1759 April 8 (Sunday). In the morning my Wife was cool and calm as if She would Soon get Well again; made grateful mention of it in the public Devotions. Read Ezra 10, Act. 10. Preached a. and p.m. repeating sermon on Ps. 11.7, former Clause. Dr. Crosby here. Dr. Prentice who came to see Mr. Nurse came likewise. An Alteration arose in my Wife at, or before noon: She had an Ague Fit, Succeeded by a burning Fever. The Doctors, old Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs. Foster and [blank] dined here. When I returned and the Doctors with me after meeting, She was in a great Inflammation and Sweat. I attended the Funeral of Mr. Reuben Maynard, from his House to our burying place.