December 31, 1757

1757 December 31 (Saturday).  Set out in the Morning, upon my Journey home.  Though it had rained very hard in the Night and in early Morning yet it held up so that I ventured.  It rained at times most of the Day, especially when I was at Weston where I called at Livermore’s.  I dined at Coll. Buckminsters.  Called at Mr. Stone’s who had got home before my Coming there.  I arrived in Comfort at my own House, and found my Tabernacle in Peace.  Blessed be God!  But it was far otherwise at my Friend Maynards — viz. Lieutenant Stephen’s, for this afternoon he buryed his Wife, Thankfull; Daughter of Deacon Newton who dyed in Child Bed on the 29th.  This is the 7th person that has dyed in that House in little more than 13 months.  And the Loss of this last is great among us, as She was a Woman that feared the Lord and had many Excellent Qualifications.  The Lord Sanctifie it to him and his Children.  To Me also and to mine!


So teach us, Lord! th’ uncertain Sum

Of our Short Days to Mind,

That to true Wisdom all our Hearts

May ever be inclined!