May 1, 1771

1771 May 1 (Wednesday).  Wrote a Letter to Mr. McAlpine relative to his Supplying my Neighbours with the Books of Tate and Brady’s Version of the Psalms.  Expected Mr. Sumner to preach my Lecture — but he did not come.  Just before going to Meeting Mr. Maynard brought a Letter from him that there was a Funeral, at 3 o’Clock to Day which prevented.  I went to Meeting, but poorly prepared.  Preached on Col. 3.3, former part.  May God of His abundant Goodness grant His Blessing and that we might truely profit hereby — that we may indeed be Dead to Sin etc.!

May 6, 1771

1771 May 6 (Monday).  Elias goes to Mr. Taylors School, nigh Mr. Daniel Warrins, and dined at Mr. Beemans.  Mr. Jonathan Child came to desire me to Visit his Wife.  She has fallen into an ill state of Health; and is in Darkness as to her Spiritual State.  I went — discoursed with her, prayed also.  Called at Mr. Daniel Nurse’s for money.  He payed me 8 Dollars.  When I returned home, found that Mr. Phinehas Gleason had been here and had left me 37 Dollars.

May 8, 1771

1771 May 8 (Wednesday).  I rode over to the South; visiting at Mr. James Cooks — old Mrs. Woods — and dined at Mrs. Kendals.  Bought 220 of Chestnut Boards of Mr. Jonathan Forbes.  Visit at Mr. Martyn Pratts.  Mrs. Chamberlin, Josephs Mother, visited us.  I rode at Eve to Mr. Timothy Warrins and StockwellsWilliam Sergeant, Apprentice to my son Alexander, came from Leicester, lodges here.

May 9, 1771

1771 May 9 (Thursday).  His Errand he obtains, viz. to drive up Alexanders Cow and Calf and with them a Shoat which I have given him.  He goes off with them — and my Son Elias to assist him.  Joseph and the other Elias go with the Team to Mr. Forbes Saw Mill and brings home Boards, Slabbs etc.  P.M. They go with the Team to the Interval, and gather off what the River, when high, had brought upon my mowing Grounds.  They bring home two Jaggs of various stuff.  I rode over to Mr. Fessendens to see his Mother — to Mr. Benjamin Hows — was at the other Houses in that Corner.  But Capt. Maynard was not at home, So that I could not reckon with him.  Met Brother Brown in his Return from Leicester, whither he had been to drive up young Cattle to pasture.  18 of them.  He tells me the next Care must be to help Alexander in selling his Thief, who yet lies in Jail at Worcester.

May 12, 1771

1771 May 12 (Sunday).  Read Ezek. 41.  Preached on Prov. 4.23.  P.M. read 1 Tim. 1 and preached on 1 Cor. 3.7.  An extract from Three sermons on that Text.  N.B. I, by Desire of a number of Brethren, viz. the Deacons, Bond and Wood, Ithamar Bellows, Daniel Forbes and Benjamin Tainter (which Desire was writ, Signed, and Dated May 10th 1771) laid before the Congregation the Vote of the Church last February relating to the Version of Psalms to be used here, for their Consent and Concurrance and this was manifested by their silence.  N.B. Ensign Fay, his Wife and Daughter, went out at the first Mention of it.

May 13, 1771

1771 May 13 (Monday).  Visit Mr. B. Newtons Child that is Sick and pray there.  P.M. visit Mr. Jonathan Childs wife who has been worse, and Miss Mary Nurse who has been very ill.  Prayed with them both.  Then attended the Raising of the House of young Benjamin Fay.  Received a Letter from My son Forbes concerning his Troubles relative to the Ministerial Rights.

May 14, 1771

1771 May 14 (Tuesday).  Wrote a Number of Letters which I sent by Mr. Seth Morse, viz. to Mr. Quincy, and to Capt. Phillips at Bolton, upon the Affair of Alexanders Thief, that they may favour us with Some Directions and Assistance in making sale of him.  Wrote also to Brother Brown inclosing the Said Letters to him, as he had proposed to wait on those Gentlemen with my Letters etc.  Wrote also to Mr. McAlpine, to know why he sent me those Psalm Books by Mr. Spring.  Miss Sally Woods of Marlborough at work here, making stays.  Joseph Wood was here, and I payed him in full to this Day, viz. in Old Tenor £72.1.0.

May 16, 1771

1771 May 16 (Thursday).  Old Mrs. Fessenden and Mrs. Maynard make us a Visit and dine here.  Mr. Peter Adams from Monadnock here and gives me Account of their hopefull Circumstances there.  Joseph Chamberlin and Brookfield Elias go 3 Times to the Ministerial Lot for Rails.  They brought 104.  Reckoned with Mr. Hill and paid all by a Note to Constable Gleason.  N.B. I sent by my son Elias, an Order upon Mr. Gleason, to pay Mr. Stockwell my Account for Shooemaking and mending, in full to this Day.  Mr. Morse from Boston brings a Return from Mr. McAlpine respecting the Psalm Books brought by Mr. Spring, which I never sent for; are without Tunes, and must be returned back.

May 18, 1771

1771 May 18 (Saturday).  Mr. Peter Adams here and takes the Care of driving one of my Cows (which is with Calf) to Mr. Cushing at Ashburnham that he may have the Benefit of her the ensuing summer.  My son Elias goes with Mr. Adams to assist in driving the Cow as far as Mr. Eliezar Pratts — the intention being to set out from thence next Monday morning.  Miss Sally Woods yet continues at work here.  Breck has been for some Days at work on a Frame of a Barn, at Mr. Isaac Johnsons at Southborough but returns home this Evening.  Joseph Chamberlin has my Horse to go home to his Fathers.  N.B. Mr. Levi Warrin here desiring his Paper of April 30 be laid before the Church.  I recommend some alteration.  He desires to take it with him, to consider it.

May 19, 1771

1771 May 19 (Sunday).  Read Ezek. 43.  Preached on Prov. 4.23.  P.M. read 1 Tim. 2.  Prepared in great Measure with reference to our Political State, on Ezek. 48, ult. Jehovah Shammah — but did not finish it.  Chose rather to use, with alterations (viz. new Introduction and new Conclusion) Sermon on 2 Chron. 15.2, “Hear ye me,” etc.  N.B. Took notice of the Times — in London — and had Regard to the important Affair of choosing a Representative tomorrow.  N.B. Mr. Levi Warrin at noon gave me his Paper again, expecting it should be laid before the Church.  This I did, after the Exercises — and the Church voted acceptance.  Miss Sally Woods with us.

May 21, 1771

1771 May 21 (Tuesday).  Rode to the East Corner and dined at Mr. Ebenezer and Edward Chamberlains, attended the Funeral of Mr. Seth Woods youngest Child.  Mrs. Hitty Brigham with me, and is uneasy about the Conduct of Mr. Jonathan Cook whom she has hired to work for her.  N.B. Sundry young Women, viz. Miss Polly Baker, Miss Nanny Brigham — to help Sophy in Quilting a Petticoat.  The Weather is so dark etc. that we are threatened with much Rain.  Joseph and Elias go to the ministerial Lot for Rails (bring 94 [at?] several Times) but in the last Turn they are in the Rain, and till 9 at night.  It rains so hard that the Young Women, Quilters, tarry all night.

May 23, 1771

1771 May 23 (Thursday).  Breck returned home from Southborough.  Catechized a.m. 55 Boys — p.m. 21 Girls.  I Sought to Mr. Joseph Harrington for pasturing — but in Vain.  Sent by Mr. Samuel Thurston to Boston for a Rundlet for Rum.  Gave him in old Tenor £3.12.  Master Taylor at Eve.  Fresh Complaints against Mr. Hutchinson.  Miss Sally Woods finishes her work here.

May 24, 1771

1771 May 24 (Friday).  Went to Mr. Morse and obtained Chestnut Timber for Posts for my Fence in the fore yard.  Breck and Joseph go and hew and bring it with my Oxen.  Brother Breck lodged at Capt. Maynards last night.  Cousin Betty Gott is come with him.  He came hither but he did not tarry.  Goes on his Journey to Boston.  N.B. He has informed me that my Son Alexanders Wife is brought to Bed and has a Son.  Mr. Moore came, late at Night, by the way of Oxford, in a Chair, with a Letter from Suse requesting Sophy may go to Rochester.

May 25, 1771

1771 May 25 (Saturday).  Mr. Moore being with me and designing to keep Sabbath with me I laid aside my preparations which I was making, and Spent a great deal of my time with him.  But Solomon Woods and his Wife were here in their penitence, were examined, and desired to be propounded.  Mr. Samuel Thurston brought from Boston a Rundlet of Rum.  Mr. Moores Horse is sent to Capt. Maynards.

May 26, 1771

1771 May 26 (Sunday).  Read a.m. Ezek. 44.  Mr. Moore Preached on Gal. 4.4.5.  Mr. Taylor dined with us.  P.M. Read 1 Tim. 3.  Mr. Moore preached on 2 Cor. 5.14.  Mr. Samuel Fays twenty [blank] Child, Noadiah, was baptized.  Solomon Woods and wife propounded; Caution and Exhortation given respecting Election Day rejoicings.  N.B. The whole Time which was Set for bring objections (if any there be) against Singing Tate and Bradys Psalms, is run out, and none has been brought.

May 27, 1771

1771 May 27 (Monday).  Mr. Moore and Sophy go to CambridgeAlexander came here from Leicester, extremely early; to take advice what to do with James Jones, whose Time (for the County to maintain him in Goal) is now out.  Alexander leaves us a.m.  Mr. Taylor here as he goes to the Grout school-House; and takes Elias with him.

May 29, 1771

1771 May 29 (Wednesday).  Rode to Cambridge and heard the Election Sermon, Preached by Mr. Tucker of Newbury, from 1 Pet. 2.13 etc.  N.B. Conferred with Mr. Sewall, the attorney General on the Affair of Alexander’s Thief.  I dined in the Hall.  P.M. was at the Presidents, and at Mr. Appletons where a Number of ministers were gathered to consult about an Address to the Governor.  N.B. Mr. Breck and his Cousen Williams Seem to have prepared, each a Draught and read them.  Rode to Roxbury with Mr. MacCarty, and put out my Horse at Mr. Lewis’s to pasture.  Walked over to Boston with Mr. Maccarty — and lodged at Cousen Procters.

May 30, 1771

1771 May 30 (Thursday).  Attended my Son Alexanders Affair relative to his Villain.  Was at Mr. Quincys who had writ me an Answer to mine, on the Same Head.  He is a very obliging and opens the way in Order to get a Market for him.  I was at the Convention.  Dr. Pemberton Moderator.  An Address to his Excellency was voted, and a Committee at 9 to wait upon him with it.  Was at the Concio.  Mr. Breck Preached on Heb. 13.1, a very pacific Discourse.  I dined at Dr. Chauncys where were Mr. Gay, Rand etc.  The Doctor was very Sanguine against those Councils which sat at Concord and lately at Bedford Ordination, and which treated Mr. Emmerson of Concord with Severitys not to be vindicated.  Visited my Aged Brother who is grown very weak and feeble.  Visited Sister Bekky, Cousin Oliver, Winter etc.  At Eve preached at Mr. Coverleys — on 2 Pet.1.14, “Knowing that Shortly,” etc.  I lodged at my Brothers.

May 31, 1771

1771 May 31 (Friday).  Parkman Arms at my Kinsmans Elias’s (who was lately marryed but Still is in Mr. William Jackson’s Business).  Visit Mr. Surcomb.  Dine at Coll. Marshall’s.  Took Directions from Mr. Quincy (and Mr. Benjamin Kent was present and assisted) in the Affair of Jones abovesaid.  I went to Mr. Edes to have him advertised.  N.B. Mr. Thomas Baily generous with regard to My Horse, which Lewis of Roxbury had Sent to Backets instead of Proctors, etc. etc.  I rode over to Roxbury and lodged at Mr. Adams’s but my Horse is put up at the Widow Ruggles’s.