November 1, 1752

1752 November 1 (Wednesday).  A fine Day.  I rode abroad though my Arm is upon many Occasions thrown into great Pain.  Was at Esquire Baker’s; visit Mrs. Harrington and din’d there — at Deacon Forbush’s, Elijah Rice’s — visit Mr. Pierce’s Family — his Wife and son Seth sick — the latter very bad.  Mr. Pierce was my Company home, and I had some free conversation with him.  N.B. Lieutenant Tainter brought me a Load of Wood.  Mr. Moses Warrin another.

November 2, 1752

1752 November 2 (Thursday).  Messrs. Elijah Rice and Martyn Pratt break out and swingle Flax.  And Charles Rice and John Frost digg stones.  P.M. At Mr. Bradish’s, Private Meeting.  N.B. There were few there, even though I waited long for their Coming.  It arose from a Mistake about New and Old Style.  We pray’d and Sung, but the design’d Sermon was omitted.  When I return’d home Mr. Martyn was here.  He had been to see his son, Mr. John who is now sett up a Corier[1] among us, and begins to work.  N.B. Dr. Brigham came to see Brecks Leg, which he can’t yet go upon.

[1]Corier (or coriar) was an obsolete form of currier, meaning one engaged in the trade of dressing and coloring leather.

November 3, 1752

1752 November 3 (Friday).  Billy went with the Team and brought home from Mr. Jonathan Fay’s, his present a Barrell of Cyder which Ebenezer Nurse presents me, and further Lieutenant Tainter brought a Barrell of Cyder which Mr. Bowman has given.  I desire thankfully to acknowledge to Goodness of God in stirring up the Minds of His People to bestow thus bountifully upon me who am so unworthy.  My wife went to Mr. Joseph Batchellors in Grafton.  Mr. Ephraim Sherman (come from Boston with his Team) din’d with me.

November 5, 1752

1752 November 5 (Sunday).  A very pleasant Day.  I preach’d a. and p.m. on Heb. 9.15.  N.B. Ebenezer and his Wife went home to the Other House to Dinner.  Old Mrs. Whipple din’d here.  After the Exercises p.m. I Stop’d the Church and read a Draught of a Letter which I had prepar’d to Send in my own Name to the Committee of the aggrieved Brethren in the West Church in Sudbury.  But it was desir’d they might have some Time to take it into Consideration before they discover’d their Thoughts upon it.

November 9, 1752

1752 November 9 (Thursday).  Mrs. Nabby Baker making and altering Gowns for Lucy.  She, with Mr. Taylor,[1] Mr. Bartlett[2] of Sutton din’d here.  My Daughters Goods which are here, loaded up in Mr. Taylors Cart: and he goes to t’other House to lodge.  Mr. Forbush etc. here with us, and both dine and lodge here — which is a Rarity!

[1]James Taylor of Sutton.

[2]Richard Bartlett.

November 13, 1752

1752 November 13 (Monday).  So great Rain p.m. especially that we little expected Company.  Yet at Eve came a number of persons from Brookfield, viz. Captain Witt, Messrs. Bartlett and Abraham How.  The two former lodged here.  Mr. How lodg’d at Captain Bakers.  Several Persons came also to t’other House — viz. Jeduthan Baldwin, who rode in a Chair for Mr. Forbush and my Daughter, and one Mr. Smith.  Two others also who lodg’d at [blank].  Mrs. Nabby Baker here making and altering Gowns for my Daughter Lucy.

November 14, 1752

1752 November 14 (Tuesday).  Early in the Morning Mr. Forbush and his Wife, with the Company who came to wait on them together with a Number from us, My Son Ebenezer and his Wife, Thomas and Lucy — Messrs. Daniel and Jonathan Forbush and their Wives, took leave of us for Brookfield, designing to dine at Sergeants[1] at Leicester: the weather Fair, and Everyone, through Mercy, in Health.  Lucy is gone with her sister to tarry with her this Winter.  May God be gracious to them, and give them a prosperous Journey by the Will of God!  and may their Joys be never diminish’d!  I visited Mrs. Pierce and her Children that are sick.  P.M. Antoine Cussac, a Deserter from the French Forces at Chignecto, or from Crown Point, here.  At Eve I marry’d Mr. Francis Harrington[2] and Mrs. Deborah Brigham,[3] at her Brother Jonas’s, and I supp’d there.

[1]Jonathan Sargent kept a tavern in Leicester.  Emory Washburn, Historical Sketches of Leicester (Boston, 1860), p. 391.

[2]Of Worcester.

[3]The daughter of David Brigham of Westborough.

November 16, 1752

1752 November 16 (Thursday).  Publick Thanksgiving.  I preach’d on Ps. 50.22.  O that we might truely offer praise, so as that we may indeed Glorifie God!  and so order our Conversation that we may all See and enjoy the Salvation of God!  N.B. Mr. Edwards Whipple who has been wont to set the Tune, having set 100 new at the first singing, Mr. David Batherick was so displeas’d that at the Next Singing he rose up and Set a Tune that would please himself better, and thus likewise at the last Singing, to the great Disturbance of many.  At Evening came Messrs. Williams, Francis and Edwards Whipple, Nathan Maynard and Mr. Jonathan Ward,[1] the Schoolmaster to visit me.

[1]The son of Hezekiah Ward of Westborough.

November 19, 1752

1752 November 19 (Sunday).  On Ps. 11.7, a.m., and when I nam’d that Psalm to be Sung expressly desir’d Mr. Edwards Whipple would Set the Tune, and added that considering how awful those Words are, may no one presume, on what Pretence So ever to interrupt the Sacred Worship.  P.M. repeated Sermon 308 to 310, on 2 Cor. 3.15 in one Exercise.  And may God please to faster and ripen the Impressions which arise hereby!

November 20, 1752

1752 November 20 (Monday).  Rainy.  No one but Billy and Molly Bond to keep House and take all the Care of the Stock etc. at t’other Place.  At Eve came Several Brethren of the Church to See me (and it was agreeable to my Desire Signify’d to Deacon Forbush) and converse about the Sudbury Affair.  They were Lieutenant Tainter, Ensign Miller, and Mr. Whitney: afterwards came Deacon Forbush.  They were of opinion that there was no need of the Churchs acting any Thing formally about it.  The Authors of the Sudbury Letter had requested Nothing but that we would consider of our own Conduct, which it no doubt behoves us to do: Let the Pastor of this Church if he pleases do So much as inform one of them that their Letter has been laid before us.  Those Brethren aforesaid made some Business of discoursing about Brother Bathericks Conduct on the late Day of Publick Thanksgiving.  They agreed that Deacon Forbush Should go and talk with him — and if he should appear unconvinc’d of his Error, they conceiv’d it must be laid before the Church.  But if he was Sensible, and would do so no more, this being discover’d to the Pastor, they were willing it should be passed over.  Left Arm so Painful I put on a Blister.

November 21, 1752

1752 November 21 (Tuesday).  Esquire Baker here.  Informs me that he has paid Captain Chandler of Worcester 20£, 13.4, Lawful money, for me.  It being for 1000 Clabboards which I bought of him last year.  He Signifys to me at the Same Time that Captain Chandler express’d uneasiness at my long Delay.  I gave Esquire Baker a note til the first of next April.  Sometimes rainy.  The Weather exceeding windy — Sour — and therefore So uncomfortable that I am much confin’d whereas I had otherwise gone to t’other House to See how Billy Conducts there, or to Mr. Pierce’s seeing another, Francis, lies now Sick among them — Five, in all, now Sick.  May God be mercifull to them.  At Eve came Mr. Marrit of Cambridge, and smok’d a pipe with me, but he lodg’d I suppose at Justice Bakers.

November 22, 1752

1752 November 22 (Wednesday).  North West Wind very Cold this morning — Tis the Day appointed for the Ordination of Mr. Jacob Cushing[1] at Waltham.  May he be strong in the Grace which is in Christ Jesus!  Am debarr’d the pleasure of Waiting upon it, but may God be with me in my Solitude!  Mr. Joseph Goodale and his Wife, from Grafton, for Boston din’d here.  Billy from t’other House informs me that his Brothers return’d from Brookfield last Night.  Billy rides p.m. to Mr. Joseph Batchellors at Grafton.

[1]Jacob (Harvard 1748), the son of the Reverend Job Cushing of Shrewsbury, served the First Congregational Church of Waltham, 1752-1809.  Sibley, XII, 252-257.

November 23, 1752

1752 November 23 (Thursday).  The Coldest Morning hitherto.  The Earth is now froze hard.  P.M. Snows hard.  Mrs. Persis Warrin, wife of Moses Warrin, here.  At Eve, he himself — both of them that I might gather Minutes from them for their relation to the Church.  My Lameness in my left Arm very troublesome.  Can’t pull off or put on my Cloths.  My Affairs Somewhat perplex’d.  My son has not come to me since his Journey to Brookfield and winter is come upon us before I am ready — No place to put up my Cattle o’nights, how cold or Stormy Soever.  No small Wood at the Door, but some Pine which being lately cut down is unfit to burn.  But my wife went to See old Mrs. Dorcas Forbush[1] and get Lieutenant (her son) to let his Team go, and Samuel Forbush now prevail’d with to bring up a Load before Night.  May the Lord look on my very Afflicted State and appear for my Help and Relief as he has numberless Times done!

[1]Widow of the late Thomas Forbush.

November 24, 1752

1752 November 24 (Friday).  The morning bright, and the whole Earth round us in its Winter White.  As to me although I am not able to dress my Self in my upper Cloths, yet I thank God I feel so well in my Stomach and am able to read, write, Study, go to the Door; and So far look after my Affairs.  My Confinement however, gives me many Disappointments.  May I have the Grace to exercise the Patience call’d for!

November 25, 1752

1752 November 25 (Saturday).  But may God be pleas’d to grant me a Suitable Frame of Temper under all his Dealings with Me and Mine!  At Eve came Three of our Young Kinswomen, viz. Ruth, Hannah and Elizabeth Hicks[1] from Salem and Cambridge in their return Home to Sutton; and lodge here.  N.B. This is the first Night of our tying up Cattle in my New Barn.  We now put up three Cows.

[1]Daughters of John Hicks of Sutton, Parkman’s brother-in-law.

November 27, 1752

1752 November 27 (Monday).  A bright pleasant Day.  I walk’d up to Mr. Ebenezer Rice’s to reckon with him; but he was not at home.  I visited Sarah Newton[1] lately cur’d of a Polypus[2] in her Nose: Din’d there (at Deacon Newton’s) but the Deacon not at Home.  At Mr. Nurse’s also.  In the Eve Ebenezer was here, and we had some talk of our Settling our Affairs — his Labour on the place as taking it to the halves etc.  I gave him Two Ridgling Piggs of last Spring, over and above, but we defer the Exact Settling.

[1]The daughter of Abner Newton.

[2]A polyp, a mass of swollen mucous membrane.

November 28, 1752

1752 November 28 (Tuesday).  Our Kinswomen, who have been a Night or Two past as t’other House, return hither and go over to Upton, designing from thence Home to Sutton.  The Weather frequently wet: the Day in general Dark, windy and uncomfortable.  My Arm I think is somewhat better through the Favour of God, but my Wife dull, disconsolate.  May God Himself, Support, Strengthen and Comfort her!

November 29, 1752

1752 November 29 (Wednesday).  I was at Mr. Biglo’s and convers’d with Captain Ephraim Littlefield of Holliston there, concerning the present state of the Church there.  I din’d at Mr. Elijah Rice’s.  Went from thence (in the Rain) to Mr. Pierce’s.  Mr. Barrett[1] there, praying with the sick.  I also pray’d with them before I came away.

[1]Samuel Barrett of Hopkinton.

November 30, 1752

1752 November 30 (Thursday).  Rainy, but Mr. Hutchinson[1] came and din’d with me, and preach’d the Lecture on Heb. 13.20.  After Sermon Moses Warrin and Persis his wife were admitted into the Church, also Amy Mainard Wife of Ebenezer Mainard.  N.B. This was done agreeable to a proposal of it made to the Church and consented to last Lords Day.  They were admitted before the Congregation because the Day was So Short, and Dark Night soon coming on.  Furthermore, the Brethren were stop’d to see what they would incline to do about the Sudbury Affair.  Their Minds were, to let it drop, so no Vote was pass’d about it.  N.B. I ask’d the Churchs Minds respecting my appointing or desiring a Person to sett the Psalm, and they voted that they were Satisfy’d with what I had done in it, particularly with my having desir’d Brother Edwards Whipple to Sett the Psalm.  I moreover requested that they would Shew their Minds respecting the Tunes which we had usually Sung — Triple-time Tunes were especially intended, viz. Mear Ps. 100 new etc.  They voted Satisfaction thereupon.  At least I conceiv’d there was a Vote, because nobody objected against it: but otherwise, I am not altogether clear in it, that there was a Majority of Hands.[2]  N.B. Mr. Silas Brigham here; and I gave him an Extract from the Reverend Mr. Morse’s Letter about him.

[1]Aaron Hutchinson of Grafton.

[2]In the Westborough Church Records, November 30, 1752, Parkman entered: “The Brethren also voted that they were Satisfy’d in the Pastors having desir’d Brother Edwards Whipple to Set the Tune; and in the Tunes which we have been wont to Sing in this Congregation.  N.B. These last Votes were occasion’d by Some late Disturbances in our Singing.”


At the Close of this Month I would take Notice of the great Goodness of God in that I enjoy Such a Measure of Ease and Comfort as I am favour’d with; having good Appetite to my Food and in my Breast, Strength and Vigor, Notwithstanding that in my Limbs I have Sometime; the Blister I lately us’d upon it having reliev’d me but a little.  But my Family Cares are heavy and Perplexing, and especially the deep and distressing Concern for my Everlasting well-being, and that of my dear Wife, Children; and to these I would not fail to add my dear Flock.  O what shall I do that this greatest of all Interests may be Secur’d!  and that true, Spiritual Religion may indeed flourish among us!  Blessed be God that we are still permitted the invaluable Privileges of the Means and Season of Grace, notwithstanding my great unprofitableness; and our indifferency in Matters of Religion in general.  O that God would please to pour out His Spirit upon us; and that I might especially myself experience the happy Effects of it!