1771 May 12 (Sunday). Read Ezek. 41. Preached on Prov. 4.23. P.M. read 1 Tim. 1 and preached on 1 Cor. 3.7. An extract from Three sermons on that Text. N.B. I, by Desire of a number of Brethren, viz. the Deacons, Bond and Wood, Ithamar Bellows, Daniel Forbes and Benjamin Tainter (which Desire was writ, Signed, and Dated May 10th 1771) laid before the Congregation the Vote of the Church last February relating to the Version of Psalms to be used here, for their Consent and Concurrance and this was manifested by their silence. N.B. Ensign Fay, his Wife and Daughter, went out at the first Mention of it.