July 15, 1750

1750 July 15 (Sunday).  Administered the Sacred Ordinance of the Supper — And as to the Common Exercises of the Lords Day Read Exod. 29, and preach’d on Eph. 1.3.  P.M. read John 7 and for the Sermon, though I had by me a considerable Preparation upon the Subject I have begun Scil. of the Fourth Commandment yet the Argument not being finish’d, I chose not to deliver it till I could in one View, at least the Same Day; and considering likewise that the Subject I was upon last Lecture Day was so much more suitable for the Day, I therefore went on with that, and repeated from Luke 24.46.  N.B. Mr. Haven, invited by Esq. Baker, din’d there with us (viz. with my wife, Daughter Molly and I).  O that we might have both a suitable apprehension of the Sufferings of Christ and have fellowship with him therein, that we may be also Blessed with all Spiritual Blessings in heavenly Things in Christ Jesus!