1768 October 1 (Saturday). My Son Ebenezer returned from Watertown: and pursues his Journey home. Mr. Jacob Rice came towards Night and tarrys here. At Night came Sarah and Suse from Boston. They inform that Six more Men of War are come in to Nantasket — that the People of Boston are in Consternation. My son Samuel is gone to live at Mr. Hopestill Capon’s for a Year. That Neptune, Mr. Loyds young Negro is to be buryed this Day.
Month: October 1768
October 2, 1768
1768 October 2 (Sunday). Read Jer. 36. Mr. Rice preaches for me a. and p.m. on Joh. 9.4. Read p.m. Rom. 9. Mrs. Maynard at Dinner.
October 3, 1768
1768 October 3 (Monday). Deacon Bond and Mr. Daniel Forbes accompanying me as Delegates, I sat out about 9 a.m. for Charlton. Called at Mr. Hutchinsons — dined at Mr. Halls, but he was gone to Yarmouth. My Brethren dined at the Tavern. We arrived at Mr. Bowmans before night. The Delegates proceeded to Charlton, but I was So importuned that I could not go from Oxford. Visit at Capt. Moores and invite him, his wife and Children to our House on the 13th — also Mr. Bowman and Lady — lodge there.
October 4, 1768
1768 October 4 (Tuesday). Mr. Bowman and I to Charlton. Meet at Mr. John Edwards — repair to Mr. McIntire’s, where the Council forms — and after Prayer (by me as moderator, Rev. Messrs. Maccarty and Davis Scribes) we repair to the Meeting House, and a.m. obliged to open the Council by Prayer there, though I would fain have been excused. Soon adjourned — for Dinner which was at Mr. Twiss’s — where also I lodged. The Partys very averse to one another through the Hearing.
October 5, 1768
1768 October 5 (Wednesday). Rev. Stiles prayed at opening the Council to day. We go on with the tedious Hearing. Mr. Buckminster Seemed to be too much of an Advocate. I gave him Some hint in the Assembly. At Eve he somewhat resented it — but Mr. Stiles gave him to understand that it was the mind of others, which I had delivered. He was afterwards Silent about it: and reformed. He was very instrumental afterwards in accomplishing a Coalition which was (We hope) Successfull. We dined to Day at Mr. Edwards’s. Lodged at the same House that I did before. Mr. Stiles and Dr. Morse of Sutton, entertaining in Conversation.
October 6, 1768
1768 October 6 (Thursday). Mr. Buckminster prays. We go on for some time — but a Compromising and Reconcilement was promoted. Dine at Mr. Twiss’s. P.M. It is effected. At Eve adjourn and retire to McIntire’s for Refreshment and transcribing the proposed plan for accommodation. When we return to the meeting House it is read to the Partys, and accepted by them. Mr. Curtis Signs it, all the aggrieved sign, except Mr. Daniel Williams. The Brethren of the Church, chiefly, Sign also — and a Number of the Congregation. This was to our great Joy. It was followed by pathetic Exhortations etc. I prayed after the Result of the Council was read. Then the Moderator declared this Council was dissolved. Lodged at Mr. Twiss’s.
October 7, 1768
1768 October 7 (Friday). Deacon Moses Weld was my Company to Sturbridge. First to Col. Marcy’s, who is confined by Sickness — then to Alexanders fulling Mill, Shop etc. Mr. Bullard is at work for him, rebuilding the Wheel etc. Went in to Mr. Plimton’s, of whom Alexander hires. Dined at Mr. Paine’s. Proceeded to Capt. Ezek. Uphams, to Deacon Welds, and to Brookfield. Deacon Weld kindly conducting me as far as Capt. Wolcotts: where I find Lowder, the Post-Rider who delivers the News, both written and Oral. I then hasten to Mr. Forbes’ — get there seasonably — and lodge there.
October 8, 1768
1768 October 8 (Saturday). Mr. Forbes goes to Mr. Conklin, that the latter may go to Mr. Sumner, who is to go to Westborough. I visit my son; where are the young Indians; a Girl, who is much grown up, and two Boys — Oneidas. Dine at my Son Baldwins. Visit my old Neighbour Hardy. Return at Eve to my son Forbes’ and lodge there again.
October 9, 1768
1768 October 9 (Sunday). Preached at Brookfield a.m. on Ezek. 5, v. 5 to 9. P.M. on John 12.35. Which may God succeed! At Eve Mr. Forb. returns home. Lodged there again.
October 10, 1768
1768 October 10 (Monday). Took Mr. Forbes’ Mare and a Chaise which he provided, leaving my Mare for him — and his Wife rode with me to Westborough. Called at Mr. Eaton’s. Dined at Mr. Sergeants (Gratis) — at Mr. Maccartys — he perswades me to call and see the poor Condemned Criminal, Arthur, of but 18 years. Conversed and prayed with him. Stopped and refreshed at Mr. Sumners — who tells me that Mr. Whitney preached for me yesterday. Arrived here before Dark in safety. D.G.
October 11, 1768
1768 October 11 (Tuesday). [No entry.]
October 12, 1768
1768 October 12 (Wednesday). Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlain comes to ask me and my Wife to his House tomorrow, to attend the Marriage of his Daughter Martha. P.M. visit Mr. Beeton who had his Leg broke at the Raising of Mr. Maynards saw Mill.
October 13, 1768
1768 October 13 (Thursday). Mr. Moore came a.m., informs of the Death of Mr. Ward at College: newly chose Librarian in his stead. Called at Mr. Sherman Bellows to see his Wife. I rode down to Mr. Chamberlins, and marryed David Brigham to his Daughter Martha; but did not stay to dine, for I had promised to return home to my own Company which by this Time were come. My Sons William and Breck, with Williams Wife came last night. Mr. Forbes, Mr. Cushing this morning. Mr. Collins Moore, Messrs. Ballard and Barton and their Wives, Miss Sarah Moore, my son Alexander, came, a.m. I dined with them though late — nigh 3 o’Clock. Capt. Maynard and his Wife came. Mr. Whitney and his Wife, and Sister Martyn likewise. Towards Eve My Daughter Susanna was marryed to Mr. Moore. Mr. Whitney prayed first — I delivered the Covenant. This done, Mr. Forbes prayed. [Then?] we Sang Dr. Watts’s Imitation of Ps. 45. After which was a Repast of Cake, Wine etc. but Mr. Whitney, his Wife, and Mrs. Martyn hastened away that they might not be in the night — and Capt. Maynard etc. took 7 of my Company with them to lodge and keep their Horses. Alexander also went with them and lodged there. May God accept us in Jesus Christ! May the New Marryed be Espoused to Him! And be made rich and lasting Blessings!
October 14, 1768
1768 October 14 (Friday). Mr. Forbes and his Wife, Billy, his Wife, and Breck, left us a.m. The Oxford Company returned from Capt. Maynards and dined here; as did Mr. Cushing and his Sister. But p.m. they all left us. N.B. Miss Bridget has been with us for some Time. But now (after Tea) returns home with her Brother. N.B. Breck has made a Garden Gate and hung it with Hinges which Mr. Nurse has brought me gratis.
October 15, 1768
1768 October 15 (Saturday). [No entry.]
October 16, 1768
1768 October 16 (Sunday). Read Jer. 37. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16, “believed on in the world.” P.M. read Rom. 10. Mr. Moore preached on Rev. 5.12. Read to the Church a Letter from the Church of Ashburnham, which is complyed with, and Squire Whipple and Mr. Tainter were Delegates. I gave the Church Some Account of what the Council did at Charlton. I also mentioned to them the great Slackness of the Brethren of the Church in their watch over those who neglect to bring their Children to Baptism (having especially in my Mind, but I did not express any name, Jonas Bradish) and complained to them of many others who lived in this Neglect — neither did they watch over those who had owned the Covenant and yet did not walk orderly, as I had reason to fear.
October 17, 1768
1768 October 17 (Monday). Mr. Moore is desirous to go to Oxford and Brookfield, but is not accommodated with an Horse that will go in a Carriage. P.M. I rode up to Capt. Jonathan Fays and to Mr. Thomas Whitneys about Cyder. Mr. Cushing who preached yesterday at Marlborough returns this way and lodges here. Master Jamison sends me 4 Magazines from Mr. Mein.
October 18, 1768
1768 October 18 (Tuesday). Mr. Cushing (after earnest sollicitation to go to his Ordination) leaves us p.m. Attend a Catechetical Exercise — but 9 persons Came, 4 of which are out of my own Family.
October 19, 1768
1768 October 19 (Wednesday). Mr. Moore and Suse having the Doctors Chaise and my Mare, set out p.m. for Oxford. I rode Mr. Moore’s Horse to visit in the South Part of the Town. Went to Mr. Whitneys, forwarding Chairs for Suse. Called at a Number of Houses; but especially (as my chief Design was) at Mr. Joseph Morse’s, and Mr. John Balls. When I returned, met at the stables Mr. Tainter and his Wife, who had been here. Fast at Stow, which I could not attend.
October 20, 1768
1768 October 20 (Thursday). The Day of the Execution of Arthur, who was condemned for committing a Rape: but I could not go to Worcester. Send by John a (designed) fat Cow to be kept at Mr. Solomon Bakers.
October 21, 1768
1768 October 21 (Friday). Hear frequently of the great Perplexitys which the Town of Boston are thrown into.
October 22, 1768
1768 October 22 (Saturday). Mr. Aaron Nurse hooping my Barrells etc. Mr. Tim. Warrin takes Care of some Barrells, to carry them to Jonathan Forbes’s, and Thomas Bonds, to be filled with Cyder. His Son brings me the former.
October 23, 1768
1768 October 23 (Sunday). Read Jer. 38. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16. P.M. read Rom. 11. Preached on Eccl. 7.17 occasioned by the Death of Arthur, Negro, executed last Thursday. Mrs. Betty Gott dined here and with her a young Gentleman from Springfield to wait on her. His Name Stebbins. They design to proceed tomorrow.
October 24, 1768
1768 October 24 (Monday). [No entry.]
October 25, 1768
1768 October 25 (Tuesday). Attended the funeral of a young Child of Phinehas Gleason. At Noon, having received Invitation by Dr. Hawes, from the Medical society now a second Time, I rode to Col. Williams’s and dined with them. Mr. Smith was Sent for and dined with them also. I returned at Eve. A Number of Neighbours came in the Afternoon, and cut up the Corn of the West field, and part of the North, and this Evening husked. There were about 20. They were chiefly Mr. David Maynard, Zebulun Rice, Edwards Whipple, Tainter, Lieut. Baker, McCullock, Neighbour Newton, Joseph Bond and James Bellows, Isaac Miller etc. etc., but it rained and beat them off, when they had husked about half of what they had gathered. Mr. Moore and Suse came from Brookfield this Eve. It rained hard before they arrived.
October 26, 1768
1768 October 26 (Wednesday). Mr. Moore leaves us after Dinner to go to Boston and take Care of Goods etc. which were bought for Suse, and left at Loyds. P.M. Mr. Ephraim Sherman and Mr. Jotham Bush here. Bush talks of having the Council called together again, which sat at Shrewsbury last Winter.
October 27, 1768
1768 October 27 (Thursday). The weather so cold and the Corn so wet, John can accomplish but little in the harvesting. He carrys Apples and Barrell to Mr. Bakers Cyder Mill. He trys for help in Husking, but no body encourages him. Mr. Joseph Green junior brings a Message from Mr. Gleason to desire me to Visit his Wife. I Catechized a. and p.m. 42 Boys and 28 Girls. After Catechizing Visit Mrs. Gleason and prayed with her.
October 28, 1768
1768 October 28 (Friday). In many perplexitys about getting in the rest of the Corn — It being too much for John. A great part of that which was husked lying abroad and a great Body of husks, which had been wet with the storm — several Load yet in the Field — and not easy to get any Hand to help. Friday with me and can’t go my self — and am to be gone (with leave of Providence) next week — but p.m. Nathan Maynard junior and his Brother Nehemiah came and cut up and carted the Corn from the Field, and about 20 at Evening husked it out, and got in great part of the Husks.
October 29, 1768
1768 October 29 (Saturday). Have had too many avocations and Interruptions — can’t prepare for tomorrow p.m.
October 30, 1768
1768 October 30 (Sunday). Read Jer. 39. Preached on 1 Tim. 3.16, last Clause. P.M. read Rom. 12. Repeated on Prov. 18.10 to p. 9.
October 31, 1768
1768 October 31 (Monday). Visit Mrs. Gleason and pray with her. Dined with the Artillery Company at Dr. Crosbys. Mr. Sumner dines with one of the Shrewsbury Companys; there being two of them and all three met in a Pasture North of widow Hastings — to exercise. Neighbour Morse was the chief leader: Ensign Asa Brigham and Mr. John Drury, Captains of the Other. I returned to visit Mrs. Gleason, who was very bad: and then went up to Mr. Sumners, at his Special Request, and lodged there