1755 May 28 (Wednesday). Mr. Checkley[1] preach’d the Election Sermon on Zeph. 1.15. A Day of Darkness. I din’d at Mr. Secretary Willards[2] where also din’d old Mr. White[3] of Gloucester, old Mr. Niles[4] of Braintree, Mr. Wigglesworth[5] of Ipswich, Messrs. Nathaniel[6] and Daniel Rogers,[7] and Mr. Hemingway[8] of Townshend. P.M. Made a Visit to Colonel Mascarene[9] where my kinswoman Hersey[10] lives — and attended the Convention of Ministers. Mr. Prince[11] Moderator and Dr. Mayhew[12] Scribe. Visited my Kinswoman Olivers Family, but he was not at home. Poor old Scipio (one of my Brother Alexanders Negro Men) very low. Instructed and prayed with him. Visited my sister Rebecca,[13] at the North End; and lodg’d at Brother Williams.
[1]Samuel Checkley of the New North Church.
[2]Josiah Willard, Secretary of Massachusetts.
[3]The Reverend John White.
[4]The Reverend Samuel Niles.
[5]Samuel Wigglesworth, the minister of Hamilton.
[6]The Reverend Nathaniel Rogers of Ipswich.
[7]Daniel Rogers, the minister of Ipswich.
[8]The Reverend Phinehas Hemenway.
[9]Jean Paul Mascarene of Boston. See New Eng. Hist. and Gen. Register, X (January, 1856), 143-147.
[10]Mrs. Israel Hearsey.
[11]Thomas Prince of the Old South Church.
[12]Jonathan Mayhew of the West Church in Boston.
[13]Parkman’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Alexander Parkman.