October 1, 1770

1770 October 1 (Monday).  By Mr. John Prentice of Grafton I returned to Mr. Stone the Narrative of the Massacre at Boston March 5 and Sundry Manuscripts of the late Rev. Mr. Lord of Chatham.  P.M. I sat down to prepare my Papers, computing Interest etc. expecting Capt. Maynard to come and Settle with me; but he did not come.  Sophy went over there — by her I sent Letters to Mr. Moore.  She did not return.

October 2, 1770

1770 October 2 (Tuesday).  Preached at Deacon Bonds on Mat. 3.20 and finished on that Subject.  I beseech God of His infinite Goodness to grant Success!  O that it might be profitable to my own Conviction and Quickening!  Sophy came home from Capt. Maynards who sends me no Money.  She brings the Sorrowful News that the famous Mr. Whitefield dy’d last Sabbath Morn at Newbury Port.

October 3, 1770

1770 October 3 (Wednesday).  To Day, as I have been informed, the General Court keep a Fast at Cambridge, to Seek the Lord under their present Distress.  And Mr. Appleton and Mr. Cook are desired to conduct the Exercises.  It was not convenient for me to go.  I therefore joined with them as I could, at home.  May the Lord be gracious and accept our Supplications.  And O that God would please to grant wisdom and Direction in this Difficult Juncture!  I have turned my Meditations to Isa. 22.5.  “For it is a Day of Trouble” etc.  And write upon it.

October 4, 1770

1770 October 4 (Thursday).  Having received the Monday Public Papers of this week, I have writ a Letter, containing Some Remarks and Observations thereon, and on the Courts Refusing to go upon any Business while they are forced to Sit at Cambridge.  Not determined to whom to Send it.  Was at Mr. Daniel Forbes’s and received of him 5 Dollars.

October 14, 1770

1770 October 14 (Sunday).  Read Ezek. 32.  Preached once more on Phil. 1.6.  Old Mrs. Dunlop din’d here.  P.M. Read Col. 4.  Having Spent a great deal of my Studying time upon the forenoon sermon, I repeated a sermon which I preached nigh 40 Years agoe, on 1 Joh. 2.16 and do beg that God would bless it and each of the Exercises of this Day for our highest Benefit!  At the Evening family Exercise read old Mr. Rogers of Dedham, in Old England, his Sixty memorials for a godly Life.  See Dr. Mathers Magnalia.

October 15, 1770

1770 October 15 (Monday).  Joseph returned this Morning early from Hopkinton and procures Isaac Lamb to work with him.  They cut up the rest of the Corn between the Garden and the Meeting House.  Mr. Benjamin Brigham dined with us.  Two of Sister Hicks’s Daughters, of Byfield, viz. Mrs. Pearson and Miss Naomi Bourbank, were here.  Breck came from Upton and two of Mr. Fish’s Daughters, viz. Miss Martha and Miss Hannah, who lodged here.  Am much hindred, from Sermonizing especially which I designed.  In Drapers last Paper is an account of the Death of dear Brother and old Friend, the Rev. Mr. Joseph Green of Barnstable.  It is Said universally lamented.  It was on the 4th instant in the 70th Year of his Age.  Help, Lord, the Godly Man ceaseth!  O that God would please to prepare me to follow!

October 16, 1770

1770 October 16 (Tuesday).  Breck and the young women of Upton visited at Mr. Edward Barns etc. at Marlborough.  I rode to ministers Meeting at Marlborough.  Aged Mr. Loring was there; Mr. Stone and Mr. Bridge of Sudbury also.  But Messrs. Gardner, Barrett and Goss, I suppose, were not capable of Coming.  We had our Exercises of Religion before Dinner.  P.M. I layd before the ministers my proceedings with Benjamin Fisk, and my Reasons — which they all approved of.  And the Sum of what they said, as to their own parts, that they rarely had such Notes — that when they had they thought it expedient to pray for them as guilty, when the case was apparent and evident; and if they did not like it, it Would make them the more cautious.  I returned at Eve — as did Breck etc. and lodged here.

October 17, 1770

1770 October 17 (Wednesday).  Breck and his Company return to Upton.  Deacon Wood offers to come and husk tomorrow afternoon, and to promote it among others, if I liked it.  I could not but yield to him to do as he pleased, though Joseph had intended to do it himself.  Mr. Stone came, his Wife and her aged Mother came with her — and dined with us.  Mr. Stone preached my Lecture on Luk. 5.8 — “depart from me for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”  O that God would bless it to my, and the people’s, highest Benefit!  I was Sorry there were so few at Meeting.  It is to be Mr. Stones Lecture tomorrow: but for several Reasons was willing to excuse Me.  He left me a Number more of Mr. Lords MSS.

October 18, 1770

1770 October 18 (Thursday).  Deacon Wood, Lt. Baker, Mr. Daniel Hardy and his son Adams came about 2 p.m. to See if it would do to husk; for the Weather was misty.  I wholly left the Matter with them to do as they inclined.  They went to the Barn.  I chose to attend as closely as I could to my Study.  There came some Number more, viz. Mr. Ebenezer Maynard, Barnabas Newton, Thomas Bond, Moses Wheelock, Thomas Arnold, Silas Hill, Levi Warrin, Nathan Kenny, Joseph McCulloch, Benjamin Wood (who lives with his uncle), Ebenezer junior, Nathan junior, Jonathan, Nehemiah, Stephen, Calvin, Daniel Maynard, Benjamin Taynter junior, Daniel Adams junior, John McCulloch, Jacob and Aaron Foster, Abijah Gale (N. Kennys Lad) and Sherebiah Fay.  Messrs. Baker, Newton and Bond provided a Small Quarter of Beef about 60 weight and gave it.  Also the former brought a Basket of excellent sauce, Carrots and Turnips.  May God reward him and them, for so great Kindness and Generousness!

October 19, 1770

1770 October 19 (Friday).  Isaac Lamb is detained here by Joseph Wood to help him carry Corn, lay up the Husks etc. but about 2 p.m. Joseph goes away with a Company of young people that came to See him.  This I would not resist although it was to my Hurt, because I had promised Mr. Chamberlin to send for 6 Barrels of Cyder early tomorrow Morning and Lamb was not willing to engage to go in Josephs stead.

October 20, 1770

1770 October 20 (Saturday).  A very great Storm.  We could not Send for the Cyder.  No Joseph here: nor did Lamb come, as he had promised.  I have no one to help me about the Creatures and cutting and getting in Wood, but Elias only.  This greatly interrupts and prevents my studying.  But I desire to repair to and depend on God most gracious.  I can’t but Sympathize with those who are at Sea.  May God who is a very present Help in Trouble appear for, Succour and deliver all who are now distressed!  Towards Night Joseph returns home, and then could assist about wood etc.

October 21, 1770

1770 October 21 (Sunday).  I Spent all the Time I could lay hold on to prepare my Self for preaching but could not any more than for one Exercise, and that for the afternoon.  My Mind was greatly agitated.  I exerted my Self and after Reading Ezek. 33, and giving some Expository Remarks thereon, I Delivered the sermon (to p. 9) which is on Joh. 15.9 with Some Alterations which were necessary.  And in humble Dependence on the Pardoning Mercy of God and the Merits of Jesus Christ I proceeded to administer the Lords supper.  O that God would pardon and accept of me and of His people!  Mrs. Maynard and Mrs. Parker (Hannaniahs wife) at Dinner.  Mrs. Fessenden late, but dined also.  I had rather have some poor widows, than the richest Ladys at my Table, especially on sacrament Dayes.  P.M. read 1 Thess. 1.  Preached on Heb. 12.15, former part.  We finished singing Ps. 119, at the last public singing.  After my Family Exercise in the Evening I read part of Dr. Owen on Spiritual Mindedness.  A very excellent Treatise.  May God bless it to me!

October 31, 1770

1770 October 31 (Wednesday).  This Day, I Suppose, Mr. Thomas Prentice is ordained at Medfield.  Master Taylor here at Evening.  Tells me they are going to try for a Council at Grafton: that he supposes Letters Missive were carryed forth this Day to Mr. [Rogers?] of Littleton, Mr. Stone, Mr. Smith, Marlborough, Mr. Bridge of Chelmsford, Mr. Morse of North Shrewsbury, Mr. Maccarty, and Mr. Davis of Holden.  He says he believes he himself was the Means of their not sending to me, by informing them that by conversing with me he conceived I had rather be excused from it.