December 19, 1756

1756 December 19 (Sunday).  Preached a.m. on Mat. XXV.10 with v. 3.4 much referred to.  P.M. having delivered a.m. as much as I could prepare, I delivered p.m. two Sermons preached above 20 Years ago on 1 Joh. 2.17 because of the Shortest Days in the Year, which Should affect us with the transitoriness of all Earthly things; and because of the Death of the Venerable Secretary Willard, and the Venerable Mr. Fox of Woburn; both which may God Sanctifie!  For Surely both Church and State will tremble when Such Pillars are removed: and what shall we do for Gap-men when So eminent persons are taken away!


At Eve spend Some time again in looking over Mrs. Pierpoints Journals or Diary: and do wish and pray I might thereby be greatly quickned.