1751 February 10 (Sunday). Many of Hopkinton People at Meeting with us Mr. Barrett[1] being Sick. A.M. read Levit. 16. Preach’d on Rom. 12.18. Din’d at Justice Bakers. Deacon Kimbal[2] and others of Hopkinton din’d there also. P.M. read Acts 7 from number 26, gave short Exposition each part of the Day. Preach’d on Rom. 3.24 — freely by his Grace — (and by Reason of my Interruption last Eve did not finish the Subject which I was then engaged upon) I us’d from page 16 to 24 of sermon on Eph. 2.8. My Wife this Day 34 Years old. May God grant her the Grace so to number her Days as to apply her Heart to Wisdom.
[1]The Reverend Samuel Barrett.
[2]Ebenezer Kemble.