1757 December 18 (Sunday). Great Storm of Snow last night and this Morning. Very few at Meeting. Read 1 Chron. 21. Preached a. and p.m. on 2 Cor. 10.4. P.M. omitted public Reading. N.B. Stopped the Church to read a Letter from the 2d Church of Shrewsbury and Mr. Morse’s Complaint to his own Church about his Difficultys among them, but our Church did not vote to go to the designed Council. Esq. Baker was he that opposed it; and Said there was provision made in the Law and He did not think it was fit to call a Council about Ministers Sallerys. It was answered that not attending to an Ordinance of God is Surely matter of Ecclesiastical Cognizance, that Mr. Morse had been to the Court heretofore, that there were divers other Difficultys among them and this was of Special Weight, viz. what respected Mr. Morse’s Remove from them. Esq. replyed that if it had been any Complaint the Church made against the Minister for Error or Vice there would be something, but as it was of a minister about his people, that he had not sufficient Sallery, there was nothing in’t and therefore no need of Sending. I found I gained Nothing by my reasoning; I was grieved we did not send, nor show ‘em Compassion; I told ‘em I could not but bear my Testimony against the Conduct of the Church herein and so gave the Matter up. The Weather cleared up at night. Exceeding difficult travelling — but 9 of the Church at Meeting besides my self. However, our fewness was not all objected against though it was mentioned to them and that the time appointed was the 20th Day.