July 7, 1750

1750 July 7 (Saturday).  Mr. Samuel Haven returns with us to our House.  In our way Call’d at Mr. Reeds; and Mrs. Whatnot gives me an account of Mrs. Pierpoints Troubles about Mr. Curtis,[1] the preacher who is there with them.  Stopp’d at Mr. Nichols’s: din’d at Mr. Stones and return’d in Safety, finding my Family well.  Blessed be God!  Ebenezer and Joseph have finish’d the hilling of Indian Corn this Week — having had Mr. David Maynard junior’s Horse to plough.

[1]Jeremiah Curtis (Yale 1724) was the minster of Southington (Third church of Farmington).  He was a zealous Old-Light and alienated his parish which dismissed him in 1755.  Dexter, Biographical Sketches, pp. 300-301.