October 8, 1752

1752 October 8 (Sunday).  It continued Stormy and rain’d all Day.  But I could not bear that the people Should be again Destitute.  I wrap’d my Self up exceedingly, had an Horse brought to my Door, and rode to the Meeting-House Door; by which means I attended and perform’d the Public Worship both a. and p.m.  My Text Mal. 7.9.  N.B. I still omitt the Reading; and as to naming what Tune to sing, I acquainted the Congregation that the more special End which I had in going into that Custom having been, Some time Since, answer’d I should leave it to him that should sett the Tune to sing what he should think proper.  I desire to bless God that at Evening I find no inconvenience by going out to Day.  May God accompany the Word with the special Energy of His Holy Spirit — and especially make it profitable to my own Soul; that I may bear the Indignation of the Lord!  I have the utmost Reason to because I have sinn’d against Him.