1752 November 16 (Thursday). Publick Thanksgiving. I preach’d on Ps. 50.22. O that we might truely offer praise, so as that we may indeed Glorifie God! and so order our Conversation that we may all See and enjoy the Salvation of God! N.B. Mr. Edwards Whipple who has been wont to set the Tune, having set 100 new at the first singing, Mr. David Batherick was so displeas’d that at the Next Singing he rose up and Set a Tune that would please himself better, and thus likewise at the last Singing, to the great Disturbance of many. At Evening came Messrs. Williams, Francis and Edwards Whipple, Nathan Maynard and Mr. Jonathan Ward,[1] the Schoolmaster to visit me.
[1]The son of Hezekiah Ward of Westborough.