April 1, 1759

1759 April 1 (Sunday).  Returned to Mr. Maynards.  He is Somewhat more sensible but far from being come to his Reason.  The Woman alive and has had returns of Fitts all Night — looks exceeding Ghastly and terribly.  Prayed with ‘em and returned home — but very much worn and fatigued — have taken Cold and am poorly capable of performing the Divine Services of the Day — Yet I went through them as God enabled me.  I read Ezra 9 and Acts 9.  Preached on Col. 3.34, chiefly latter part.  P.M. repeated sermon on Hos. 7.14, latter part because of the Approching Fast — hoping that Such Meditations might promote (by divine Help) our preparation for that solemnity.  My Wife is So ill She can’t dine with us.

April 2, 1759

1759 April 2 (Monday).  My Wife is still worse.  A great Cold, Head Ach and Fever.  My little Hannah first goes across the Room.  I visit and pray with Mr. Nurse.  Visit Mr. Williams he being not well and could not till now, go to See his only Daughter, Maynard.  But when he now goes out to mount his Horse, a Messenger meets him and informs that Mrs. Maynard dyed last Evening.

April 3, 1759

1759 April 3 (Tuesday).  My Wife no better.  Send for the Doctor but in vain.  Delivered a 33£ (old Tenor) piece of Gold and another of 18 O.T. to Mr. Daniel Forb. to carry, the first to Col. Brigham, the other for Capt. Ezra Taylor of Southborough.  A Comet was Seen this Morning.  P.M. attended the Funeral of Mrs. Dorothy Maynard, wife of Mr. Reuben Maynard Aged about 35 or 36.  A very sorrowful instance of human Frailty!  Her first Fit was Sudden, on Thursday last — after which she never recovered.  May God Sanctifie this awfull stroke.  My Wife still worse.

April 4, 1759

1759 April 4 (Wednesday).  The Fever increases upon my Wife.  She keeps her Bed.  Sarah goes with little Hannah to Mrs. Joanna Forbush’s to wean the Child.  Molly Pratt here to help us — washing etc.  Mr. Thomas Kendal dines here.  Mr. Blanc and Claud Du Gas here.  Lois Wood here and watches.  Dr. Chase here to see my Wife.

April 5, 1759

1759 April 5 (Thursday).  Publick Fast.  Preached a.m. repeating with Some Variations on Isa. 58.5, last Clause chiefly.  P.M. delivered what I had prepared on this Occasion on Hosea 9.12.  My Wife keeps her Bed.  Patty Dunlop comes to help us.  Sarah returns, but goes back to Mrs. Forbush’s at Night.  Dr. Dexter was called in to see my Wife.  Dr. Chase also had been here.  At Eve Lt. Rolf.  N.B. I was up before Day this morning and looked for the Comet, but did not see it.

April 6, 1759

1759 April 6 (Friday).  Visit Mr. Nurse and prayed with him.  He is thought to be worse.  Capt. Maynard and his Wife and their little Thanky rode here in their Chair.  Training of Capt. Fays Company, to See what they will do about enlisting.  I prayed with the Company, and dined with the Officers at Capt. Woods.  In their afternoon Exercise they try for enlisting.

April 7, 1759

1759 April 7 (Saturday).  My Wife so ill and Dr. Chase not coming as he had promised, I Sent to Dr. Crosby, who came.  P.M. Mr. Stone came and desires me to change with him; but when he saw our Affliction, he goes to Mr. Martyn.  Before he goes he reads me a Letter Sent him by Capt. Taylor and Signed by him, Capt. Aaron Fay, Manasseh Stone, and [blank] containing offers and Insults — which Mr. Stone answered with Reprehension and Resentment.  N.B. Mr. Samuel Williams was with me in the Morning to acquaint me with the Death of his son Maynard yesterday — and that it was desired I would attend the Funeral this afternoon.  I therefore proceed to prepare for it.  Afterwards his Son Eleazer comes and tells me he hears there is an Alteration of the Time, to tomorrow after Exercises.  After this Mr. James Maynard came and told me they had concluded to bury his Brother tomorrow after the publick Exercises, for as much as they could neither get ready to Day, nor keep the Corps till Monday.  But the Time was so taken up with these Several men, and the Circumstances of my Wife’s Illness, that I could not prepare new sermons for the Sabbath.  I wrote a few pages but did not complete the Discourse for One Exercise.  My Heart has often wrought greatly on Such Occasions.

April 8, 1759

1759 April 8 (Sunday).  In the morning my Wife was cool and calm as if She would Soon get Well again; made grateful mention of it in the public Devotions.  Read Ezra 10, Act. 10.  Preached a. and p.m. repeating sermon on Ps. 11.7, former Clause.  Dr. Crosby here.  Dr. Prentice who came to see Mr. Nurse came likewise.  An Alteration arose in my Wife at, or before noon: She had an Ague Fit, Succeeded by a burning Fever.  The Doctors, old Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs. Foster and [blank] dined here.  When I returned and the Doctors with me after meeting, She was in a great Inflammation and Sweat.  I attended the Funeral of Mr. Reuben Maynard, from his House to our burying place.

April 9, 1759

1759 April 9 (Monday).  The Widow Newton watched with my Wife last night.  She takes Sophy home with her; and little Hannah is at Deacon Tainters.  By reason of Patty Dunlops uneasiness to go home, I rode to Lt. Brighams at Southborough to get Mrs. Suse Gleason to be in her Room, but in Vain.  Was at Mr. Isaac Johnsons.  Visit Mrs. Gourdots (or Gurdow) who has lost her son, his wife and a Child in Canada, at the Isle de Orleans of the small pox: and tells me 700 Neutral French had dyed of the same Distemper.  Called at Mr. Amsdens to discharge my Duty to him respecting his Drinking and in particular laid to him his bad Condition on the Thanksgiving Day — Not having had Opportunity to Speak to him of that till now.  May God Sett home and prosper the Admonition!  When I came home here was Mr. Wellman who came from Sutton, Supposing I had sent to him to come.  He dined here.  Dr. Crosby here.  My Wife low, but her fit is gone off all this Day.  At Night the Doctor here again in his Return from Marlborough, where multitudes have gone, it being the Day of the Mustering of the Soldiers, who are going to Canada.  P.M. I also rode to the Widow Thurstons to get one of her Daughters to help us — but in Vain.  In my Way called to see Mr. Blanc and acquaint him with Mrs. Gourdots Troubles — and to see Mr. James Miller and Family; and his Brother Daniels.  At Deacon Tainters to see my little HannahNabby Rice, Mr. Zebulun’s Daughter, watches to night.

April 10, 1759

1759 April 10 (Tuesday).  I rode out again for a Maid or Nurse to be in Pattys Stead — obtain Persis Rice, who comes in the afternoon.  My Wife was calm and cool in the Morning.  At length She had a strong Ague Fitt, was sick and reached to Vomit; then came on Fever [blot]ness and Faintness; She can’t part with Patty though Persis is here.  Dr. Crosby — and a great Variety of Company.  My son in Law Baldwin came; and informed that Billy has listed again, to go under him, who is going Captain of the Second (of Captain’s) Companys in the first Battalion of Coll. Ruggles’s Regiment: He supposes also that Mr. Forbush is going.  I was very much struck at his Account of Billys going again.  He dined here and soon went off to go to Boston, taking leave of me as Supposing he Should not See me again before his Marching.  Dr. Asaph Rice from Berwick here.  Mrs. Joanna Forbush, Mrs. Joslin who had fallen off from the Horse on which her son Whitney was waiting upon her home.  She was greatly terrifyed and distressed, So that I was obliged to go out to her (at Mr. Whitneys Request) to compose her: in which I succeeded.  Thomas rides my mare to Marlborough.  At Eve Mrs. Pratt (wife of Neighbour Hezekiah) and she tarrys to Watch.  The Doctor concludes my Wife’s illness will turn to Fever and Ague.  Samme is also ill.  It Seems to be Fever and Ague.  My Tryals are at this Time very various.  May God sustain me!  N.B. John Dunlop came with an Horse whilst I was in my Chamber writing the above, and carryed off his sister without either of them saying one word to me.

April 11, 1759

1759 April 11 (Wednesday).  My wife more Comfortable again.  Sitts up longer than any Day since She was confined.  Billy came home.  Came from Brookfield yesterday, and from Worcester to Day.  He coughs as one that has the Meazles and thinks he took the Distemper at his Brother Parkmans, he having been there several Times while the Children were coughing and ill of it.  Mr. Martyn and his Wife here.  Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Maynard, Mrs. Thurston.  Persis Rice who lives here, watches and my Sarah with her.

April 12, 1759

1759 April 12 (Thursday).  My Wife Very bad — her Ague Fit stronger than Ordinary — And her Fever Fit brings her into great Distress — So that She is perhaps lower than at any time yet.  Billys Meazles come out thick.  He keeps Chiefly on the Bed, but went out twice.  Dr. Crosby here and looks on him as well as my wife.  Samme has his Fit of Fever and Ague likewise.  Mr. Moses Twitchell works for me, mending Fence.  Suse Newton comes to watch.  I have a very poor Night my Self, with Care and Concern, tending Billy, yet have good help of Persis Rice and Suse Newton.  I could not lye till Morning but

April 13, 1759

1759 April 13 (Friday).  rose at ½ after 3 (though I took a Nap below).  My Wife was expected to have a Well Day — but it proved otherwise, for though She was got up, yet was She very ill.  At 3 and ½ p.m. she is aguish and it holds her to half after 5, and then comes on a Fever which continues into Night, to my great Distressing.  I visited and prayed with Mr. Nurse, who grows worse; and says he is almost out of Hope of any Cure.  Billy has the Meazles full — and keep[s] his Bed all Day.  All Things work kindly with himSamme also is so well as to run abroad.  Deacon Tainter from Boston — brought my Wife a Bottle of Madera.  At Eve Mr. Whitney, Mr. Wood, Mr. Daniel Forb.’s Wife here.  Capt. Wood also — who offers to go or send to Dr. Wilson.  [I am?] writing to Dr. Crosby of it, to night, to be sent early tomorrow morning to him; I consented.  And now O that God would be pleased to Sanctifie these sorrowful providences to me!  Would He be pleased to extend His gracious Pity to His poor Hand-Maid, and grant her Relief to soul and Body for His Name’s sake!  Priscilla Rice and Lydia Newton watch.

April 14, 1759

1759 April 14 (Saturday).  Thomas goes with my Letter to Dr. Crosby, while Captain Woods goes to Dr. Willson.  And they both came.  They dine with me, and retire to consult together.  Dr. Willson much inclines to give her a Vomit, yet She is So very weak it looks as if She could not Survive it: they conclude upon it and that Dr. Crosby come here to Meeting tomorrow, and in the morning administer it, and tarry to see it work.  To my Surprize my eldest Brother came to See me at time of signal Distress.  But he knew not of Mrs. P________’s illness when he sat out from Home.  He is upon a Journey to Connecticutt.  My Wife has her Fit, both of Ague and Fever very strong; and she is extremely weak.  Billy gets up and walks — but keeps the Chamber.  A great and noticeable Favour that he has the Distemper so moderately.  But Samme is poorly — So checkered is our State!  May the Lord look upon us and be mercifull to us as He uses to do to them that fear His Name!  Mrs. Bond watches.

April 15, 1759

1759 April 15 (Sunday).  My Wife is exceeding Weak and low.  It looks as if she would not survive it.  She tells me in the morning She thinks it will be too hard for her.  This sabbath morning is therefore very gloomy and sorrowful.  My interruptions, Cares etc. have prevented my preparing any more than one sermon.  Dr. Crosby came.  Administered the vomit.  It worked as many times again as the Doctor talked of — a matter of Sixteens times.  Read publickly Neh. 1.  Preached on Hos. 9.12.  My Brother keeps sabbath with us.  The Doctor dines here.  Read p.m. Acts 11.  Repeated on 1 Cor. 6.9.10, some selected passages.  My Neighbour Nurse being grown worse, at Eve my Brother and I made him a Visit and prayed with him.  He was exceeding full of pain in his Back so as that he cryed out aloud.  Patty Dunlop watches.

April 16, 1759

1759 April 16 (Monday).  I rode with my Brother as far as Shrewsbury, and we dined at Capt. Allen’sPersis Rice so indisposed, She goes home.  Jemima Maynard is in her stead to help my Daughter Sarah.  Her Mother has a fit every Day; and is in a low state.  Billy rides to Mr. Dunlops to carry Patty.  Mr. Dunlop works in my Garden.  Widow [Woods?] watches.  Jemima Maynard comes to work here.  On the 16 Brother Hicks and his Wife from Cambridge here and lodge here.  N.B. He is unreasonably set against Mr. Wellman, is very bitter — declares he is a man that will not Stand by the Truth.  My son William and Jemima were in hearing.  I checked him smartly; and desired him to Say no more of these Affairs.

April 17, 1759

1759 April 17 (Tuesday).  Billy leaves us to go into the Service.  Alexander goes with him to help him on his way, as far as Shrewsbury.  N.B. I gave him six Dollars; and he gave me a province Note of 8£ L.M. or 60£ Old Tenor.  My Wife has her Fitts of Ague and Fever — but I hope She is not so bad as heretofore.  Samme has the Fever and Ague.  Visit Mr. Nurse and prayed with him.  Cousen Maynard here — N.B. my ride to Mr. Jonathan Fay for money.  Mr. Woodward and his wife ride to Sutton — but they did not alight — for I was not at home — but met them near Capt. Woods.

April 19, 1759

1759 April 19 (Thursday).  Miss Lavinia Baker watched last night.  Visit and pray with Mr. Nurse.  Mr. Benjamin Nurse and his Wife of Framingham, there.  Lt. Rolf brings me a Pair of Boots he has made for me, with English soals etc.  Ebenezer Rice junior comes with a Yoke of Oxen.  Alexander and he split Hills.  Mr. Zebulun Rice brings a plough which he has made for me.  I rode to Hopkinton.  Went by Deacon Burnaps who took his Horse and rode with me through the worst of the Woods towards Dr. Wilsons, where my Business chiefly lay.  I dined there.  N.B. The Doctor generously gave me what ever he had done for me or mine.  Mrs. Henrietta Overing is going to Rhode Island — goes from the Doctors this Afternoon.  I proceeded to Sir Harry Franklands Seat, kept now by Mr. Jacques Joseph Villieout de Rohan marrie avec Madamoiselle Frances [blank] de Turenne.  He gave me such Slips, Branches, Cions, Seeds as I desired — and lent me Du Moulins Book of Accomplishment of the Prophecys or Third Book of Defense of the Catholique Faith.  I borrow’d it for the sake of a Trial with my Mr. Blanc, for it being in French I presume not to read much of it.  In returning at Eve, called at Mr. Barretts, who is gone to Boston.  My Wife had a Fit to Day.

April 20, 1759

1759 April 20 (Friday).  Though She had no Fit to Day yet She lies in a Weak faint State, and was not up but a little while, during the Bed-making etc.  Samme lies by with another Fit of Fever and Ague.  Mr. [Ebenezer?] Chamberlain here and acquaints me with the great Difficulty he has been at in providing a place for the School and School-Master (now a little while before the Court).  Upon which I Spake freely of the Folly, injustice and shamefull Conduct of the Town respecting that important Article of the School.  Jemima watched last night.

April 21, 1759

1759 April 21 (Saturday).  My Wife will not be perswaded but that She goes down Hill yet.  Dr. Crosby called in here.  I visited Mr. Nurse and prayed with him.  There is a New Appearance upon his Tumor: where it has Sometimes of late oozed out a little Blood, as from a push; there is now a turning out of the Flesh about a large as a Womans Nipple.  Sarah watched last night.

April 22, 1759

1759 April 22 (Sunday).  Read Neh. 2, Act. 12.  Preached a. and p.m. on Rom. 2.5.  May God bless it to our thorough awakening!  My wife I hope is somewhat better, though she is yet very weak, and sitts up but very little.  She has had no fit for several Days: And Sarah tended upon her in the Night.  And now this Night Thomas waits on her.

April 24, 1759

1759 April 24 (Tuesday).  Artemas Bruce came part of the forenoon to sow some Rye and Oates at the Island; and Mr. Tainter sent his Oxen and Mare with his Boy to plough.  I rode to Capt. Maynards but he was gone a Journey.  N.B. Ebenezer Maynard junior was lately very grievously wounded in one of his Leggs by the falling down of an Axle Tree upon it.  I saw it dressed.  Mr. Joseph Batchellor of Grafton in Great Affliction by sickness and Deaths in his Family.

April 25, 1759

1759 April 25 (Wednesday).  Though I sent to Mr. Hutchinson to come and preach my Lecture to Day he came not.  N.B. He rode by the Door; and (notwithstanding Mrs. P________’s Sickness) did not call; but according to his Custom, Sent me his Message from the Shop, that he was pre-engaged.  I preached my self on Jer. XII.2, latter part.  N.B. There were so few at Meeting, though good Weather, that I could not but take Notice of it, and lamented it in the Exercise.  N.B. Mr. Thomas Fessenden (who is junior Batchellour) keeps School for a little while, at Mr. Francis Whipples’s [sic] — was here.  Cousin Maynard and Persis Crosby also at Tea, after Lecture.  Several Days of this Week I visit Mr. Nurse and pray with him — he being Still in a dangerous State, and growing worse from time to time.  Widow Betty Rogers helps us.

April 26, 1759

1759 April 26 (Thursday).  I visited the Widow Martha Warrin, She being sick of a Fever, and pray with her.  Capt. Maynard (being returned home) tells me if I will mend the Fence at his Meadow that joins upon me, I shall be welcome to the use of it.


N.B. Nathan Kenny with Mr. Nurse’s Oxen and Horse help in ploughing my Stubble Ground at the Island.  P.M. have Mr. Ebenezer Rice’s Oxen at that Work.  At Mr. Nurse’s.

April 27, 1759

1759 April 27 (Friday).  Thomas has Capt. Maynards Mare and Mr. Nurse’s Chair, and goes to Brookfield for Suse.  I Send Ebenezer my great Cow Bell and a Dollar for his Son Elias.  P.M. my Brother P________ returns from Middletown, in Good Health, and Comfort, through the great Goodness of God and finds us far Otherwise than he left us, for whereas my Wife was then very weak and low, now she is greatly recruited and daily gathering Strength.  To God all Glory.  My Brother assists me in grafting Apricots and Apples which I brought from Sir Henry Franklands last week.