December 26, 1757

1757 December 26 (Monday).  Set out for Boston — the Morning Cold, the Road in lower Towns very icy.  Called at Mr. Stones in Southborough, at Coll. Buckminsters in Framingham (before Noon), at Mr. Samuel Baldwins.  Stopped at Mr. Rogers’s (blacksmith at Newton) and had the Horses fore-Shooes Sharpened and re-sett.  Was at Boston before Dark.  Put up my Horse at Brother Samuels Stable.  Visited my dear Brother Parkman who, through the Goodness of God is yet alive, and has his reason — though just before I arrived it was thought he was departing.  He was in a very happy Frame of Soul; knowing in whom he had believed, and resigned to the will of God.  We who were about the Bed were ready to Say, mark the Perfect Man and behold the upright etc. for though he had many Miscarriages and Defects yet he bewailed them and his divine Redeemer was his Advocate, made Satisfaction to the divine Justice, and cast the white Robe of his Righteousness over him.  I lodged at Brother Samuels and with him had sweet Conversation.