April 17, 1755

1755 April 17 (Thursday).  My Lecture on Ezek. 5.5 to 9.  N.B. Mr. Eliezer Rice asks that his Children might be baptiz’d on his Wife’s Account which is readily consented to.  N.B. The Church stop’d according to Adjournment.  Mr. Whitney persisting in his Refusal the Church proceeded to choose another Deacon.  First tryal was scattering.  13 for Brother Tainter: 11 for Brother Jonathan Forbush junior, 1 for Brother Francis Whipple and 1 for Brother David Maynard junior — try’d a second Time — still too Scattering.  14 for brother Forbush, 13 for his Father Tainter again: 2 for Brother Whipple — try’d a Third Time: and then Brother Forbush was chose, viz. 15 out of 29, 11 of which were for Lieutenant Tainter, 2 for Mr. David Maynard and one (if I mistake not) for Mr. Whipple.  Adjourn’d to next Monday come sennight 2 p.m.  Deacon Bond and his Wife here after meeting.