December 10, 1757

1757 December 10 (Saturday).  Bright morning.  Agreeable to the advice and Direction of Mr. Speaker Hubbard, I went to the Widow Hill in Cambridge.  She having Some of the College Money — and took up of her 56£ 5/ old Tenor.  Dined at Mr. Samuel Baldwins at Westown about 2 p.m.  Oated at Coll. Buckminsters.  Called at Mr. Stones in Southborough.  Got home about 6 in the Evening and found all my Family in Safety.  D.G.  Mr. George Crossman Sent me a new Clipped Wigg.  N.B. Mrs. Hannah Rice, wife of Jacob, in the North End, and who was lately dismissed from our Church, though not yet admitted there, is dead.