April 19, 1759

1759 April 19 (Thursday).  Miss Lavinia Baker watched last night.  Visit and pray with Mr. Nurse.  Mr. Benjamin Nurse and his Wife of Framingham, there.  Lt. Rolf brings me a Pair of Boots he has made for me, with English soals etc.  Ebenezer Rice junior comes with a Yoke of Oxen.  Alexander and he split Hills.  Mr. Zebulun Rice brings a plough which he has made for me.  I rode to Hopkinton.  Went by Deacon Burnaps who took his Horse and rode with me through the worst of the Woods towards Dr. Wilsons, where my Business chiefly lay.  I dined there.  N.B. The Doctor generously gave me what ever he had done for me or mine.  Mrs. Henrietta Overing is going to Rhode Island — goes from the Doctors this Afternoon.  I proceeded to Sir Harry Franklands Seat, kept now by Mr. Jacques Joseph Villieout de Rohan marrie avec Madamoiselle Frances [blank] de Turenne.  He gave me such Slips, Branches, Cions, Seeds as I desired — and lent me Du Moulins Book of Accomplishment of the Prophecys or Third Book of Defense of the Catholique Faith.  I borrow’d it for the sake of a Trial with my Mr. Blanc, for it being in French I presume not to read much of it.  In returning at Eve, called at Mr. Barretts, who is gone to Boston.  My Wife had a Fit to Day.