1759 April 16 (Monday). I rode with my Brother as far as Shrewsbury, and we dined at Capt. Allen’s. Persis Rice so indisposed, She goes home. Jemima Maynard is in her stead to help my Daughter Sarah. Her Mother has a fit every Day; and is in a low state. Billy rides to Mr. Dunlops to carry Patty. Mr. Dunlop works in my Garden. Widow [Woods?] watches. Jemima Maynard comes to work here. On the 16 Brother Hicks and his Wife from Cambridge here and lodge here. N.B. He is unreasonably set against Mr. Wellman, is very bitter — declares he is a man that will not Stand by the Truth. My son William and Jemima were in hearing. I checked him smartly; and desired him to Say no more of these Affairs.