April 7, 1759

1759 April 7 (Saturday).  My Wife so ill and Dr. Chase not coming as he had promised, I Sent to Dr. Crosby, who came.  P.M. Mr. Stone came and desires me to change with him; but when he saw our Affliction, he goes to Mr. Martyn.  Before he goes he reads me a Letter Sent him by Capt. Taylor and Signed by him, Capt. Aaron Fay, Manasseh Stone, and [blank] containing offers and Insults — which Mr. Stone answered with Reprehension and Resentment.  N.B. Mr. Samuel Williams was with me in the Morning to acquaint me with the Death of his son Maynard yesterday — and that it was desired I would attend the Funeral this afternoon.  I therefore proceed to prepare for it.  Afterwards his Son Eleazer comes and tells me he hears there is an Alteration of the Time, to tomorrow after Exercises.  After this Mr. James Maynard came and told me they had concluded to bury his Brother tomorrow after the publick Exercises, for as much as they could neither get ready to Day, nor keep the Corps till Monday.  But the Time was so taken up with these Several men, and the Circumstances of my Wife’s Illness, that I could not prepare new sermons for the Sabbath.  I wrote a few pages but did not complete the Discourse for One Exercise.  My Heart has often wrought greatly on Such Occasions.