November 14, 1752

1752 November 14 (Tuesday).  Early in the Morning Mr. Forbush and his Wife, with the Company who came to wait on them together with a Number from us, My Son Ebenezer and his Wife, Thomas and Lucy — Messrs. Daniel and Jonathan Forbush and their Wives, took leave of us for Brookfield, designing to dine at Sergeants[1] at Leicester: the weather Fair, and Everyone, through Mercy, in Health.  Lucy is gone with her sister to tarry with her this Winter.  May God be gracious to them, and give them a prosperous Journey by the Will of God!  and may their Joys be never diminish’d!  I visited Mrs. Pierce and her Children that are sick.  P.M. Antoine Cussac, a Deserter from the French Forces at Chignecto, or from Crown Point, here.  At Eve I marry’d Mr. Francis Harrington[2] and Mrs. Deborah Brigham,[3] at her Brother Jonas’s, and I supp’d there.

[1]Jonathan Sargent kept a tavern in Leicester.  Emory Washburn, Historical Sketches of Leicester (Boston, 1860), p. 391.

[2]Of Worcester.

[3]The daughter of David Brigham of Westborough.