November 1, 1770

1770 November 1 (Thursday).  Catechized at the Meeting house.  49 Boys a.m. and 26 Girls p.m.  Mr. Zechariah Hicks from Boston returning home.  At night having received the repeated Invitations to go to Supper at Mr. Nurse’s, after their Husking, which they began in the afternoon, but especialy to gratifie Mrs. Nurse in her urgent Requests, I went over.  I went not to the Barn — but we could not rise from Supper till about 10.  This sort of Entertainment I have not usually gone to.  I don’t know when I have ever been at one Since I was ordained.  I was not willing to grieve my Neighbour or I would not have gone now.  But since it was So late when we left the Table, I would not so much as sit down again, but hastened home; exhorting all others to do so.

November 2, 1770

1770 November 2 (Friday).  Though I was at my sermonizing yesterday, and closely engaged to Day, yet alas, I accomplish but little!  And at Eve Mr. Andrews visits me in a very friendly manner.  I was rejoiced at it, doing all I could to make it both a pleasant and profitable Time with him, and yet it was a great Dammage to my preparations.  An unhappy Interruption.

November 7, 1770

1770 November 7 (Wednesday).  Our Company go on their Journey to Brookfield.  Mr. Biglow repairs the Garden Wall by the lower Well, and dines here.  P.M. had a Catechetical Exercise on Questions [98.9?] and 100, containing some Sketches and Hints concerning Prayer and of the Lords Prayer, but the Girls began at Question 100.  There were 21.  But Sophy was confined by her illness.  Dr. Hawes came in to see her.  Says she has some Canker.  The Doctor brought me from Mr. Thomas Adams of Medfield, Court Miscellanys in which an Account of Mrs. Macaulay, Lord Bolingbroke etc.  N.B. Mr. Seth Morse brought a side of Beef, weighed 117 lb., each Quarter at 3 Coppers per pound.

November 8, 1770

1770 November 8 (Thursday).  This Day 46 years agoe, the Church here was gathered, and I was ordained the pastor.  Whilst I would praise and bless the Lord for His Long suffering and for His great Mercy towards [sic] I have great Reason to be deeply humble on Consideration of my Sinfulness, slothfulness, and unprofitableness.  Jej. priv.  But ah how brokenly, dully, and formally all was managed!  O that God would pardon and accept — through Jesus Christ!  P.M. and Evening Sad interruption.  Dr. Crosby came to see me — acquaints me that Capt. Nathaniel Allen of Shrewsbury is dead: and was buryed last Saturday.[1]  May God be gracious to the poor Widow!  Dr. Crosbys Wife also came.  N.B. The Doctor carryed away 3 Volumes of Dr. Smellie, belonging to Dr. Joslin.  Mr. Daniel Forbes also came and to my sorrow took up much of the Evening in his objecting against Levi Warrins admission without an Acknowledgment.  Deacon Wood came and cutt out and Salted up the Beef which I lately bought of Mr. Morse.  Lt. Harrington was here and helped.

[1]“On Thursday the first of this Instant departed this Life, Capt. NATHANIEL ALLEN, of this Place: a noted Merchant of the City of London, was formerly a noted Merchant in the Town of Boston, but spent the last thirteen Years of his Life in this Town, where he was universally respected for his Integrity and Uprightness in his Dealings, as well as for his Charity and Benevolence, especially to the Poor and Distressed.  His Remains were interred this Day with the greatest Decency.”  Boston Post-Boy, Nov. 3, 1770, Issue 687, p. [1], with a byline of Shrewsbury, Nov. 3, 1770.


November 11, 1770

1770 November 11 (Sunday).  Read Ezek. 36 to v. 24.  This Exposition of which was the forenoon Exercise.  And upon this I Spent my time, so that p.m. (having read 1 Thess. 4) I gathered an Exercise from my Sermons on Ps. 46 with Expletives and variations (as well as with many Omissions) which adapted it to the present state of the Land, and of this place.  For to render it profitable I considered this as the First Sabbath of the New Year with us of this Church.  And may God help us so to improve it!  In my Study at Eve read Magnalia — of the Troubles by the Ignes fatus.

November 12, 1770

1770 November 12 (Monday).  The Town met upon my Support etc.  Am informed that they voted and agreed to do as they did last year.  Levi Warrin here and wants to be propounded.  But I tell him there is great Disquietment.  Mr. Whitney (Nathaniel) and Mr. Joseph Harrington here, and manifest them Selves uneasy with the said Warrin because they fear he is guilty of Fornication.  At Eve Mr. Daniel Forbes here in the same Strain.  He came to pay me but delivers me only £15.10 old Tenor.  My Grandson Ebenezer came from Brookfield.  With him came John, the Indian of Unadella.  They brought my Horse from Alexander.  N.B. He and his wife have had him now above Seven Weeks.  Wrote to Mr. More by Capt. Maynard.

November 18, 1770

1770 November 18 (Sunday).  I preached at Upton on 2 Cor.  P.M. on v. 4.  Mr. Fish at Westborough on Joh. 13.8.  P.M. on Eph. 3.8.  He returned at Eve.  Mr. Jonathan Wood and his Wife (I believe at Brecks Desire) came to see me, and discourse about the Ministerial Order, Ministers entering into their Office, Ministers Maintenance, the millenium etc.

November 22, 1770

1770 November 22 (Thursday).  Mrs. P________ and I undertake a Journey to Concord to see William and his Family in his New situation.  Went in Dr. Hawes’s Chaise drawn by my Horse.  Arrived there in Safety and found them well.  To God be Thanks and Praise!  N.B. had din’d at Coll. Weeks’s — Coll. Charles Prescot at Billys (as a Tavern) in the Evening and fervently invites me to his House.  We lodge at our sons.

November 23, 1770

1770 November 23 (Friday).  Take a View of Williams Possessions there.  Lodge another Night there.  N.B. By the News Paper I find my dear Kinswoman Mrs. Elizabeth Langdon, is Dead; aged 82.  To be buryed from her Daughter Eliot’s.  I dont remember any other of my first Cousens are now living, on either my Fathers or Mothers Side.  Neither did I ever see either of my Fathers or Mothers, Brothers of sisters, but Cousen Langdons Mother, who was my mothers Sister Susanna.  I once saw my Fathers Uncle Deliverance, who was of Salem; Father of Mrs. Curwin, wife of Rev. Mr. George Curwin.  I also Saw old Mr. John Trask, my grandmother Parkmans Brother.  O that I might be suitably impressed with this Death, that I may be ready also!

November 25, 1770

1770 November 25 (Sunday).  Not being able to prepare any new Sermons, I delivered Expository Exercises on Mat. 11.27 a. and p.m.  And may God graciously add His Blessing!  N.B. I spoke to Mr. Daniel Forbes before I went in to Meeting in the Afternoon — acquainting him that I was obliged to propound Mr. Levi Warrin and his Wife (for there had been no Objection brought me, as he had given me Reason to Expect); and he no way opposing it, I proceeded to do it.  I read the Proclamation for public Thanksgiving.

November 27, 1770

1770 November 27 (Tuesday).  Ruth goes to her Mother — Miss Sarah Woods (daughter of Mr. Alpheus) at Work here making two Gowns of Irish Camblet (bought of Mr. Hopestill Capon of Boston) — one for Mrs. P________, the other for Sophy.  I rode to Northborough.  Received of Capt. Maynard 70/ old Tenor.  Payd Dr. Ball for his Chaise 56/3 Old Tenor.  Bought a Square leav’d Table at Lt. John Martyns.  Visit Mr. Whitney — at Mr. Allens about Malt.  Returned home at Eve.  Mr. Elijah Returned from Boston — having paid for me to Mr. Capon for a piece of Irish Camblet £16.1.0 Old Tenor.  There remains due to him, including Quality for binding, 49/.

November 28, 1770

1770 November 28 (Wednesday).  This is the Day appointed for the Ordination of Mr. Brown at Sherbourn, and of Mr. [blank] Thayer at Paxton — but is a great Snow Storm.  May the almighty and most gracious Presence of the Great Head of the Church be with each of His servants in their Solemn Consecration — with His people in each society, and with all those who may perform, that may attend and that may be in any wise concerned therein!  May I be seriously Thoughtful of the Solemn and awful Charge which I my Self received in the Name of the Lord!  And may I remember how I have delivered the like to a Number of others, on whom I have in that sacred Action laid my Hand!  O that God would pardon my numberless Defects, and wash me in the Blood of the Lamb!  Miss Sarah Woods here still.  Mr. Daniel How, in his Delirium here though so stormy; he tarrys all night.

November 29, 1770

1770 November 29 (Thursday).  Paid Miss Sarah for her work and she returned to Marlborough.  I got Mr. Levi Warrin to Spend what time he could to Day in looking and enquiring after my Sheep.  I rode to Hopkinton to see Mr. Barrett, who last Saturday Night was struck with the Numb Palsie.  Called at Mr. Abbys and prayed with him.  Dined at Mr. Barretts.  Carryed and returned to him, Dr. Mathers Magnalia: and borrowed of him Henry on the prophets.  Prayed with him.  Was called away to go to Deacon Jason Walker, whom I found in great Extremity of pain in his private parts through Retention of Urine etc.  Prayed with him.  Visited also Lt. John Wood’s Wife and prayed there.  N.B. Bethiah Parmenter sojourns among them.  Called at Biglows in returning — and at Warrins.  Little news of my Sheep.  Much chilled by my Evening Ride.