May 29, 1751

1751 May 29 (Wednesday).  Another Token for Good from God to New England, in that we enjoy the present Anniversary.  Mr. Welsteeds[1] Sermon on Ps. 47.9, very disgusting to many people in Boston, as therein he much commended what the late general assemblys had done in Sinking the Paper Currency and bringing us into a Silver Medium.  I din’d at Brother Samuels.  Attended the Convention p.m.  N.B. Mr. Prince read divers Letters from England — especially touching a Correspondence propos’d to be kept up between our Convention and the united Dissenting Brethren in England, particularly the Committee of Deputation there.  I lodg’d at Nabby’s.

[1]William Welsteed, The Dignity and Duty of the Civil Magistrate . . . Preached May 29th, 1751. Being the Anniversary for the Election (Boston, 1751).  The minister of the New Brick Church in Boston deplored the effects of inflation and expressed approval of the resumption of specie payment in this sermon.