1768 November 1 (Tuesday). Mr. Sumner and I sat out for Ashburnham. At Mr. Morse’s by nine who goes with us: called at Mr. Mellens. Proceed to Leominster and we (Ministers) dined at Mr. Gardners. Arrived safe at Capt. Wilders (in Ashburnham) at Eve.
Month: November 1768
November 2, 1768
1768 November 2 (Wednesday). All that were sent to for this Ordination came. There was neither Pastor nor Delegates (I suppose) absent. I was chose Moderator and prayed at the Opening of the Council. The Church of Ashburnham were very unanimous and fervent for Mr. Cushing. One Mr. Foster had a Difficulty with the Church; but he was by no means willing to clogg the Ordination. He was not a member of that, but of Lunenburg Church, but we put him and the Church into a way of Peace. Mr. Cushing gave a Confession of his Faith, which was read before the Council and Church; and it was accepted. In public Mr. Farrar prayed, Mr. Jacob Cushing preached on Gal. 1.11.12. I gave the Charge, Mr. Asaph Rice prayed after the Charge, and Mr. Morse the Right Hand. May God accept us, and command His Blessing! The Evening afforded good Singing, but when it grew late, Some young Men who could be accommodated with lodgings, were too musical and airy, to our Disturbance. For which
November 3, 1768
1768 November 3 (Thursday). In the Morning I gave them admonition, which was Strengthened by my Brother Morse: and it had, I hope, some good Effect. We returned by Westminster, and dined at Mr. Rice’s. Deacon Wood and Brother Tainter dined at Mr. [blank] Harringtons. Got to Mr. Morse’s at Evening and were refreshed there. Called at Lt. Martyns and went in to see his Mother. Arrived [here?] in safety before it was late. Thanks to God our gracious Preserver. Mrs. P________ informs me that Miss Bulah Bent and with her the Widow Ball, has been here to see us, on the 1st instant, as was Mr. Barrett.
November 4, 1768
1768 November 4 (Friday). Miss Nanny Brigham here for several Days to help in Suse’s preparations.
November 5, 1768
1768 November 5 (Saturday). Rode to Shrewsbury, in complyance with Mr. Sumners request to Change.
November 6, 1768
1768 November 6 (Sunday). Mr. Sumner to Westborough and returned home at Eve. He preached a. and p.m. on Luk. and baptized a Child of Mr. Edmund Rice. I preached at Shrewsbury a. and p.m. on 2 Cor. 4.16, occasioned partly by the late Death of Mr. Abraham Knowlton, a serious, godly man, who was buryed (in Shrewsbury) last Friday. I returned home at Eve.
November 7, 1768
1768 November 7 (Monday). [No entry.]
November 8, 1768
1768 November 8 (Tuesday). Mr. Nurse has brought Suses goods, from Watertown and Boston. Mrs. P________ and I rode to Mr. Williams’s to attend the Marriages of two of his grand-Daughters, Abigail and Ruth, the former to Nathan Kenny, the other to Reuben Pratt. Sung part of Ps. 45. They made a decent Entertainment. May God grant His Blessing!
November 9, 1768
1768 November 9 (Wednesday). Mr. Bowman of Oxford, and Mr. Ballard (with a Team) go to Boston. Send by them to Samuel. P.M. Mrs. Bowman and her little son, Mrs. Baker and Miss Polly, make us a Visit.
November 10, 1768
1768 November 10 (Thursday). Richard Temple comes to thrash my Rye notwithstanding the Storm — send John to Mr. Solomon Bakers for my fat Cow which he has been pasturing. Put up the Mare and fat Cow. Am upon my preparations. The glorious subject is Jesus Christ.
November 11, 1768
1768 November 11 (Friday). Mr. Wheelock marking Suse’s Pewter. Mr. Tainter dines here. P.M. went to Mr. Tim. Warrins on Sarah’s Account for an Horse to go to Rochester next Week, but in Vain. Alexander here, from Sturbridge. At Eve Mr. Bowman of Oxford from Boston, but goes to his Wife at his Mother Bakers.
November 12, 1768
1768 November 12 (Saturday). Alexander to Framingham. I write by him to Mr. Stone to preach my Lecture next Thursday, and concerning the Association Fasts. Mr. Ballard of Oxford from Boston, calls and brings what Nurse’s Team left — viz. a Frying Pan. He informs that two Regiments more of Troops, are arrived.
November 13, 1768
1768 November 13 (Sunday). Read Jer. 40. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16. P.M. read Rom. 13 and delivered the rest of the Discourse on Prov. 18.10 for my preparing the forenoon sermon had taken up so much of my Time that I could not get any Thing Special for the Day ready; this being the first Lords Day of the New Year with me and this Church. I edeavoured to take due Notice of it in the first Prayer; and the Sermon was Suited to the sorrowfull Times in this Province, and at Boston in peculiar. N.B. Richard Temple having worked here 3 Days, tarrys over sabbath. At Eve read in Mr. Hemingway on Joh. 6.27.
November 14, 1768
1768 November 14 (Monday). Mr. Batherick informs me between one and two o’Clock of a Town Meeting to Day, partly on Account of my support. I was sorry I had no warning, Since [I am so unprepared?]. P.M. Squire Barnard and Mr. [Marsh?] of Sutton here and acquaint me with what Mr. Chaplains Church have done relating to Church Government and what a late Council have advised the agrieved to do. Lt. Baker informs that this Town have done no otherwise than last Year, viz. have granted 500£ old Tenor, and nother [sic] further for Wood. I hereupon sent in a Line to Shew that I could not discharge my Ministerial Duty without they also provide my Wood. But I understand it was without avail. At Eve came my son Ebenezer and his Daughter Elizabeth. Also at Night came Alexander from Framingham.
November 15, 1768
1768 November 15 (Tuesday). P.M. Mr. Sears came with a Team from Rochester, and dined here. Afterwards Mr. Moore, accompanyed with Deacon Foster, Capt. White, Mr. Zeph. Bri[ges?] and Lt. Winslow from Rochester dined here — And at Eve, Mr. Collins Moore from Oxford. No Success to even our best Endeavours to get an Horse for my Daughter Sarah. John also would fain go with his sister, but in [Vain?]. Neighbours keep aloof from us (except Mrs. Maynard who came here Yesterday). Send six Horses to so many Neighbours.
November 16, 1768
1768 November 16 (Wednesday). The Company leave us. The Team with Goods — Mr. Moore in a Chaise with span of Horses. My Suse leaves me! May God go with her! Sarah also, upon my Mare: and I have obtained Dr. Hawes’ Horse for John who joins them. Temple (who thrashes) takes Care of the Creatures. P.M. Ruth Bellows, who has lived with us Some time, now goes away also.
November 17, 1768
1768 November 17 (Thursday). Mr. Stone came and dined here. He preached my Lecture on Ps. 25.10. A useful Savoury Sermon. The Lord Succeed it to us all!
November 18, 1768
1768 November 18 (Friday). Mr. Morse came to offer me Beef — I buy a Quarter @ 1/3. Mr. Phinehas Maynard came upon the Same Errand: but am supplyed.
November 19, 1768
1768 November 19 (Saturday). Mr. Morse brings home the Beef — weighs 108 lbs. He brings 1/2 bushel of Salt (which is 14/) and he cutts out the Meat. Temple, by means of the Storm, can’t winnow the Rye. He gets John Rogers, from Arnolds, to help him Pitch up the Straw etc.
November 20, 1768
1768 November 20 (Sunday). It being a Severe storm Deacon Wood came before Meeting to know my Mind about putting by the Sacrament, but when we went to Meeting there came so many that I thought it Duty to proceed. Omitted Reading. Preached on Mark 14.14.15 and was brief in the Administration. Mr. Jameson dined here, as did Mrs. Bowker from Simsbury, accompanyed by her sisters Warrin and Kendall. P.M. Omitted Reading — few were present. Repeated on Isa. 55.6 to the End of page 6. At Eve Mrs. P________ gave me a Letter from Alexander which he wrote in the House, before he left us last Wednesday, of his Case at Framingham.
November 21, 1768
1768 November 21 (Monday). Went up to Lt. Bakers and agree with him to get my Wood again, the ensuing Year. Temple goes to work otherwhere. P.M. I walked out to Mr. Pratts, Maynards and Beetons to get an Horse to go to Framingham. Obtain Mr. Beetons — but it rained and Snowed So that I could not go to Day. Yet my Heart is full. The Lord look upon our Distresses, and forgive our Offences!
November 22, 1768
1768 November 22 (Tuesday). I rose early — and though it snowed I delayed not. Rode to Framingham. Went to Mr. Browns; just Saw Kezia and She retired, so that I saw her no more. Dined there. Mixed our mournings. He agrees to go this Afternoon to the Town Clerk, Mr. Lawson Buckminster and I wrote to him my Sons Desire to be published. In returning home called at Mr. Bridge’s, at Capt. Wards, and Mr. Stones.
November 23, 1768
1768 November 23 (Wednesday). Am now concerned to get a Letter to Alexander to inform him of what I had done, and what was expected from him. Wrote but know no way to Send. O that God would Support and direct us! Mr. Joseph Willard from Mendon here, having received a Call from the people there. He goes over to Northborough. The select Men having a Meeting at the Meeting House Capt. Jonas Brigham came in, Smoked and was sociable, and invited us to his House, as if nothing had been amiss.
November 24, 1768
1768 November 24 (Thursday). Though it was a foul Day, Mr. Smith kindly visited and dined here. At Eve came Ebenezer, John and Sarah, having Sat out from Rochester yesterday, and lodged at Wrentham last night; they broke fast at Mr. Bucknams, and dined at Mr. Barretts. Thomas Arnold was married to Margaret Pratt.
November 25, 1768
1768 November 25 (Friday). Ebenezer tarrys with us. Richard Temple, who lodged here, takes Charge of a Letter to Alexander to leave it, at Dr. Bartons at Oxford, in his way to Killingley. Ebenezer has made and now hangs and fitts a stable Door, for my new Stable. John goes with the Team to Lt. Bakers for 4 Sleepers for Stable Floor — brings but three, and those but small ones.
November 26, 1768
1768 November 26 (Saturday). Ebenezer though it is foul Weather, Setts out for Brookfield. N.B. I gave him two Dollars for what he had expended for his sister Sarah etc., in the Journey to and from Rochester. John went to Mr. Tainters with the Team and brought a Barrell of Cyder, and apples for Apple-sauce.
November 27, 1768
1768 November 27 (Sunday). A Snow storm. Omitt Reading a. and p.m. Preached this once more on 1 Tim. 3.16. Mr. Jamison, Mr. Tainter (Simon) and Mr. George Smith, dined here. P.M. went on with Sermon on Isa. 55.6. O that God would give success, to our Eternal Benefit! I could not but be fervent but am afraid of being over Earnest, lest I fall into Some Indecencys. The Lord forgive what was amiss!
November 28, 1768
1768 November 28 (Monday). Gave my Self to my Preparations for Thanksgiving.
November 29, 1768
1768 November 29 (Tuesday). Closely engaged. Mrs. P________ undergoes the Labour of preparing her Years Apple-sauce. Apples and Cyder she has of Mr. Tainter. Master Jamison makes me a Visit and invites me to his Fast tomorrow, it being St. Andrews Day: but I must be quite otherwise employ’d. He speaks to me also about joining to our Church that he may partake of the Sacrament. At Eve Mr. Daniel Hardy here: desires me to preach at his House next Tuesday.
November 30, 1768
1768 November 30 (Wednesday). Mr. Zebulun Rice here, at my request, to view some Plank, which I have from Jonathan Forbes for a stable Floor; but which he thinks will not answer my End, and therefore I send them back to the saw-Mill by Jonas Kenny. Richard Temple comes in the Night from Connecticut and lodges here.