1757 June 1 (Wednesday). I understand that Ebenezer came from Brookfield last night. Daniel Wyman, ‘prentice to my son Baldwin, came here last night, from Sudbury; and lodged here. This morning Billy and he drove my Bell-Cow (of Cambridge breed) to their Master Baldwin: And they are to take my Young Cattle with Ebenezers along with them to Brookfield. Judge Ward brings me a paper of Subscriptions, headed by Mr. Stone and a great number more of Southborough people to print my sermon on Ezek. XXII.30. Dr. Crosby here informs me that this morning poor Mr. Wilson of Shrewsbury escaped his House and Watchers, and is not found, though many are in Search for him. Mr. Wilson had got away into the Woods of Phinehas Gleasons place and was found there. My Wife at Ebenezers to assist them in going away. And stays there all night. For Eliza goes away in middle of the Night with the two little Girls, Betty and Molly; in my Chair drawn by my Mare, and my Daughter Sarah goes with her to help her.
Month: June 1757
June 2, 1757
1757 June 2 (Thursday). Ebenezer Setts out this morning with a Load of his Goods, for Brookfield, Mr. Hezekiah Pratt and his oxen with him, to help him. As I was over there, at t’other House to take leave of them (and carry them Some money to assist them in their Journey) So I was there this morning to help my wife in setting the Things that remain, in Order: and that Mr. Batherick may move into the House. Which he begins to do by bringing Some of his Goods. P.M. Lecture on 2 Chron. 6.26.27 on Occasion of the great want of Rain.
June 3, 1757
1757 June 3 (Friday). Alex. and Breck carry Ashes in the wheel barrow to the Field and lay it on the Indian Corn. Mr. Batherick moves into my t’other House, to live there according to our agreement in which he undertakes the work of that place, the profits being to the halves.
June 4, 1757
1757 June 4 (Saturday). The Boys carry Ashes. The Dryness of the Earth increases. N.B. Mr. Eliezer Rice comes here p.m. and complains of Brother Samuel Fay junior and tells he has taken the previous Steps etc. But there being no Opportunity now to call the Church together before the Communion (tomorrow being appointed to be sacrament Day) I wrote to Mr. Fay (which Rice promised to send to him right away; and Rice gave me under his Hand <to go on with> that if he did not Support his Complaint he would make Mr. Fay proper Satisfaction) to Advise him to suspend coming to the Communion for the present. N.B. My Daughter Lucy not well.
June 5, 1757
1757 June 5 (Sunday). Read 2 K. 17. Preached on Joh. 14.6, last Clause. Administered the Lords Supper — but not till I had spoke to Mr. Samuel Fay junior. I asked him whether he had not received a Letter from me? He answered that he had received one this morning but did not know what was in it, for he could not read writing. I told him I Sent to him as Soon as I received the Complaint and related to him the Substance of the Letter. He asked me whether the man was of the Church. He said he Supposed that person was not allowed privilege etc. I answered him that I conceived he was not cut off from Such privilege as these. However, I advised Brother Fay to withdraw, that the Communion might not be disturbed. Upon which he withdrew, saying as he went that he counted he had met with hard Treatment. The Deacons, Tainter and Bond and Mr. Moses Twitchells Wife dined with us. P.M. read Mark 10 and having delivered all my preparations in one Exercise, p.m. I repeated, with Alterations my Expositions on Mat. Signs of Rain go over.
June 6, 1757
1757 June 6 (Monday). Mr. Moses Nurse has brought up from Boston two iron Kettles, an Iron Pott, Andirons etc., which were lately bought chiefly for Lucy, Safely and gratis. Mr. Phinehas Hardy makes me a Cart Gate. Mr. Zebulon Rice helps him part of the forenoon. Amon Blanc ploughs among my Corn. Mrs. Rachel Rice Sick. I visited her twice: prayed with her. My Daughter Lucy So ill that at her repeated, earnest Request I write a Letter to her Husband at Brookfield; and send it by Abner Newton who goes Express to inform Charles etc. Rice of their Mothers low Condition. Amon Blanc goes home at Night. A Shower goes over to the South West, but none here.
June 7, 1757
1757 June 7 (Tuesday). Called up before sun rise to visit Mrs. Rice who draws near to Death. My wife went up with me. Prayed with her. She was hardly Sensible of anything. What She Said was very imperfect. Onesiphosus Ayres of Brookfield came with a Team and carryed off Lucys Goods. Mr. Jonas Twitchell helped load. Dr. Crosby here to see Lucy who was very ill in the morning. Ayres dines here: he setts out about 3 p.m. Amon Blanc ploughs among my Corn again. Yesterday had merchant Rice’s Horse; to Day Mr. Ebenezer Maynards. Very hot dry Weather. May God be merciful or we soon perish! Mrs. Rachel Rice died p.m.
June 8, 1757
1757 June 8 (Wednesday). Amon Blanc and my two Boys Alex. and Breck hoe my Corn. Capt. Baldwin (who came a Little after Midnight) to Day takes his Wife out in a Chair, and they ride over to Mr. Martyns — and return at Evening. P.M. came his Father and Mother; and at Evening his Uncle Samuel (with whom he served apprenticeship). They Supped and lodged here. I would view the kind Hand of Providence that when I was Somewhat put to’t for fresh Meat, Mr. Maynard kindly Sent me a Quarter of veal and some Butter. Mrs. Dolly Rice an old Cheese. Thomas went to Southborough to invite Miss Huldah Stone to go with his Sister to Brookfield; but returned without her, it being too short Warning, yet longer could not be given because Lucy was So ill yesterday that it was uncertain whether she could go her self.
June 9, 1757
1757 June 9 (Thursday). Still hot and dry. My Daughter Lucy left us, and went with her Husband to Brookfield. The Company that went from hence with ‘em, were, his Father and Mother and uncle Samuel Baldwin, Dr. Gott and Miss Betty Williams and Thomas and Suse. At 9 a.m. was the Funeral of Mrs. Rachel Rice, wife of Mr. Charles Rice. Her Death is much lamented.
June 10, 1757
1757 June 10 (Friday). Very dry yet. My two sons Alex. and Breck are weeding still.
June 11, 1757
1757 June 11 (Saturday). A most sorrowful Drought. P.M. I met with a grievous Interruption in being called away to visit Old Mrs. Whipple, who is in a low Condition. Examined and prayed with her — found her in a very agreeable frame, and hope she is Sincere. But it was a great Dammage to my preparations.
June 12, 1757
1757 June 12 (Sunday). Read 2 K. 18. Preached on Jer. 50.7 because of the present melancholly aspects. P.M. read Mark 11, and not being able to prepare the designed afternoon sermon I repeated with some enlargements Sermon 1 on Job 15.11 on Consideration of the Death of the late excellent Mrs. Rachel Rice and altho’ I would be humble for my Defects, yet would be thankful for the Assistances afforded, so that it became a peculiar season. I was much moved my self and hope Others were so. O that God would grant an abiding Effect!
June 13, 1757
1757 June 13 (Monday). Amon LeBlanc here: he hoes a.m. and they finish at the Island. He divides the Cow Yard at the Barn and fences a piece of Ground for Tobacco, and cleared beyond the Orchard. P.M. came our Kinswoman Mrs. Anne Brigham and Mrs. Dane (Mr. Smith of Marlborough’s Sister) to see us.
June 14, 1757
1757 June 14 (Tuesday). Amon cleared. My Wife went to See old Mrs. Whipple. Mr. Batherick here. I read to him the Agreement I had written, and we both Signed it. He informs me of the great Difficulty in watering the Cattle. Offers to try for a Well over at the lower side of the Pastures, if I will Send an Hand — which I agree to.
June 15, 1757
1757 June 15 (Wednesday). Amon goes to t’other House and works there in digging a Well to water the Cattle, which he tells me at night they have accomplished. At Eve came Mr. Edwards of Stockbridge, and Mr. Hauley, Missionary, and lodged here.
June 16, 1757
1757 June 16 (Thursday). I accompanied Mr. Edwards and Hauley a few Miles upon their Road being my Self going to Mr. Jabez Snow’s to the burying of his infant son. N.B. Mr. Edwards Shewed me his Book against the Adversarys of the Doctrine of Original Sin, especially against John Taylor. N.B. God was pleased to grant us a refreshing Shower of Rain this morning. I think there has been no rain since May 24 till now. D.G. But it was neither Extensive nor lasting. Mr. Moses Twitchel and Abraham Bond at work at the Clearing towards Mr. Nurses, he not having yet finished the Piece he undertook last year. P.M. Mr. Daniel Miller cleared for me, and asked me only 4/ Old Tenor for it. At Eve reckoned with Mr. Rolf and paid him all.
June 17, 1757
1757 June 17 (Friday). Neighbour Barny Newton breaks up a Field South East of my House with twenty Oxen: both yesterday and to Day.
June 18, 1757
1757 June 18 (Saturday). One Mr. John Bish from Providence here. Sells Thomme Sugar and Chocolat. The Drought increases.
June 19, 1757
1757 June 19 (Sunday). Read 2 K. 19. Preached on Jer. 50.7. Mr. Jonas Twitchells Wife and Daughter dined here. P.M. read Mark 12 and on Consideration of the lamented Death of my Dear and Much honoured Master, the Rev. Mr. John Barnard of Andover, I preached on Mat. 24.46, using chiefly what I delivered some years ago on that Text — from page 27th to the End: with Alterations and Additions.
June 20, 1757
1757 June 20 (Monday). Amon Blanc at work Clearing a.m. P.M. prepares for planting Tobacco — plant the Yard by the Barn. I visited old Mrs. Whipple again.
June 21, 1757
1757 June 21 (Tuesday). Amon and my two Sons Alex and Breck hoe again at the Island Field. Mr. Cushing and I rode together to Association at Mr. Barretts. N.B. I had Mr. Timothy Warrins Mare. N.B. Mr. Martyn and Mr. Smith came to the Meeting, and no body else. Mr. Barretts Concio on 2 Tim. 4.8. To my shame and Grief I was very drowsy. May God forgive my Sloth! N.B. Deacon Barrett and his Wife, and Mr. Chamberlin on a Visit there. As I went I called to see Capt. Wood’s Wife, who is under a Salivation at Hopkinton for her Lameness. Mr. Cushing and I lodged at Mr. Barretts.
June 22, 1757
1757 June 22 (Wednesday). Mr. Smith the Public Lecture on Ezra 9, part of 13 and 14. The Association voted compliance with the late Convention Vote recommending Special Seasons of prayer and Reformation of manners at this extraordinary Crisis of our public Affairs: and determined upon a Course of Lectures, in our five Congregations and in Southborough. Mr. Cushing and Mr. Martyn returned with me. N.B. Amon etc.
June 23, 1757
1757 June 23 (Thursday). Amon and my Boys are still hoing the foresaid Field. Mr. Martyn a.m. with one Mr. Oliver Carter of Leominster. They dine here. Mr. Carter wants Advice and Direction under the Difficultys with Mr. Rogers their Minister. Thunder storm. Refreshing Showers. Thanks to God!
June 24, 1757
1757 June 24 (Friday). Amon again and my Boys Hoing. P.M. Mr. Cornelius Cooks Wife of Wrentham here to see us, with her sister Hardy. N.B. a Striped Cotton gown made for me.
June 25, 1757
1757 June 25 (Saturday). This Day we had the great Blessing of Rain p.m. after a very distressing Drought. D. O. M. Gloria! I rode to Marlborough, Mr. Smith to Mr. Martyns. Mr. Martyn to preach for me. Mr. LeBlanc and his Daughter Mary returned from their Tour.
June 26, 1757
1757 June 26 (Sunday). A very Rainy Day till late in the afternoon. To God be praise and Honor! I preached at Marlborough a.m. on Jer. 5.20-25 and v. 29. P.M. on consideration that a Fast is appointed to be on the next Thursday partly on occasion of the Drought; but receiving to Day Such refreshing and plentifull Showers, and Such soaking Rain, I preached p.m. on Isa. 65.24. Mr. Smith returned at Evening but I tarried there all night.
June 27, 1757
1757 June 27 (Monday). I returned home in the morning. My Boys finished the Second Hoing. Amon here to help ‘em. The rest of the forenoon and p.m. Cleared. Old Mrs. Whipple dyed yesterday, and was buryed to Day, just 12 Weeks after her Husband. And I remember She told me her Husband had said to her just before his Death, that he did not think She would outlive him above 3 months. She Seemed to be a religious Woman and gave reason to hope She was in Christ nor was She afraid to dye. She told me that when her Husband dyed, the Lord took her up, and manifested his Grace to her, more clearly than Ever. I wish I might rightly improve Such a Death. Lord make me know my End! N.B. Great Disorder yesterday in the singing, which was led by Mr. Batherick. N.B. Last Sabbath he himself went out; tis thought disturbed with the Singing. Lt. Maynard and others set their Stables to rights, having been greatly disordered by the Storms, a Year and more agoe. N.B. Sent Mr. Ebenezer Cutlers Money (reposed with me for that End) to Rev. Stone of Southborough per Hand of Judge Ward, who was here again about printing my Sermon on Ez. 22.30. N.B. Abner Sawyor of Lancaster dined here.
June 28, 1757
1757 June 28 (Tuesday). Amon begins to mow. The Grass most exceedingly thin and dry — next to none of it: but we cut it in hopes it will Spring again through the Great Mercy of God. Wrote Answers to Mr. Hutchinsons odd Letter of Yesterday, in which he desires to change next Sabbath but I am promised to Mr. Cushing and complains that we have had no more correspond of late, yet rides by my Door from time to time without Calling.
June 29, 1757
1757 June 29 (Wednesday). Amon mowing again. Mr. Nathan Whitney brought me a Letter from Mr. Edwards now at Boston and a Copy of proposals for printing his Defence of the great Christian Doctrine of Original Sin.
June 30, 1757
1757 June 30 (Thursday). Publick Fast on Account of the War and the Drought. I preached a.m. on Jer. 50.7 and p.m. delivered sermon on 2 Chron. 20.12, latter part with many Alterations and Additions. Do earnestly wish we may have a proper sense of our State, and a Spirit of Prayer to look to God for Help.