jonah I and preached on the first five verses.  P.M. read Rev. XI and delivered something of Exposition extracted from Mr. Lowman.  Preached again on Mat. 6.12, which I had delivered some years ago, and it being writ Small, was obliged to use a Glass in reading.  Mr. David Maynard junior of Ashburnham dined here.  Mr. Levi Wilder of Lancaster came here after meeting — and lodged here.