1759 April 15 (Sunday). My Wife is exceeding Weak and low. It looks as if she would not survive it. She tells me in the morning She thinks it will be too hard for her. This sabbath morning is therefore very gloomy and sorrowful. My interruptions, Cares etc. have prevented my preparing any more than one sermon. Dr. Crosby came. Administered the vomit. It worked as many times again as the Doctor talked of — a matter of Sixteens times. Read publickly Neh. 1. Preached on Hos. 9.12. My Brother keeps sabbath with us. The Doctor dines here. Read p.m. Acts 11. Repeated on 1 Cor. 6.9.10, some selected passages. My Neighbour Nurse being grown worse, at Eve my Brother and I made him a Visit and prayed with him. He was exceeding full of pain in his Back so as that he cryed out aloud. Patty Dunlop watches.