1768 September 1 (Thursday). Mr. Whipple and his son, and Mr. Batheric come to work but are sadly hindered by having the Principals to raise, and are yet more for want of Boards fit for the Gable End — Mr. Nurse, who was to provide white Pine Boards, not coming with them. Nay I understand he is not So much as returned from his Journey in which he went to trade for them. So far is he from bringing them here, that he is not so much as gone for them. The work men break off a.m. and went home. However I perswaded them to stay and dine. P.M. borrowed Mr. Nurse’s Horse and rode to Mr. Amasa Maynards and agreed with him for some Boards, and John goes with a Team for them — brings 600, at 20/. Though I have already provided Nails for my Building, yet Mrs. P________ sends me by Mr. Joseph Green junior a large Quantity of both Board and shingle Nails.
Month: September 1768
September 2, 1768
1768 September 2 (Friday). Mr. Whipple, his son, and Mr. Batherick came to work, and they are covering and closing. N.B. Enoch Rice was here last night and this morning. I thought it best to comply with his Demand, rather than continue the Contest with him. I gave him a Note of 20£ old Tenor to be paid, next April. May God grant him a due sense of his Wickedness! and forgive both him and me! P.M. Alex. returns from Sturbridge.
September 3, 1768
1768 September 3 (Saturday). John goes with the Team to Mr. Amasa Maynard and brings 200 more of Boards. Mr. Whipple and son and Mr. Batherick work on the Barn and finish Covering and Closing except the Weather Boards. Alex. tends the Carpenters a.m., works in my new swamp p.m. P.M. Mrs. P________ returns from Boston and my son Samuel comes with her.
September 4, 1768
1768 September 4 (Sunday). Read Jer. 33 and p.m. Read Rom. 6. Was disappointed of Help in preaching — having writ to and depended, on Mr. Cushing to come, that he might go with me to Mr. Moore’s Ordination but he did not come. I was so hindered by the Barn and preparing my self for the Ordination that I was obliged to use a. and p.m. former Compositions, altered to the present Time, viz. on Hos. 9.12. We had a Contribution for Montreal. N.B. a Letter from Mr. Hutchinson to change the Private Meeting at Mr. Tainters, from Tuesday to Wednesday next: of which I gave the people Notice.
September 5, 1768
1768 September 5 (Monday). Deacon Bond excused himself from going with me to Mr. Moore’s ordination. Neither did Mr. Cushing come; I therefore Sat out alone in my Journey to Rochester. Went through Southborough to Mr. James Parker at his uncle Temple’s at Framingham to get him to preach for me next Sabbath: but very much in Vain. He said he would try to get Mr. Johnson who is a Candidate at Mr. Bridge’s. Called at Coll. Buckminsters and got them to look after and enforce it. Dined at Mr. Locks at Sherbourn. P.M. to Mr. Bucknams at Medway. At his House I never was till now. He accompanys me 4 or 5 Miles in my way to Mrs. Stimsons in Wrentham; Mr. John Messenger waits on my [sic] to Mr. Beans, where Mrs. Simson is. She receives me with great friendliness. At Man’s Tavern find Company from Oxford: viz. Rev. Bowman, Coll. Larned, Capt. Moore, his Brother Richard and Major Davis: also my Son Samuel who followed me from Westborough. We rode to Norton precinct. Mr. Bowman, Coll. L. and I lodged at Coll. Ephraim Leonards.
September 6, 1768
1768 September 6 (Tuesday). Mr. Richard Moore and my son came to us at Col. Leonards and were at Breakfast with us there. After kind Entertainment we proceed on our Journey to Taunton, a considerable Town and River — stop at Deans — at Washbourns, where we dine. Arrive, through Gods Goodness, at Mr. Ebenezer Perry’s in Rochester by about 4 p.m. where Mr. Moore lodge’s. The ministers gathered here. I lodged with Mr. Perkins of Bridgwater.
September 7, 1768
1768 September 7 (Wednesday). The Church met at Mr. Perrys. Council was formed. Mr. Perk. Moderator and prayed. Mr. Williams of Sandwich Scribe. Found the Steps the Church and Town had taken preparatory were regular. Deacon Foster desired Mr. Moore might be examined. He was briefly, but exhibited a Confession which was read and voted satisfactory both by the Church and the Council. Rev. Roland Thatcher opened the public Solemnity with prayer. Mr. Adams of Roxbury preached on 2 Cor. 1.5. The Moderator gave the solemn Charge; I gave the Right Hand. Went in to See Venerable old Mr. Ruggles who is in his 83d Year. Entertainment at Mr. Perrys and at Squire Ruggles’s. Lodged again at Mr. Perrys, and every Night that I continued in Rochester.
September 8, 1768
1768 September 8 (Thursday). Mr. Moore and I rode to Mr. Samuel Wests Lecture (at Dartmouth). I preached on 2 Cor. 3.15. After Lecture Mr. M. accompanyed me to the New Town that is building by the waterside, and which they call Bedford; chiefly by Capt. Roche, where we are civilly entertained. Return to Mr. Wests, and lodged there. Mr. W. is very entertaining l[illegible]ard.
September 9, 1768
1768 September 9 (Friday). We rode to Mr. Thomas Wests and dine there. Call at Lt. Winslows — he has now the 16th Child, by the same Wife. Visit old Mr. Ruggles, who is confined to his Bed, but able to converse. Return to Mr. Perrys.
September 10, 1768
1768 September 10 (Saturday). We ride to Sea-side, to Mr. Briggs’s Farm. Go in a Boat to the opposite Beach. Dine at Mr. Briggs. Mr. M. p.m. to Dartmouth to preach there.
September 11, 1768
1768 September 11 (Sunday). Preached a. and p.m. at Rochester on 2 Cor. 3.17.18. By Special Desire went to Mr. Ruggles’s at noon. Prayed with him before I went to meeting p.m. There after meeting also. At Mr. Perrys at Eve. Mr. M. returns from Dartmouth. Deacon Dexter visits us at 8 o’Clock.
September 12, 1768
1768 September 12 (Monday). Lt. Winslow and Mr. Haskill merchant were very obliging in assisting and procuring a sloop, for a sayling out in the Harbour. There went out with us old Mrs. Wing, and her Daughter Clark. After the sayling, Several of us went out a fishing, and we have a fine supper of Tautaugs.
September 13, 1768
1768 September 13 (Tuesday). Mr. Moore’s Brother Collins waited for me to be my Company in my Journey. We rode to Titicutt and dined there (at Mr. Reeds) — but Collins wants to go to the Ordination at Mendon and therefore leaves me. Mr. Reed rides with me part of the way to Mr. Perkins’s at Bridgwater where I lodged.
September 14, 1768
1768 September 14 (Wednesday). By Directions I set out from Bridgwater. Came to Capt. Leonards at Easton — who directs me through the Woods to Mr. Gannetts in Stoughtonham, where I dine with Mrs. Quincy — view the Mine. Call at Mr. Curtis’s. Visit Cousen Bradshaw, and lodge there. N.B. their Daughter Sarah in a low, pained, confined state.
September 15, 1768
1768 September 15 (Thursday). Call at Mr. Paysons in Walpole. N.B. his wife languishes. Visit Squire Adams at Medfield — and Mr. Thomas Adams — his Library — dined at Mr. Townsends with Mr. Moses Adams and Mr. Jason Whitney who were returning from Mendon Ordination. Call at Mr. Locks in Sherbourn — Coll. Buckminsters — Mr. Stones — old Madam Thatcher there. Through divine Goodness, arrive safe and find my Tabernacle in Peace, but it is between 9 and 10 o’Clock at Night. Mrs. P________ informs that Billys wife and Child have been here, and are gone home. Hannah is come home. Mr. Lovel and his wife (Lydia’s sister), Mr. Forbes — Mr. Putnam, have been here. That Mr. Hutchinson preached on the 7th at Mr. Tainters — that Mr. Goddard preached on the 11th on Cant. 2.16 and on Mat. 5.25.
September 16, 1768
1768 September 16 (Friday). Vid. Natal. My Meditations and Preparations are on Bondage by the Fear of Death, from Heb. 2. John has so slic’d off the Ball of one of his forefingers and part of another that he can do very little work.
September 17, 1768
1768 September 17 (Saturday). Go on with my Preparations but can’t finish them.
September 18, 1768
1768 September 18 (Sunday). Read Jer. 34. According to the Time with me, I treated of the Character and Duty of an old Disciple: from Act. 13.4. Mnason etc. [Editor’s note: see Act. 21.16.] Used a. and p.m. Sermon on Prov. 16.31. May it have a proper Effect upon me, and on every old Person! P.M. read Rom. 9.
September 19, 1768
1768 September 19 (Monday). A.M. attended the Funeral of Mr. Whipples dead born Infant, and visit Mr. Joseph Grouts Sick Child. Dined at Capt. Jonathan Fays. Visit at Mr. Whitneys and bespeak 1/2 dozen Chairs for Suse. Committee to lay out the County Road meet at Capt. Ben. Fays.
September 20, 1768
1768 September 20 (Tuesday). The Town Meet in Complyance with a Request from the Town of Boston to choose a Representative to meet at a Convention, to consult what is best to be done, in Case Several Regiments Shall come, as expected, to enforce the late Acts relating to the Customs, or Dutys etc. They choose Capt. Maynard. Mr. Forbes here and lodges; but his Horse is at his Brother Rice’s.
September 21, 1768
1768 September 21 (Wednesday). Mr. F. goes to wait upon the Superior Court at Worcester, in the Cause depending between Mr. Frink and the people of New Rutland. I visit Capt. Maynards Family, his sons Wife, Mrs. Amsden, and Solomon Maynard being sick. Captain goes to Boston p.m. Alexander leaves us to go to Sturbridge. John goes as far as Worcester to bring back the Horse, which his Brother rode upon. Miss Betty Gott came.
September 22, 1768
1768 September 22 (Thursday). The Girls are quilting a Bed-Quilt for Suse. Ruth Bellows at noon to Spin.
September 23, 1768
1768 September 23 (Friday). Miss Betty is detained here by the weather. She and Hannah Draper quilting. No Help expected in my Lecture. Preached my Self on Joh. 14.15.
September 24, 1768
1768 September 24 (Saturday). Received a Letter from Dr. Crosby by Desire of Mr. Sumner to assist at a Fast at Shrewsbury next Thursday, which I consent to.
September 25, 1768
1768 September 25 (Sunday). Read Jer. 35. Preached a.m. on 1 Tim. 3.16 — “believed on in the World.” Administered the Lords Supper. Master Jamison dined here. P.M. Read Rom. 8. Preached on Heb. 2.15, which subject my mind was much exercised upon. May God please to prosper it to my own Help! Read a Letter from Charlton to the Church. They vote Complyance. Received a Letter from Mr. Sumner himself concerning their Fast.
September 26, 1768
1768 September 26 (Monday). Mrs. P________ rides to Capt. Maynards to get Money for Suse, but very much in Vain. Am variously employed to promote her Journey to Boston.
September 27, 1768
1768 September 27 (Tuesday). Am still endeavouring to accommodate my Daughters Sarah and Suse for their Journey, for which I ride to Mr. Haskills, but in vain — and a Number of Houses besides. Dine at Mr. Abraham Bonds. Visit at Mr. Barns’s — at Mr. Bathericks — Beetons — Lt. Bakers at Eve, and succeed.
September 28, 1768
1768 September 28 (Wednesday). Sarah and Suse in Dr. Hawes Chaise, and Lt. Bakers Horse, Set out for Boston. P.M. Mr. John Balls wife here — examined. My son Ebenezer came from Brookfield.
September 29, 1768
1768 September 29 (Thursday). My Son goes to Watertown. I have Mr. Bathericks Horse to go to the Fast at Shrewsbury on account of the Public Distresses. There is no other Minister to assist Mr. Sumner. He prays and I preached a.m. My Text was Ezek. V.5 to 9. I prayed and preached p.m. Text was Mat. 24.12. There was a good attendance. I wish a divine Influence might be afforded! Mr. Hawley of Mashpee came to us there, after Meeting, upon his Journey to Northampton. Visit Capt. Nathaniel Allen who is confined by a bad Toe, which tis feared will mortifie. Called at Mr. Samuel Fays in my return home at Night.
September 30, 1768
1768 September 30 (Friday). We have daily Sorrowful News of our public Affairs — that two Regiments are come to Boston from Hallifax under Lieut. Col. Dalrymple — that the Governor and Council are in Contests about the posting these Troops. His Excellency insists that they Shall be quartered, partly in the Town, as well as part of them at Castle William.