October 25, 1768

1768 October 25 (Tuesday).  Attended the funeral of a young Child of Phinehas Gleason.  At Noon, having received Invitation by Dr. Hawes, from the Medical society now a second Time, I rode to Col. Williams’s and dined with them.  Mr. Smith was Sent for and dined with them also.  I returned at Eve.  A Number of Neighbours came in the Afternoon, and cut up the Corn of the West field, and part of the North, and this Evening husked.  There were about 20.  They were chiefly Mr. David Maynard, Zebulun Rice, Edwards Whipple, Tainter, Lieut. Baker, McCullock, Neighbour Newton, Joseph Bond and James Bellows, Isaac Miller etc. etc., but it rained and beat them off, when they had husked about half of what they had gathered.  Mr. Moore and Suse came from Brookfield this Eve.  It rained hard before they arrived.