1752 October 1 (Sunday). It prov’d very rainy and confin’d me at both a. and p.m., a sore Frown of God’s holy Sovereign Providence that I am thus chastiz’d. I design’d to have preach’d again upon Mic. 7.9, but am forbid. May I have Grace to utter my Text my Self! Dr. Watt’s sermon 18 of volume 1 read (on Rom. 1.16). The Weather clears up about 4 or 5 p.m.
Month: October 1752
October 2, 1752
1752 October 2 (Monday). I rode to Mrs. Newtons (who had handsomely invited me to her House as soon as I Should get abroad again) and I din’d with her. P.M. I went to Deacon Newtons and borrow’d of him 18 Dollars with a View to my Paying Mr. Felton of Marlborough. When I return’d home Mr. Martyn came to see me.
October 3, 1752
1752 October 3 (Tuesday). I prepar’d my Self to go over to Mr. Martyns, but not having an Horse, I went not. In order to get an Horse I walked to Mr. Nurse’s and thence to old Mr. Maynards. I proceeded further to my t’other House. N.B. I was without an Horse because Billy was gone to Mill, and I suppos’d Ebenezer to be gone to Leicester to look up the young Cattle which are missing: but the Cattle at Home were so unruly that he went not — but by that Time I got there it was too late. I rode to Mr. Richard Barns, and made him an offer of Two Thirds of the Lands which I bought of him, if he would procure and pay the Money which remains due by me to Mr. Felton but he would not accept my offer; not though I repeated it over and over. I din’d with my Children at t’other House and Mr. Grow with us. I return’d home before Night, I hope in safety, though it was windy and somewhat searching to my poor crazy Limbs.
October 4, 1752
1752 October 4 (Wednesday). A fine Day. Mr. Daniel Forbush brought me Mr. Samuel Harringtons Horse for me to go and See his Wife who lyes in a low Condition. I went and found her in a gracious Frame, and though very weak in Body yet I am full of Hopes for her Recovery. N.B. Captain John Tainter[1] There. Mr. Harrington sent his son with a Load of Wood to my House. At noon I rode to my other House and by Lieutenant Maynards urgent Invitation I went to their House, Colonel Ward being there to give out Commissions to several Officers in the New Troop lately rais’d out of Shrewsbury and this Town. Mr. Cushing[2] there and we had an handsome Entertainment. My Son Ebenezer went this Morning up to Leicester Woods to look up our stray Cattle. His wife rode home with me and thence she rode to her Brother Bonds to tarry a Day or Two there. N.B. Mr. John Oake,[3] who has so long been under a terrible Evil of Cancer, was bury’d this afternoon.
[1]Of Watertown. The brother of Deacon Simon Tainter of Westborough.
[2]The Reverend Job Cushing of Shrewsbury.
[3]Of Westborough.
October 5, 1752
1752 October 5 (Thursday). A fine Day — p.m. I rode to Lieutenant Bruce’s and reckon’d with him and his son Ephraim. I am still weak in my Knees and my left arm is somewhat Lame.
October 6, 1752
1752 October 6 (Friday). Another fine Day. I rode to Mr. Jonas Brighams[1] to see his sister Mrs. Deborah who has been ill for some Time. Thence I went to Marlborough. Settled with Mr. Jacob Felton, paying him the Money which I took up of him last Year to pay Mr. Richard Barns for 4 acres of Land which I bought of him, adjoining to my old Place. Din’d at Colonel Williams’s. Was at Mr. Smiths[2] and Dr. Brighams.[3] Return’d at Eve. N.B. Ebenezer return’d last night from Leicester and the lost Cattle are brought home. Lieutenant Tainter brought a Load of Wood and a Barrell of Cyder.
[1]The son of David Brigham of Westborough.
[2]The Reverend Aaron Smith of Marlborough.
[3]Samuel Brigham, a physician of Marlborough.
October 7, 1752
1752 October 7 (Saturday). A Storm of Rain arose towards Night, which grew impetuous.
October 8, 1752
1752 October 8 (Sunday). It continued Stormy and rain’d all Day. But I could not bear that the people Should be again Destitute. I wrap’d my Self up exceedingly, had an Horse brought to my Door, and rode to the Meeting-House Door; by which means I attended and perform’d the Public Worship both a. and p.m. My Text Mal. 7.9. N.B. I still omitt the Reading; and as to naming what Tune to sing, I acquainted the Congregation that the more special End which I had in going into that Custom having been, Some time Since, answer’d I should leave it to him that should sett the Tune to sing what he should think proper. I desire to bless God that at Evening I find no inconvenience by going out to Day. May God accompany the Word with the special Energy of His Holy Spirit — and especially make it profitable to my own Soul; that I may bear the Indignation of the Lord! I have the utmost Reason to because I have sinn’d against Him.
October 9, 1752
1752 October 9 (Monday). This Day was appointed and agreed upon by Lieutenant Tainter and others to gather my Corn at the Island, but the storm continues; and nothing can be done although there is reason to fear it will rot.
October 10, 1752
1752 October 10 (Tuesday). The storm ceases a.m. but I am not able to attend the Association at Rutland to Day. Mrs. Martyn din’d with us. P.M. came her brother Marritt[1] of Cambridge. My Daughter Forbush[2] here and prepares to go to Cambridge.
[1]Amos Marrett was the older brother of Mrs. John Martyn of Northborough.
[2]Mary Parkman had married the Reverend Eli Forbush or Forbes of Brookfield.
October 11, 1752
1752 October 11 (Wednesday). The Weather Doubtfull and no Money for my Daughter’s Journey — but at length the Air was clearer; and Esquire Baker came and lent me some Gold. Molly came but depended on her Brother Mr. Daniel Forbush to go with her, who did not come as expected. She went to his House. After the middle of the Day they Set out from hence to Cambridge and Boston. P.M. Mrs. Witt, my wife’s Niece, and here sister Betty, came to us; but return’d to Marlborough.
October 12, 1752
1752 October 12 (Thursday). Billy goes with my Team to Mr. Tainters for a Load of Cyder, and brings home a pair of Guinea Fowls from Mr. Daniel Forbush’s and 30 Rails from Mr. James Millers junior. Mr. William Rogers works for me, clearing about the East Part of the Barn Land for though it is fair yet my Corn is not fit to gather. Mrs. Lucy Bowker here p.m. cutting out several Garments for the little Boys. Mr. Elijah Rice of Shrewsbury here, with a Note from Mr. Nathanial Livermore of Weston.
October 13, 1752
1752 October 13 (Friday). A Fair and pleasant Day for our Harvest. D.G. Lieutenant Tainter, Mr. Jonathan Forbush, Joseph Bowman and Isaac Miller cut up my Corn; and my Son William with my Team to Cart it; and afterwards Mr. Harrington with his Team; So that they got it all home before noon. Lieutenant Tainter, Joseph Bowman and Isaac Miller din’d here. Mrs. Lucy Bowker lodg’d here last night and is at work here to Day, making several of the Garments which She Cutt out Yesterday. Instead of Brother Samuel who was expected to come up on my Mare, my Brother William came. Brother Samuels Daughter Nabby being dangerously ill. P.M. a number of Hands husk’d out my Corn. Old Mr. Maynard and his sons, Ebenezer and Nathan, old Mr. Rice, Joseph Bowman, Isaac Miller, Mr. Bonds 2 Sons, 2 from Mr. Jonah Warrins, Daniel Grout, Constantine Hardy and some others, made up the Company. The Husking was over by that the Evening came: but they tarried so long as to thrust the Husks into the Barn. N.B. the Widow Newton and Mrs. Molly Johnson here. My Brother went over to the other House and lodged there.
October 14, 1752
1752 October 14 (Saturday). Billy with assistance putts the remainder of the Husk’d Corn into the Barns. It was so Spoil’d with the Drought and with the Frost that there is but here and there a good Ear among it. But God is holy and Sovereign. My Brother with me again. Rain p.m.
October 15, 1752
1752 October 15 (Sunday). I had not prepar’d, by Means of my Indispositions and Avocations (partly; and partly I fear through my too great Negligence — which may God in infinite Mercy forgive through Jesus Christ!). I took a Text conformable to the general Subject which I had been of late upon, viz. the eighth Commandment — honouring the Lord with our substance: the Text was Ps. 11.7 and I us’d my Expositions of Mat. 6. P.M. I repeated Sermon on John 17.3 to page 12. N.B. My Brothers Expressions (denoting Assurance) in the Morning before we went to Meeting. N.B. he din’d at Deacon Newtons.
October 16, 1752
1752 October 16 (Monday). Though under Pains and Infirmitys and the Day Cloudy, p.m. and Mr. Fish of Upton here, yet I visited the Widow Pierce: She is very bad, yet no great Signs of Repentence. Her Case very Deplorable! God be Mercifull to her! My Brother returns to Boston.
October 17, 1752
1752 October 17 (Tuesday). I am troubl’d with Rheumatic Pains Day by Day; especially in my left Arm.
October 18, 1752
1752 October 18 (Wednesday). Mr. Hezekiah Pratt has brought up my Mare from Boston and left my Daughter there.
October 19, 1752
1752 October 19 (Thursday). I preach’d the Lecture. I make a Practice of delivering Sermons on these Occasions, which I have heretofore deliver’d for I cannot, under my Encumbrances and Difficultys, prepare fully, even so much as for the Sabbaths. What I deliver’d to Day was on Hos. 6.6. Neither my Son Ebenezer nor Thomas were at Meeting; and but few others.
October 20, 1752
1752 October 20 (Friday). P.M. Mr. William Pierce acquaints me that his Mother is dead. At Eve Rain. Mr. Daniel Forbush brings up in his Cart, Brass, Pewter, etc. from Boston for my Daughter.
October 21, 1752
1752 October 21 (Saturday). A Bright Morning after a Stormy Night. O might I enjoy the like Favour in Spiritual Respects! I was not very well, but it being a bright good Day I ventur’d out to the Funeral of the Widow Pierce of Hopkinton. This prov’d a very great Interruption to my Studys — so that (to my great Grief) under my Infirmitys and Difficultys I can get but one Sermon ready for the Sabbath.
October 22, 1752
1752 October 22 (Sunday). Preach’d on Heb. 9.25, and administer’d the Sacrament on the Lords Supper. P.M. I repeated Sermon on 1 John 3.23. Mrs. Emma Maynard din’d with us. May God be magnify’d that we have again this Solemnity!
October 23, 1752
1752 October 23 (Monday). I din’d early at home, and Catechiz’d at Mr. Joslins. 13 Children, Boys and Girls together. May God seal the Instruction!
October 24, 1752
1752 October 24 (Tuesday). I visited old Mr. Samuel Fay[1] — and Mrs. Harrington, they having desir’d Prayers last Lords Day. The first of them recovers to his usual State; the other languishes. My left Arm grows more Rheumatic Day by Day.
[1]Samuel Fay, Jr., nephew of the late Captain John Fay of Westborough.
October 25, 1752
1752 October 25 (Wednesday). I din’d at home, but p.m. rode over to see Mr. Martyn, not having been there of a very great while: yet my pains were Successless: They both, Mr. Martyn and his Wife were gone to Southborough. I soon return’d — it was well I did: my little son Breck was carry’d home lame from School by Mr. Eliezer Rice — tis fear’d his Leg is broke. May God Sanctify!
October 26, 1752
1752 October 26 (Thursday). Breck is no easier. Storm of Rain. Mr. Aaron Nurse with my Billy puts up my Husks from the Barn Floor. N.B. Uncommon Storm of Wind and Rain in the Night.
October 27, 1752
1752 October 27 (Friday). Breck’s Leg no better: from the Discoverys I could make no Bone is broke, or put out of Joint, but I conceive the Tendons are strain’d, and perhaps the Ligaments at the Ankle. Mr. Grout, and old Mrs. Maynard at my Desire, came to See Breck, being feverish and not able to stir his Leg. I Sent by Mr. William Nurse for Dr. Brigham, who came, and I hope his anointing and bathing him was beneficial. Sent Billy to Mr. Joseph Goodale at Grafton for a pair of Chair Wheels, the time Sett being more than up. At Eve he returns, but without ‘em. N.B. Ebenezer brought over part of the Young Cow which he kill’d yesterday — the whole Creature weigh’d 16 Score wanting one Pound. N.B. Mr. John Beton brought a Pair of Andirons for my Daughter Forbush, weigh’d 36 at 4/ per pound. N.B. one of our Guinea Fowls carry’d off in the Night by Some Animal of Prey.
October 28, 1752
1752 October 28 (Saturday). My sons wife din’d here and tarried the Afternoon. Mr. Grout came kindly to See Breck, who is much as he was yesterday. I have been so interrupt’d in my studys by Brecks Lameness that I have not been able to touch any sermon for p.m. tomorrow — to my great sorrow and Grief.
October 29, 1752
1752 October 29 (Sunday). A very Cold Day, and I have So much Pain in my left Arm, especially have in the Nights distressing Trouble with it, that I am much concern’d about the Event; yet I ventur’d to Meeting both Parts of the Day. Preach’d a.m. on Heb. 9.15. P.M. I went on with a further Exercise about Alms etc. from Mat. 6.4 repeating my Expository Attempts on that Pasage from page 6 to 10.
October 30, 1752
1752 October 30 (Monday). The Reverend and Learned Mr. Clark[1] of Salem Village here, in returning home from Sutton, where he, with two more ministers, Mr. Dor[2] and Mr. Hobby,[3] had been assisting Mr. Wellmans Church and some agriev’d Brethren to a reconcilement and tis to be hop’d with some success. One Mr. Bartlett was with him and they din’d here. P.M. Mr. Moses Warrin[4] and his wife here and were examin’d.
[1]Peter Clark of Danvers.
[2]Joseph Dorr of Mendon.
[3]William Hobby of Reading.
[4]Moses, the son of Daniel Warrin of Westborough, had married, Jan. 24, 1751, Persis, the daughter of Seth Rice.
October 31, 1752
1752 October 31 (Tuesday). Mr. Forbush came last Night to the Other House, and hither this Morning — but hastens away to Boston (his wife being still there) and carrys with him John Barrett; he has Mr. Martyns Chair and my Mare. Ebenezer makes an Husking this Evening. I am but lame yet in my left Arm. And we are much put to ‘t for Wood, but we have some Loggs and we pick about and get one Thing and another. Yet it is difficult because the season is unusually Cold, and I am so infirm. But I desire to trust in the careful faithfull Providence of God!