September 14, 1773

1773 September 14 (Tuesday).  Visit Lt. Harrington who is Lame.  Visit old Mrs. Grow who is exercised with fainting Fitts, falls, and is greatly bruised.  Prayed with her and Mrs. Steward etc.  Discoursed, exhorted — and returned to dine at Lt. Harringtons.  Discoursed with him and urged — prayed with him and his Family.  In returning call at Mr. Joseph Harringtons.  He shews himself greatly dissatisfyed with me about Bolton Matters.  Mentions two things, viz. my Signing with the Association against those Brethren who were against Mr. Goss, and forbidding the two young women (Miss Suse and Miss Persis Baker) whereas I kindly besought them as to their coming to the Communion with us.  I answered him with regard to both of them.  But he plainly told me what I Said did not satisfy him a Jot.  He lent me the second Treatise of Neighbour.  May the Lord sanctifie to me this Trouble, and grant me Grace to improve it!  Prepare me for what is before me and conduct me through it!  When I came home, Mrs. Esther Belknap (wife of Joseph) was here and examined.