November 23, 1752

1752 November 23 (Thursday).  The Coldest Morning hitherto.  The Earth is now froze hard.  P.M. Snows hard.  Mrs. Persis Warrin, wife of Moses Warrin, here.  At Eve, he himself — both of them that I might gather Minutes from them for their relation to the Church.  My Lameness in my left Arm very troublesome.  Can’t pull off or put on my Cloths.  My Affairs Somewhat perplex’d.  My son has not come to me since his Journey to Brookfield and winter is come upon us before I am ready — No place to put up my Cattle o’nights, how cold or Stormy Soever.  No small Wood at the Door, but some Pine which being lately cut down is unfit to burn.  But my wife went to See old Mrs. Dorcas Forbush[1] and get Lieutenant (her son) to let his Team go, and Samuel Forbush now prevail’d with to bring up a Load before Night.  May the Lord look on my very Afflicted State and appear for my Help and Relief as he has numberless Times done!

[1]Widow of the late Thomas Forbush.