December 17, 1756

1756 December 17 (Friday).  Cold Snow Storm.  Mr. Hall of Sutton on his Journey home, turns in and tarrys with us.  He purposes to me this Question, Whether a Child baptized by Ezekiel Cole, shall be baptized again?  N.B. Cole has acknowledged his sin and folly in professing to be ordained and to act as a Minister: and the Father of the Child desires it might be baptized notwithstanding all that was done by Cole; yet it is allowed that Coles Ordination was as good as Wadsworth’s and the rest of the Separate Teachers, who have baptized many; So that the Conduct about this Instance of Cole’s, though but a single one (for the Other which he baptized was dead), would be of considerable Influence whether one way or t’other.


I told him I believ’d that if the Case was mine I Should baptize the Child, at least under those Circumstances.