1751 April 15 (Monday). Rain. No Masons. At Eve came Mr. Maccarty — after him Mr. Campbell,[1] Maccarty, Wellman[2] and I rode to Sudbury, the Association Meeting to Day at Mr. Lorings.[3] There were besides, Messrs. Cushing, Gardner,[4] Martyn, Smith, Morse,[5] Goss,[6] Davis. Mr. Loring for a Concio read Sermon on Ps. 90.12. N.B. Mr. Campbell and Wellman’s Difficulty with Mr. Martyn and Stone, complaining of their Result at the late Council at Sutton. Mr. Stone not present the Affair not heard by the Association as such; but afforded Mr. Campbell and Wellman assistance to effect a Reconcilement between them and Mr. Martyn, which was with success, and they made up all the Matter. I lodg’d at Mr. Lorings. I rode to Concord — broke fast at Mr. Minots. Paid Mr. Goold the full of the written agreement, Viz. [blotted] — which added to the former 20£ old Tenor which I sent him was the whole — and gave him a promisory Note for 18/ Lawfull Money to satisfie him for Thomas’s Rates at Concord. I return’d to Sudbury by 11 o’Clock the Time of Lecture which I attended and Mr. Cushing preach’d on John 13.34. After Dinner came Mr. Bridge of Framingham, and Mr. Samuel Haven. Mr. Haven asks advice touching the admission of Mr. Joseph Haven into the Church. In returning home, called at Dr. Gotts and Mr. Smiths — very Cold Night.
[1]The Reverend John Campbell of Oxford.
[2]The Reverend James Wellman of Millbury.
[3]The Reverend Israel Loring of Sudbury.
[4]The Reverend John Gardner of Stow.
[5]The Reverend Ebenezer Morse of Boylston.
[6]The Reverend Thomas Goss of Bolton.