1759 April 13 (Friday). rose at ½ after 3 (though I took a Nap below). My Wife was expected to have a Well Day — but it proved otherwise, for though She was got up, yet was She very ill. At 3 and ½ p.m. she is aguish and it holds her to half after 5, and then comes on a Fever which continues into Night, to my great Distressing. I visited and prayed with Mr. Nurse, who grows worse; and says he is almost out of Hope of any Cure. Billy has the Meazles full — and keep[s] his Bed all Day. All Things work kindly with him. Samme also is so well as to run abroad. Deacon Tainter from Boston — brought my Wife a Bottle of Madera. At Eve Mr. Whitney, Mr. Wood, Mr. Daniel Forb.’s Wife here. Capt. Wood also — who offers to go or send to Dr. Wilson. [I am?] writing to Dr. Crosby of it, to night, to be sent early tomorrow morning to him; I consented. And now O that God would be pleased to Sanctifie these sorrowful providences to me! Would He be pleased to extend His gracious Pity to His poor Hand-Maid, and grant her Relief to soul and Body for His Name’s sake! Priscilla Rice and Lydia Newton watch.