1757 May 1 (Sunday). Cold, rough, cloudy weather. Read 2 K. 12. Preached on Ps. 45, former part of v. 2. P.M. read Mark 5. Repeated on Ps. 4.7, the rest. Ebenezers Children Ebenezer, Elizabeth and Mary were baptized. May God graciously pardon the Neglect hitherto! And graciously accept the dedication of them. May they be great and rich Blessings and the Parents be enabled to discharge their Duty to them to bring them up in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord!
Month: May 1757
May 2, 1757
1757 May 2 (Monday). Cold. Capt. Baldwin left us to go to Brookfield to come again not till after Election. Miss Huldah still with us. A sober, discreet young Lady. Assists Lucy in Quilting a Bed Quilt.
May 3, 1757
1757 May 3 (Tuesday). Went over to t’other House, my Son preparing to go again to Brookfield. Reckoned with Lt. Maynard; my Account with him £15.5.3 old Tenor. He threw in 40/ old Tenor and I gave him a Note to the Collector Forb. for the rest and for £8.15 which he paid me. I also borrowed of him 10 Dollars till Mr. Forb. could collect some for me. Visit Mr. David Maynards Wife who is near her time and in dejection. Adam Rice at plough for me with our Team. Hear the Sorrowful News that Jamaica is taken by the French. Miss Huldah Stone assists Lucy in Quilting as above. Returned the 10 Dollars I borrowed of Mr. Beton.
May 4, 1757
1757 May 4 (Wednesday). Miss Huldah. My son Ebenezer goes again to Brookfield and carrys up his Son with him. May God Succeed the Journey! Alexander and Breck cart Muck. Have Barney Newtons Cart.
May 5, 1757
1757 May 5 (Thursday). Mr. Zebulon Rice works for me in Carting Muck — 9 Load. I visited Mrs. Green again who remains sick and low.
May 6, 1757
1757 May 6 (Friday). Mr. Jonas Twitchell comes to acquaint me with the Death of his son Samuel, in his 5th year, by Fever and Flux; and that his Wife and another Child are ill of the Same Distemper. William Stone, ‘prentice to Mr. Rolf, works for me, carting out Muck. He and my Boys got out 10 Load. Jane Kelly here p.m. to quilt for Lucy.
May 7, 1757
1757 May 7 (Saturday). Another Son of Mr. Twitchell being dead (Josiah of 2 years) they were both buryed this afternoon — on which I attended.
May 8, 1757
1757 May 8 (Sunday). Read 2 K. 13. Preached on Ps. 78.36.37. Mrs. Joanna Chamberlin (wife of Mr. Ebenezer Chamberlin) and Persis Crosby (who resides at present with my Daughter Elizabeth) dined here. P.M. read Mark 6, and taking v. 39 to 44. I repeated my Exposition of Mat. 14.19 to 21.
May 9, 1757
1757 May 9 (Monday). My wife went to Southborough with Miss Huldah Stone. Peter Blanc wrought for me, partly in the Garden.
May 10, 1757
1757 May 10 (Tuesday). Peter. We plough with a feeble Team. My old Mare and my sons Steers, and Sometimes the Boys put in a pair of steers of Mr. Nurse’s. Much of my Time consumed in going about in the Neighbourhood to forward our Business. My Wife returned from Southborough.
May 11, 1757
1757 May 11 (Wednesday). Peter. Mr. Ebenezer Forb. harrows some new ground turned up by Mr. Nurse.
May 12, 1757
1757 May 12 (Thursday). Peter furrows out for planting. I complyed with Mr. Edwards Whipple who requests me to dine with them at the removing his Barn and I took the Opportunity to visit Mrs. Green again.
May 13, 1757
1757 May 13 (Friday). Peter. We planted. But on God does all attend.
May 14, 1757
1757 May 14 (Saturday). Mrs. Judith Bellows here — returns me the Confession which I drew up for her; She says She can’t comply with it. N.B. I had about this time a great deal of Talk with Jonathan Cook; chiefly about his admission into the Church of the North side. Boys finish planting. My son Alex goes to help Mr. Rolf in ploughing. I rode to Southborough — Mr. Stone hither.
May 15, 1757
1757 May 15 (Sunday). I preached at Southborough a. and p.m. on Ezek. 22.30 and p.m. I read also v. 31. O that I had the Qualifications of a Gapman, and that God would please to quicken me to the Duty! I tarried at Southborough. Mr. Stone returned home.
May 16, 1757
1757 May 16 (Monday). The End of my staying at Southborough was that I might go to Marlborough this morning which I did (having Mr. Abijah Gales Horse which I borrowed for this purpose). Rode to Esquire Brighams — to Mrs. Betty Eagers, where I got two young Mulberry Trees — dined with my wife’s Kinswoman Mrs. Anna Brigham — gave her a note of 50£ old Tenor upon Interest, as part of pay for Lucys Curtains, Chairs, etc. Went to Mr. Ephraim How’s but he was not at home. Paid his wife 7£ Old Tenor and took her receipt. Capt. Storer of Boston going to Worcester.
May 17, 1757
1757 May 17 (Tuesday). Capt. Storer comes to Mr. Ebenezer Rice’s with an Officer and attaches his House and Land.
May 18, 1757
1757 May 18 (Wednesday). Lucy and Suse ride to Marlborough in my Chair. I am much taken off my Studys by being obliged to look up Money, the Collector being deficient in paying me. The French Girls bring 33 Yards of Cloth, which Magdalene has Spun and wove for us. They dined here. P.M. was to See Mrs. Woods. N.B. She is come (with her Husband Capt. Benjamin Wood) to live here nigh us again. I walked as far as Cornelius Biglow juniors after money — but without any success at all. The Boys clearing at the Island. My Burthens heavy; but may God sustain me!
May 19, 1757
1757 May 19 (Thursday). Catechized a. and p.m. at the Meeting House.
May 20, 1757
1757 May 20 (Friday). Went to Worcester with Mr. Edwards Whipple; my Son Thomas with me, we being the witnesses of Old Mr. Whipples Will; which was now proved. We all dined at Capt. Curtis’s — and gratis (though a Tavern). Returned at Eve. N.B. in this Journey called to see poor Willson and prayed with him — also Miss Mary Johnson and prayed with her.
May 21, 1757
1757 May 21 (Saturday). Was obliged to go into the Neighbourhood for Money and Horse for my Journey to Boston.
May 22, 1757
1757 May 22 (Sunday). Read 2 K. 15 (Mr. Stone had read the 14th). Repeated sermon on Song Mrs. Mercy Chamberlin dined with us. P.M. preached on Jer. 6.29.30. On the Death of Mr. Cotton of Newton — read Mark 8. N.B. Cautions to the people at Noon concerning the profanation of Sabbath and at Night concerning Disorders at the ensuing Election.
May 23, 1757
1757 May 23 (Monday). I obtained, though with Difficulty, Capt. Woods Chair and Horse and my Wife and I rode to Watertown. For our Journey Mr. Forb. the Collector, paid me only 5£ old Tenor. Wherefore I took up £59.10.2 old Tenor of Capt. Fay: and we went to Marlborough and took up £44.3.0 old Tenor of the widow Grace Barns. We dined at Esquire Brighams — had Mr. Maccartys and his mother’s Company on the Road to Waltham — lodged at Brother Harringtons.
May 24, 1757
1757 May 24 (Tuesday). We rode to Cambridge and having visited my relations there, I went to see Mr. Lewis Robishow and his Family. At Boston visit Cousen Procter, who has the Care of the Alms House; but we put up at Brother Samuels. He keeps a stable and an Horse but is gone a Journey to Nottingham: N.B. Pito dyed last Friday, at Chelsey. Visit Brother Parkman and his new Wife. At Eve my wife goes to Savage’s Vendue — but buys nothing. We dined and lodged at Brother Samuels. N.B. Dr. Sayer of Wells there.
May 25, 1757
1757 May 25 (Wednesday). Mr. Pemberton preached the Election Sermon on Deut. 5.29. I dined in Fanuil-Hall. P.M. at the Convention. Dr. Sewall Moderator and prayed. Mr. Cooper Scribe. After Meeting visit my Cousen Oliver: but neither he nor his Wife at home. At Mr. Eliots. At Mr. John Brecks with my Wife. Brother Robert Breck and Mr. Williams of Sandwich Sup there with us. We lodge at Brother Samuels — he came home p.m.
May 26, 1757
1757 May 26 (Thursday). In the morning at the Alms-House. Pray there in the Hall, with the many variously miserable Members. At the convention. The Sermon by Mr. Rand of Kingston on 1 Thess. 2.4. Dined at Mr. Mather’s. Brother Samuel and I at Brother Parkmans to Settle our Mothers Estate; but Cousen Briant and Oliver not with us, we did not finish. Supped and lodged at Brother Samuels. N.B. My wife at Church’s Vendue and buys only a piece of Garlix.
May 27, 1757
1757 May 27 (Friday). Breakfast at Cousen Winters and dined there. Mrs. Winter and her sister Carser in languishing state. My wife and I, both of us variously employed in buying Household goods for Lucy. We leave the Town, and get up to Mr. Isaac Browns, where we were kindly and generously entertained and urgently invited to lodge there; but stood along to Mr. Woodwards, where we designed to put up. Neither He nor his Wife came home. We still continued our Journey to Sudbury, to my new Brother Baldwins –’twas nigh 10 o’Clock and they were all fast asleep. We called ‘em up and we lodged there.
May 28, 1757
1757 May 28 (Saturday). In our Journey home, we stopped at Miss Mary Sherman’s, and were well refreshed. Got home but a little after 12, so that we dined at home. Our Tabernacle in peace. D.G. N.B. Billy here.
May 29, 1757
1757 May 29 (Sunday). I read 2 K. 16 and p.m. read Mark 9. Preached, a. and p.m. on 2 Song. 12. At Dinner were Mrs. Tainter and her Daughter Forb. as were Mr. Cutting of Sudbury and his Wife.
May 30, 1757
1757 May 30 (Monday). Training Day. Capt. Fay comes to view my Arms. I visit Mr. Jonas Twitchels young Child, being sick — dined there. Towards night visit Mr. Blanc. Pay Magdalene one Dollar. Mr. Fish here — informs me of the Design of a number of Ministers to preach at Cumberland, and asks my Concurrence; to which I Consent.
May 31, 1757
1757 May 31 (Tuesday). LeBlanc and his Daughter Mary, with his son Joseph LeBlanc (from Cambridge) are early this morning on their Journey o’foot to visit their Friends down below. I rode over to t’other House to see how my Daughter in Law and the Children that are with her, do; and to enquire after my son who does not come from Brookfield as expected: but hear nothing of him. I also visited old Mr. Maynard to read his Will to him again; it being his earnest Desire to hear it. He Said upon it, that it was all in every part, as he would have it to be. This I told Mr. Nathan Maynards Wife, and Miss Hannah Maynard, in the hearing of Dr. Crosby. P.M. I visited Mr. Joseph Greens Daughter Mary who is sick and at Dr. Crosby’s Desire, went to the raising of his House.